2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
version : '2'
# The Production docker-compose file has to have the external/real IPs or DNS names for the services
2017-03-11 15:28:57 -08:00
# The ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP environment variable is taken, by default, from the ".env" file defined like:
2017-03-11 13:25:45 -08:00
# but values present in the environment vars at runtime will always override those defined inside the .env file
2017-03-11 14:49:55 -08:00
# An external IP or DNS name has to be used when testing the Web apps and the Xamarin apps from remote machines/devices using the same WiFi, for instance.
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
# Set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development to get errors while testing.
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
2017-03-24 13:15:40 +01:00
# You need to start it with the following CLI command:
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
services :
basket.api :
environment :
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
- ConnectionString=basket.data
- identityUrl=http://identity.api:5105 #Local : You need to open your host's firewall at range 5100-5105. at range 5100-5105.
ports :
- "5103:5103"
catalog.api :
environment :
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
- ConnectionString=Server=sql.data;Database=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.CatalogDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
2017-03-11 15:28:57 -08:00
- ExternalCatalogBaseUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5101 #Local: You need to open your host's firewall at range 5100-5105. at range 5100-5105.
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
ports :
- "5101:5101"
identity.api :
environment :
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
2017-03-11 15:28:57 -08:00
- SpaClient=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5104
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
- ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=Server=sql.data;Database=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Service.IdentityDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
2017-03-11 15:28:57 -08:00
- MvcClient=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5100 #Local: You need to open your host's firewall at range 5100-5105.
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
ports :
- "5105:5105"
ordering.api :
environment :
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
- ConnectionString=Server=sql.data;Database=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.OrderingDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
- identityUrl=http://identity.api:5105 #Local : You need to open your host's firewall at range 5100-5105. at range 5100-5105.
ports :
- "5102:5102"
webspa :
environment :
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
2017-03-11 15:28:57 -08:00
- CatalogUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5101
- OrderingUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5102
- IdentityUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5105 #Local: You need to open your host's firewall at range 5100-5105. at range 5100-5105.
- BasketUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5103
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
ports :
- "5104:5104"
webmvc :
environment :
2017-03-13 16:43:40 -07:00
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
- CatalogUrl=http://catalog.api:5101
- OrderingUrl=http://ordering.api:5102
2017-03-11 15:28:57 -08:00
- IdentityUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5105 #Local: Use ${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}, if using external IP or DNS name from browser.
2017-03-09 21:49:45 -08:00
- BasketUrl=http://basket.api:5103
ports :
- "5100:5100"
sql.data :
environment :
- SA_PASSWORD=Pass@word
ports :
- "5433:1433"