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5 years ago
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5 years ago
  1. Param (
  2. [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$aksName="",
  3. [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$aksRg=""
  4. )
  5. if ($aksName -and $aksRg) {
  6. $aks=$(az aks show -n $aksName -g $aksRg -o json | ConvertFrom-Json)
  7. if (-not $aks) {
  8. Write-Host "AKS $aksName not found in RG $aksRg" -ForegroundColor Red
  9. exit 1
  10. }
  11. Write-Host "Switching kubectl context to $aksRg/$aksName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
  12. az aks get-credentials -g $aksRg -n $aksName
  13. }
  14. Write-Host "Installing cert-manager on current cluster"
  15. #1.5.4
  16. kubectl apply --validate=false -f --validate=false