- #
- # docker-compose.override.yml is used to set up local configuration environment
- # Things like the external ports to use or secrets/passwords depend on the
- # specific deployment environment you might be using.
- # Further details and docs: https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/
- #
- version: '2'
- services:
- # webmvc:
- # environment:
- # - CatalogUrl=http://catalog.api
- # - OrderingUrl=http://ordering.api:5102
- #- IdentityUrl= #Remote: VM Needs to have public access at 5105.
- # - IdentityUrl=http://identity.service:5105 #Local: You need a entry in windows host file to run identity in local docker.
- # - BasketUrl=http://basket.api:5103
- # ports:
- # - "5100:5100"
- webspa:
- environment:
- - CatalogUrl=http://catalog.api
- - OrderingUrl=http://ordering.api
- #- IdentityUrl= #Remote: VM Needs to have public access at 5105.
- - IdentityUrl=http://identity.service:5105 #Local: You need a entry in windows host file to run identity in local docker.
- - BasketUrl=http://basket.api:5103
- ports:
- - "5104:80"
- basket.api:
- environment:
- - ConnectionString=basket.data
- #- identityUrl= #Remote: VM Needs to have public access at 5105.
- - identityUrl=http://identity.service:5105 #Local: You need a entry in windows host file to run identity in local docker.
- ports:
- - "5103:5103"
- catalog.api:
- environment:
- - ConnectionString=Server=sql.data;Database=CatalogDB;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
- ports:
- - "5101:80"
- # ordering.api:
- # environment:
- # - ConnectionString=Server=sql.data;Database=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.OrderingDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
- # - identityUrl=http://identity.service:5105 #local
- #- identityUrl= #remote
- # ports:
- # - "5102:5102"
- identity.service:
- environment:
- - SpaClient=http://localhost:5104
- - ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=Server=sql.data;Database=aspnet-Microsoft.eShopOnContainers;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
- #- MvcClient= #Remote: VM Needs to have public access at 5105.
- - MvcClient=http://localhost:5100 #Local: You need a entry in windows host file to run identity in local docker.
- # CCE/TODO: try to avoid host entry.
- ports:
- - "5105:5105"
- sql.data:
- environment:
- - SA_PASSWORD=Pass@word
- ports:
- - "5433:1433"