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#pragma once
#include "core.h"
namespace vlc
namespace detail
template<size_t...> struct Max;
template<> struct Max<>
static constexpr size_t value = 0;
template<size_t val> struct Max<val>
static constexpr size_t value = val;
template<size_t A, size_t B, size_t... Rest> struct Max<A, B, Rest...> :
public Max<A < B ? B : A, Rest...>
template<size_t minSize, typename... Types> struct aligned_union
static constexpr size_t len = detail::Max<minSize, sizeof(Types)...>::value;
static constexpr size_t alignment = detail::Max<std::alignment_of<Types>::value...>::value;
using type = typename std::aligned_storage<len, alignment>::type;
using std::aligned_union;