- name: "Deploy Helm to AKS"
- description: "Deploys a helm chart to AKS"
- inputs:
- azure_credentials:
- description: "Credentials to connect to AKS"
- required: true
- cluster_name:
- description: "Name of AKS cluster"
- required: true
- resource_group:
- description: "Resource group of AKS cluster"
- required: true
- registry_host:
- description: "Image registry host e.g. myacr.azureacr.io"
- required: true
- chart:
- description: "Chart name"
- required: true
- chart_root:
- description: "Root folder of chart"
- required: true
- namespace:
- description: "Namespace to deploy to"
- required: true
- runs:
- using: "composite"
- steps:
- - uses: azure/login@v1
- with:
- creds: ${{ inputs.azure_credentials }}
- - uses: azure/aks-set-context@v1
- name: Set AKS context
- with:
- creds: '${{ inputs.azure_credentials }}'
- cluster-name: ${{ inputs.cluster_name }}
- resource-group: ${{ inputs.resource_group }}
- - name: Set branch name as env variable
- shell: bash
- run: |
- currentbranch=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF##*/})
- echo "running on $currentbranch"
- echo "BRANCH=$currentbranch" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - name: Deploy Chart
- shell: bash
- run: |
- ./deploy-chart.sh -c ${{ inputs.chart }} --dns aks --aks-name ${{ inputs.clusteR_name }} --aks-rg ${{ inputs.resource_group }} -r ${{ inputs.registry_host }} -t $TAG --namespace ${{ inputs.namespace }} --acr-connected
- env:
- TAG: ${{ env.BRANCH }}
- working-directory: ${{ inputs.chart_root }}