- # This file contains specific services build and images for Windows Containers.
- #
- # MUST be used alongside "docker-compose.yml" in all windows container commands
- version: '3.4'
- services:
- sqldata:
- image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
- nosqldata:
- image: mongo:windowsservercore
- basket.data:
- image: redis:nanoserver
- rabbitmq:
- image: spring2/rabbitmq
- identity-api:
- build:
- args:
- NODE_IMAGE: stefanscherer/node-windows:10
- webspa:
- build:
- args:
- NODE_IMAGE: stefanscherer/node-windows:10
- webmvc:
- build:
- args:
- NODE_IMAGE: stefanscherer/node-windows:10
- networks:
- default:
- external:
- name: nat