- using GMCabsDriverAssistant.Models;
- using GMCabsDriverAssistant.Models.Rydo;
- using GMCabsDriverAssistant.Services;
- using GMCabsDriverAssistantSolution.Models.Rydo;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Text.Json;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- namespace GMCabsDriverAssistantSolution.ViewModels
- {
- [QueryProperty(nameof(RideRequestJson), nameof(RideRequestJson))]
- public class StartRideViewModel : BaseViewModel
- {
- #region Fields
- private string rideRequestJson;
- private string passengerName;
- private bool isCorporate;
- private string fullDestinationAddress;
- private StartRideResponse startRideResponse;
- private int frameWidth;
- private bool stopOver = false;
- private bool noStopOver = false;
- private int index = 0;
- private double destinationCircleColorOpecity = 0.2;
- private string destinationStopLabelColorCode = "#BECEDA";
- private bool isStopOver = false;
- private bool isNoStopOver = false;
- StartRideRequestDto startRideRequestDto;
- Page _page;
- public string meterRunningStatus;
- private string locationSuburbName;
- private string startSuburb;
- private string pickUpDateTime;
- private string timerSeconds;
- public int seconds = 0;
- private bool visibleTrip;
- private bool isEndTripButtonVisible = true;
- private string startTimeOrEndLocation;
- #endregion
- #region Properties
- public List<StopoverLocations> StopoverLocations { get; }
- public ObservableCollection<StopoverLocations> StopoverLocationsList { get; }
- public Command OnPassengerCollectedClick { get; }
- public string RideRequestJson
- {
- get => rideRequestJson;
- set
- {
- rideRequestJson = value;
- ProcessRiding(value);
- }
- }
- public string PassengerName
- {
- get => passengerName;
- set => SetProperty(ref passengerName, value);
- }
- public bool IsCorporate
- {
- get => isCorporate;
- set => SetProperty(ref isCorporate, value);
- }
- public string FullDestinationAddress
- {
- get => fullDestinationAddress;
- set => SetProperty(ref fullDestinationAddress, value);
- }
- public bool StopOver
- {
- get => stopOver;
- set => SetProperty(ref stopOver, value);
- }
- public bool NoStopOver
- {
- get => noStopOver;
- set => SetProperty(ref noStopOver, value);
- }
- public bool IsStopOver
- {
- get => isStopOver;
- set => SetProperty(ref isStopOver, value);
- }
- public bool IsNoStopOver
- {
- get => isNoStopOver;
- set => SetProperty(ref isNoStopOver, value);
- }
- public int FrameWidth
- {
- get => frameWidth;
- set => SetProperty(ref frameWidth, value);
- }
- public double DestinationCircleColorOpecity
- {
- get => destinationCircleColorOpecity;
- set => SetProperty(ref destinationCircleColorOpecity, value);
- }
- public string DestinationStopLabelColorCode
- {
- get => destinationStopLabelColorCode;
- set => SetProperty(ref destinationStopLabelColorCode, value);
- }
- public string StartSuburb
- {
- get => startSuburb;
- set
- {
- SetProperty(ref startSuburb, value);
- }
- }
- public string PickUpDateTime
- {
- get => pickUpDateTime;
- set => SetProperty(ref pickUpDateTime, value);
- }
- public string TimerSeconds
- {
- get => timerSeconds;
- set => SetProperty(ref timerSeconds, value);
- }
- public bool VisibleTrip
- {
- get => visibleTrip;
- set => SetProperty(ref visibleTrip, value);
- }
- public bool IsEndTripButtonVisible
- {
- get => isEndTripButtonVisible;
- set => SetProperty(ref isEndTripButtonVisible, value);
- }
- public string StartTimeOrEndLocation
- {
- get => startTimeOrEndLocation;
- set => SetProperty(ref startTimeOrEndLocation, value);
- }
- public Command OnPassengerDroppedOffClick { get; }
- public Command onEndTripClick { get; }
- #endregion
- #region Constructor
