2018-07-03 19:07:37 +02:00
Param (
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $registry ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $dockerUser ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $dockerPassword ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $externalDns ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $appName = " eshop " ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ bool ] $deployInfrastructure = $true ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ bool ] $clean = $true ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $aksName = " " ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $aksRg = " " ,
[ parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $imageTag = " latest "
$dns = $externalDns
if ( $externalDns -eq " aks " ) {
if ( [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $aksName ) -or [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $aksRg ) ) {
Write-Host " Error: When using -dns aks, MUST set -aksName and -aksRg too. " -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
Write-Host " Getting DNS of AKS of AKS $aksName (in resource group $aksRg )... " -ForegroundColor Green
$dns = $ ( az aks show -n $aksName -g $aksRg - -query addonProfiles . httpApplicationRouting . config . HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName )
if ( [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $dns ) ) {
Write-Host " Error getting DNS of AKS $aksName (in resource group $aksRg ). Please ensure AKS has httpRouting enabled AND Azure CLI is logged & in version 2.0.37 or higher " -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
$dns = $dns -replace '[\"]'
Write-Host " DNS base found is $dns . Will use $appName . $dns for the app! " -ForegroundColor Green
$dns = " $appName . $dns "
# Initialization & check commands
if ( [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $dns ) ) {
Write-Host " No DNS specified. Ingress resources will be bound to public ip " -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ( $clean ) {
Write-Host " Cleaning previous helm releases... " -ForegroundColor Green
helm delete - -purge $ ( helm ls -q )
Write-Host " Previous releases deleted " -ForegroundColor Green
$useDockerHub = [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $registry )
Write-Host " Begin eShopOnContainers installation using Helm " -ForegroundColor Green
$infras = ( " sql-data " , " nosql-data " , " rabbitmq " , " keystore-data " , " basket-data " )
2018-07-03 20:05:58 +02:00
$charts = ( " eshop-common " , " apigwmm " , " apigwms " , " apigwwm " , " apigwws " , " basket-api " , " catalog-api " , " identity-api " , " locations-api " , " marketing-api " , " mobileshoppingagg " , " ordering-api " , " ordering-backgroundtasks " , " ordering-signalrhub " , " payment-api " , " webmvc " , " webshoppingagg " , " webspa " , " webstatus " )
2018-07-03 19:07:37 +02:00
if ( $deployInfrastructure ) {
foreach ( $infra in $infras ) {
Write-Host " Installing infrastructure: $infra " -ForegroundColor Green
2018-07-03 20:05:58 +02:00
helm install - -values app . yaml - -values inf . yaml - -values ingress_values . yaml - -set app . name = $appName - -set inf . k8s . dns = $dns - -name = " $appName - $infra " $infra
2018-07-03 19:07:37 +02:00
foreach ( $chart in $charts ) {
Write-Host " Installing: $chart " -ForegroundColor Green
2018-07-03 20:05:58 +02:00
helm install - -values app . yaml - -values inf . yaml - -values ingress_values . yaml - -set app . name = $appName - -set inf . k8s . dns = $dns - -set image . tag = $imageTag - -name = " $appName - $chart " $chart
2018-07-03 19:07:37 +02:00
Write-Host " helm charts installed. " -ForegroundColor Green