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  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: ConfigMap
  3. metadata:
  4. name: externalcfg
  5. labels:
  6. app: eshop
  7. data:
  8. BasketBus: rabbitmq
  9. BasketRedisConStr: basket-data
  10. CatalogBus: rabbitmq
  11. CatalogSqlDb: Server=sql-data;Initial Catalog=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.CatalogDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word;
  12. IdentitySqlDb: Server=sql-data;Initial Catalog=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.IdentityDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word;
  13. LocationsBus: rabbitmq
  14. LocationsNoSqlDb: mongodb://nosql-data
  15. LocationsNoSqlDbName: LocationsDb
  16. MarketingBus: rabbitmq
  17. MarketingNoSqlDb: mongodb://nosql-data
  18. MarketingNoSqlDbName: MarketingDb
  19. MarketingSqlDb: Server=sql-data;Initial Catalog=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.MarketingDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word;
  20. OrderingBus: rabbitmq
  21. OrderingSqlDb: Server=sql-data;Initial Catalog=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.OrderingDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word;
  22. PaymentBus: rabbitmq
  23. GracePeriodTime: "1"
  24. GracePeriodCheckUpdateTime: "60000"
  25. UseAzureServiceBus: "False"
  26. keystore: keystore-data