- public StartRideViewModel(Page page)
- {
- Title = "Passenger Collected";
- StopoverLocations = new List<StopoverLocations>();
- StopoverLocationsList = new ObservableCollection<StopoverLocations>();
- OnPassengerCollectedClick = new Command(PassengerCollected);
- startRideRequestDto = new StartRideRequestDto();
- OnPassengerDroppedOffClick = new Command(PassengerDroppedOff);
- _page = page;
- meterRunningStatus = Preferences.Get("MeterRunningStatus", "");
- StartTimeOrEndLocation = "Start Time";
- }
- #endregion
- #region Methods
- private async void ProcessRiding(string rideRequestJson)
- {
- string rydoAccessToken = Preferences.Get(EftposLoginResponse.RYDO_ACCESS_TOKEN, "");
- GMCabsDriverService gmCabsDriverService = new GMCabsDriverService();
- startRideRequestDto = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<StartRideRequestDto>(rideRequestJson);
- StartRideRequest startRideRequest = startRideRequestDto.startRideRequest;
- if (startRideRequest.DriverId == "")
- {
- await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("..");
- }
- startRideResponse = new StartRideResponse();
- startRideResponse = await gmCabsDriverService.StartRiding(startRideRequest, rydoAccessToken, startRideRequestDto.BookingId.ToString());
- if (startRideResponse.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
- {
- PassengerName = startRideResponse.PassengerName;
- IsCorporate = startRideResponse.IsCorporate;
- startRideResponse.DriverId = startRideRequest.DriverId;
- startRideResponse.BookingId = startRideRequestDto.BookingId;
- if (IsCorporate)
- {
- FrameWidth = 310;
- }
- else
- {
- FrameWidth = 370;
- }
- startRideResponse.FrameWidth = FrameWidth;
- FullDestinationAddress = startRideResponse.EndAddress + " " + startRideResponse.EndSuburb;
- var locations = new List<StopoverLocations>();
- //These below-mentioned commented out codes are witten for checking the lists of Stop Over Locations as a mock data
- //because of unable to fetch real stop over location data from the dev rydo booking page
- //locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- //{
- // Latitude = -32.63,
- // Longitude = 151.55,
- // Address = "1 Milson St",
- // Suburb = "Charlestown",
- // StopNumber = 1
- //});
- //locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- //{
- // Latitude = -36.17,
- // Longitude = 144.66,
- // Address = "1/1 Milson St",
- // Suburb = "Charlestown",
- // StopNumber = 2
- //});
- //locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- //{
- // Latitude = -36.17,
- // Longitude = 144.66,
- // Address = "1/1 Milson St",
- // Suburb = "Charlestown",
- // StopNumber = 3
- //});
- //locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- //{
- // Latitude = -36.17,
- // Longitude = 144.66,
- // Address = "1/1 Milson St",
- // Suburb = "Charlestown",
- // StopNumber = 2
- //});
- //locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- //{
- // Latitude = -36.17,
- // Longitude = 144.66,
- // Address = "1/1 Milson St",
- // Suburb = "Charlestown",
- // StopNumber = 2
- //});
- //locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- //{
- // Latitude = -36.17,
- // Longitude = 144.66,
- // Address = "1/1 Milson St",
- // Suburb = "Charlestown",
- // StopNumber = 2
- //});
- locations.Add(new StopoverLocations
- {
- Latitude = startRideResponse.EndLatitude,
- Longitude = startRideResponse.EndLongitude,
- Address = startRideResponse.EndAddress,
- Suburb = startRideResponse.EndSuburb,
- StopNumber = startRideResponse.StopoverLocations.Count + 1
- });
- startRideResponse.StopoverLocations.AddRange(locations);
- if (startRideResponse.StopoverLocations.Count > 0)
- {
- StopOver = true;
- NoStopOver = false;
