- # Create a VM using docker-machine
- Ensure you are logged in the desired subscription Refer to [this article](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/authenticate-azure-cli) for more details.
- 1. Use `az account show` to find your subscription id.
- 2. Use `docker-machine create --driver azure --azure-subscription-id <subs_id> --azure-resource-group <resource_group> --azure-ssh-user <login_name> <machine_name>`
- After use `docker-machine create` you'll need to authenticate in Azure (even thought if you are logged using `az`, because this is not an Azure CLI 2.0 command). This command will fully create the VM with all the needed settings to run Docker.
- **Note** Refer to this article with all the [parameters that docker-machine accepts when creating Azure VMs](https://docs.docker.com/machine/drivers/azure/#options) for finding more parameters.
- ## Connecting your local environment with docker host running on the VM
- Using docker-machine you control the remote VM from your local development environment (you don't need to use ssh to login to remote VM).
- Connecting your local environment to a remote host is using by setting some environment variables, but the easiest way is to use again the docker-machine command. Just type `docker-machine env machine_name` (where machine_name is the name you gave when you created the VM). That command **do not change anything**, so do'nt do really nothing, but **outputs the environment variables you have to set**. This is the output of the command (running on a windows workstation):
- ```
- SET DOCKER_CERT_PATH=C:\Users\etoma\.docker\machine\machines\ufohost
- REM Run this command to configure your shell:
- REM @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env ufohost') DO @%i
- ```
- You have to set all these environment variables, or (as the command suggest) just copy and paste the last line in your terminal.
- Once you did this, your local development machine is connected to VM running Docker on Azure: all docker and docker-compose commands will run in the VM instead of your local Docker machine!