This article contains a brief introduction to centralized structured logging with [Serilog]( and event viewing with [ELK]( in eShopOnContainers. ELK is an acronym of ElasticSearch, LogStash and Kibana. This is one of the most used tools in the industry standards.

## Wiring eshopOnContainers with ELK
eshopOnContainers is ready for work with ELK, you only need to setup the configuration parameter **LogstashgUrl**, in **Serilog** Section, for achieve this, you can do it modifing this parameter in every appsettings.json in every service, or via Environment Variable **Serilog:LogstashUrl**.
There is another option, a zero-configuration environment for testing the integration launching via ```docker-compose``` command, on the root directory of eshopOnContainers:
Once time you have started and configured your application, you only need to configure the logstash index on kibana.
You can address to Kibana, with docker-compose setup is at [http://localhost:5601](http://localhost:5601)
If you have accessed to kibana too early, you can see this error. It's normal, depending of your machine the kibana stack needs a bit of time to startup.

You can wait a bit and refresh the page, the first time you enter, you need to configure and index pattern, in the ```docker-compose``` configuration, the index pattern name is **eshops-\***.

With the index pattern configured, you can enter in the discover section and start viewing how the tool is recollecting the logging information.