- IsStopOver = true;
- IsNoStopOver = false;
- StopoverLocations.Clear();
- foreach (var locationlists in startRideResponse.StopoverLocations)
- {
- StopoverLocations.Add(locationlists);
- }
- setPrimaryStopOverLocation(StopoverLocations);
- }
- else
- {
- StopOver = false;
- NoStopOver = true;
- IsStopOver = false;
- IsNoStopOver = true;
- }
- if (startRideResponse.FixedAmount != null)
- {
- decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(startRideResponse.FixedAmount) / 100.0m;
- amount = amount * 1.00m;
- startRideResponse.FixedAmount = amount;
- }
- }
- }
- private void setPrimaryStopOverLocation(List<StopoverLocations> stopoverLocations)
- {
- StopoverLocationsList.Clear();
- int stopOverLocationCount = 1;
- foreach (var location in stopoverLocations)
- {
- if (stopOverLocationCount == stopoverLocations.Count)
- {
- location.IsLineVisible = false;
- }
- location.LabelColor = "#BBB9B9";
- location.CircleColorOpecity = 0.2;
- StopoverLocationsList.Add(location);
- if (stopoverLocations.Count == 1)
- {
- location.LabelColor = "Black";
- location.CircleColorOpecity = 0.5;
- IsStopOver = false;
- IsNoStopOver = true;
- }
- stopOverLocationCount++;
- }
- }
- private void setStopOverLocation(List<StopoverLocations> stopoverLocations)
- {
- StopoverLocationsList.Clear();
- int stopoverLocationIndex = 0;
- foreach (var location in stopoverLocations)
- {
- if (stopoverLocationIndex == stopoverLocations.Count - 1)
- {
- location.IsLineVisible = false;
- }
- if (stopoverLocationIndex == index)
- {
- location.LabelColor = "Black";
- location.CircleColorOpecity = 0.5;
- }
- else
- {
- location.LabelColor = "#BBB9B9";
- location.CircleColorOpecity = 0.2;
- }
- StopoverLocationsList.Add(location);
- stopoverLocationIndex++;
- }
- }
- private async void PassengerCollected()
- {
- int stop_number = StopoverLocationsList[index].StopNumber;
- string booking_id = startRideRequestDto.BookingId.ToString();
- string rydoAccessToken = Preferences.Get(EftposLoginResponse.RYDO_ACCESS_TOKEN, "");
- GMCabsDriverService gmCabsDriverService = new GMCabsDriverService();
- await gmCabsDriverService.NotifyStop(stop_number, rydoAccessToken, booking_id);
- int StopoverLocationsListCount = StopoverLocationsList.Count;
- setStopOverLocation(StopoverLocations);
- if (index == StopoverLocationsListCount - 1)
- {
- DestinationStopLabelColorCode = "Black";
- DestinationCircleColorOpecity = 0.5;
- IsStopOver = false;
- IsNoStopOver = true;
- }
- index = index + 1;
- }
- public async void PassengerDroppedOff()
- {
- //if (meterRunningStatus == "Stopped")
- //{
- //UpdateBookingStatus();
- //if (startRideResponse.PaymentMethodId == null && startRideResponse.FixedAmount == null)
- //{
- // await _page.Navigation.PushAsync(new PassengerDroppedWithNoPaymentMethodIdNoFixedFareTablet(startRideResponse));
- //}
- //else if (startRideResponse.PaymentMethodId == null && startRideResponse.FixedAmount != null)
- //{
- // await _page.Navigation.PushAsync(new PassengerDroppedWithNoPaymentMethodIdAndFixedFareTablet(startRideResponse));
- //}
- //else if (startRideResponse.PaymentMethodId != null && startRideResponse.FixedAmount != null)
- //{
- // await _page.Navigation.PushAsync(new PassengerDroppedWithPaymentMethodIdAndFixedFareTablet(startRideResponse));
- //}
- //else if (startRideResponse.PaymentMethodId != null && startRideResponse.FixedAmount == null)
- //{
- // await _page.Navigation.PushAsync(new PassengerDroppedWithPaymentMethodIdNoFixedFareTablet(startRideResponse));
- //}
- //}
- //else
- //{
- // _page.Navigation.ShowPopup(new MeterTripStatusDialogPage(this._page, startRideResponse));
- //}
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }