2020-07-28 17:36:43 +05:30
# This helm values file defines all infrastructure used by eShopOnContainers.
# It is used on all charts, so ** MUST BE INCLUDED ** on every deployment
enabled: false # True to enable Linkerd (set by deploy-all.ps1)
enabled: false # True to enable TLS (set by deploy-all.ps1)
issuer: "" # cert-manager issuer to use for retrieving certs (set by deploy-all.ps1)
sql: # inf.sql defines the sql server databases & logins
# host: my-sql-server # Uncomment to specify a custom sql-server to be used. By default "sql-data-<appname>" will be used
user: sa # SQL user
pwd: Pass@word # SQL pwd
pid: Developer
catalog: # inf.sql.catalog: settings for the catalog-api sql (user, pwd, db)
db: CatalogDb # Catalog API SQL db name
ordering: # inf.sql.ordering: settings for the ordering-api sql (user, pwd, db)
db: OrderingDb # Ordering API SQL db name
db: IdentityDb # Ordering API SQL db name
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db: MarketingDb # Marketing API SQL db name
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db: WebhooksDb # Webhooks DB
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# host: my-nosql-data # Uncomment to use specify custom mongo host. By default nosql-data is used
database: LocationsDb
database: MarketingDb
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redis: # inf.redis defines the redis' connection strings
svc: basket-data # Name of k8s svc for basket redis
constr: basket-data # Connection string to Redis used by Basket API
svc: keystore-data # Name of k8s svc for keystore-data redis
constr: keystore-data # Connection string to Redis used as a Keystore (by Identity API)
svc: rabbitmq # Name of k8s svc for rabbitmq
constr: rabbitmq # Event bus connection string
useAzure: false # true if use Azure Service Bus. False if RabbitMQ
key: "" # App insights to use
k8s: # inf.k8s defines Kubernetes cluster global config
dns: "" # k8s external DNS. This value or ip value MUST BE PROVIDED
local: false # True when deploying on "local K8s" provided by Docker Desktop.
misc: # inf.misc contains miscellaneous configuration related to infrastructure
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useLoadTest: false # If running under loading test or not
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useAzureStorage: false # If catalog api uses azure storage or not
# registry: # Uncomment "registry" to specify registry secret
# secretName: # secretName is the name of the secret inside k8s
# server: # Registry login server
# login: # User login
# pwd: # User pwd