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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="descriptor">
<param name="type" type="Value::String" text="face" />
<param name="numCrops" type="Value::Int1" x="1" />
<param name="length" type="Value::Int1" x="512" />
<param name="payloadLength" type="Value::Int1" x="512" />
<param name="centerROI" type="Value::Int4" x="13" y="13" z="224" w="224" />
<param name="mean" type="Value::Float3" x="0.485" y="0.456" z="0.406" />
<param name="sigma" type="Value::Float3" x="0.229" y="0.224" z="0.225" />
<param name="inputSize" type="Value::Int2" x="112" y="112" />
<param name="planName" type="Value::String" text="cnn59b" />
<param name="planNameMobileNet" type="Value::String" text="cnn59m" />
<param name="filterAggregation" type="Value::Int1" x="1" />
<param name="garbageScorePlatt" type="Value::Float2" x="-0.1" y="2.52" />
<param name="gpuInt8" type="Value::String" text="off" />
<section name="crop_0">
<param name="ROI" type="Value::Int4" x="0" y="0" z="250" w="250" />
<section name="PlattScaling">
<param name="params_L2" type="Value::Float2" x="15.82862185" y="-18.53282296" />