- # Documentation index
- This file contains links to the documentation of the project.
- * **Wiki**: The wiki contains detailed step-by-step information about how to set up the project. Read it at: [https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki)
- ## Documentation included in files
- * [Branch Guide](../branch-guide.md): List of branches used and their purpose.
- * [vsts-docs folder](../vsts-docs/readme.md): Information about how to setup a CI/CD procedure using Azure DevOps
- * [Kubernetes](../k8s/readme.md): Information about how to deploy eShopOnContainers in a kubernetes cluster, and how to setup a CI/CD for k8s using VSTS
- * [deploy](../deploy/readme.md): Information about how deploy Azure resources using the Azure CLI 2.0.
- * [.env file](./README.ENV.md): What is the `.env` file and how to use it to configure eShopOnContainers to use external resources (like Azure)
- * [docker-compose files](./readme-docker-compose.md): What are all these `docker-compose-*.yml` files
- ## Docs folder
- The `/docs` folder contains the pdfs versions of the books