- # Deploying SQL Server & SQL Databases
- The ARM template `sqldeploy.json` and its parameter file (`sqldeploy.parameters.json`) are used to deploy following resources:
- 1. One SQL Server
- 2. Three SQL databases (for ordering, catalog and identity) services.
- 3. Firewall rules to **allow access from any IP to SQL Server**. This allows easy management, but is not desired in production environments.
- ## Editing sqldeploy.parameters.json file
- You have to edit the `sqldeploy.parameters.json` file to set your values. There are two parameters:
- 1. `sql_server` is a object parameter that contains the sql server name, the admin login and password, and the database names.
- 2. `suffix` is a suffix that will be added to thee sql_server name to ensure uniqueness.
- ## Deploy the template
- Once parameter file is edited you can deploy it using [create-resources script](../readme.md).
- i. e. if you are in windows, to deploy sql databases in a new resourcegroup located in westus, go to `deploy\az` folder and type:
- ```
- create-resources.cmd sql\sqldeploy newResourceGroup -c westus
- ```