- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/
- set -euo pipefail
- # This script is comparable to the PowerShell script deploy.ps1 but to be used from a Mac bash environment.
- # There are, however, the following few differences/limitations:
- # It assumes docker/container registry login was already performed
- # It assumes K8s was given access to the registry—does not create any K8s secrets
- # It does not support explicit kubectl config file (relies on kubectl config use-context to point kubectl at the right cluster/namespace)
- # It always deploys infrastructure bits (redis, SQL Server etc)
- # The script was tested only with Azure Container Registry (not Docker Hub, although it is expected to work with Docker Hub too)
- # Feel free to submit a PR in order to improve it.
- usage()
- {
- cat <<END
- deploy.sh: deploys eShopOnContainers application to Kubernetes cluster
- Parameters:
- -r | --registry <container registry>
- Specifies container registry (ACR) to use (required), e.g. myregistry.azurecr.io
- -t | --tag <docker image tag>
- Default: newly created, date-based timestamp, with 1-minute resolution
- -b | --build-solution
- Force solution build before deployment (default: false)
- --skip-image-build
- Do not build images (default is to build all images)
- --skip-image-push
- Do not upload images to the container registry (just run the Kubernetes deployment portion)
- Default is to push images to container registry
- -h | --help
- Displays this help text and exits the script
- It is assumed that the Kubernetes AKS cluster has been granted access to ACR registry.
- For more info see
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-auth-aks
- It is recommended that you create a separate namespace and confguration context
- for the eShopOnContainers application, to isolate it from other applications on the cluster.
- For more information see https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces/
- You can use eshop-namespace.yaml file (in the same directory) to create the namespace.
- }
- image_tag=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M')
- build_solution=''
- container_registry=''
- build_images='yes'
- push_images='yes'
- while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -r | --registry )
- container_registry="$2"; shift 2 ;;
- -t | --tag )
- image_tag="$2"; shift 2 ;;
- -b | --build-solution )
- build_solution='yes'; shift ;;
- --skip-image-build )
- build_images=''; shift ;;
- --skip-image-push )
- push_images=''; shift ;;
- -h | --help )
- usage; exit 1 ;;
- *)
- echo "Unknown option $1"
- usage; exit 2 ;;
- esac
- done
- if [[ ! $container_registry ]]; then
- echo 'Container registry must be specified (e.g. myregistry.azurecr.io)'
- echo ''
- usage
- exit 3
- fi
- if [[ $build_solution ]]; then
- echo "#################### Building eShopOnContainers solution ####################"
- dotnet publish -o obj/Docker/publish ../eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln
- fi
- export TAG=$image_tag
- if [[ $build_images ]]; then
- echo "#################### Building eShopOnContainers Docker images ####################"
- docker-compose -p .. -f ../docker-compose.yml build
- # Remove temporary images
- docker rmi $(docker images -qf "dangling=true")
- fi
- if [[ $push_images ]]; then
- echo "#################### Pushing images to registry ####################"
- services=(basket.api catalog.api identity.api ordering.api marketing.api payment.api locations.api webmvc webspa webstatus)
- for service in "${services[@]}"
- do
- echo "Pushing image for service $service..."
- docker tag "eshop/$service:$image_tag" "$container_registry/$service:$image_tag"
- docker push "$container_registry/$service:$image_tag"
- done
- fi
- echo "#################### Cleaning up old deployment ####################"
- kubectl delete deployments --all
- kubectl delete services --all
- kubectl delete configmap config-files || true
- kubectl delete configmap urls || true
- kubectl delete configmap externalcfg || true
- echo "#################### Deploying infrastructure components ####################"
- kubectl create configmap config-files --from-file=nginx-conf=nginx.conf
- kubectl label configmap config-files app=eshop
- kubectl create -f sql-data.yaml -f basket-data.yaml -f keystore-data.yaml -f rabbitmq.yaml -f nosql-data.yaml
- echo "#################### Creating application service definitions ####################"
- kubectl create -f services.yaml -f frontend.yaml
- echo "#################### Waiting for Azure to provision external IP ####################"
- ip_regex='([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'
- while true; do
- printf "."
- frontendUrl=$(kubectl get svc frontend -o=jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
- if [[ $frontendUrl =~ $ip_regex ]]; then
- break
- fi
- sleep 5s
- done
- printf "\n"
- externalDns=$frontendUrl
- echo "Using $externalDns as the external DNS/IP of the K8s cluster"
- echo "#################### Creating application configuration ####################"
- # urls configmap
- kubectl create configmap urls \
- "--from-literal=BasketUrl=http://basket" \
- "--from-literal=BasketHealthCheckUrl=http://basket/hc" \
- "--from-literal=CatalogUrl=http://$externalDns/catalog-api" \
- "--from-literal=CatalogHealthCheckUrl=http://catalog/hc" \
- "--from-literal=PicBaseUrl=http://$externalDns/catalog-api/api/v1/catalog/items/[0]/pic/" \
- "--from-literal=Marketing_PicBaseUrl=http://$externalDns/marketing-api/api/v1/campaigns/[0]/pic/" \
- "--from-literal=IdentityUrl=http://$externalDns/identity" \
- "--from-literal=IdentityHealthCheckUrl=http://identity/hc" \
- "--from-literal=OrderingUrl=http://ordering" \
- "--from-literal=OrderingHealthCheckUrl=http://ordering/hc" \
- "--from-literal=MvcClientExternalUrl=http://$externalDns/webmvc" \
- "--from-literal=WebMvcHealthCheckUrl=http://webmvc/hc" \
- "--from-literal=MvcClientOrderingUrl=http://ordering" \
- "--from-literal=MvcClientCatalogUrl=http://catalog" \
- "--from-literal=MvcClientBasketUrl=http://basket" \
- "--from-literal=MvcClientMarketingUrl=http://marketing" \
- "--from-literal=MvcClientLocationsUrl=http://locations" \
- "--from-literal=MarketingHealthCheckUrl=http://marketing/hc" \
- "--from-literal=WebSpaHealthCheckUrl=http://webspa/hc" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientMarketingExternalUrl=http://$externalDns/marketing-api" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientOrderingExternalUrl=http://$externalDns/ordering-api" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientCatalogExternalUrl=http://$externalDns/catalog-api" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientBasketExternalUrl=http://$externalDns/basket-api" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientIdentityExternalUrl=http://$externalDns/identity" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientLocationsUrl=http://$externalDns/locations-api" \
- "--from-literal=LocationsHealthCheckUrl=http://locations/hc" \
- "--from-literal=SpaClientExternalUrl=http://$externalDns" \
- "--from-literal=LocationApiClient=http://$externalDns/locations-api" \
- "--from-literal=MarketingApiClient=http://$externalDns/marketing-api" \
- "--from-literal=BasketApiClient=http://$externalDns/basket-api" \
- "--from-literal=OrderingApiClient=http://$externalDns/ordering-api" \
- "--from-literal=PaymentHealthCheckUrl=http://payment/hc"
- kubectl label configmap urls app=eshop
- # externalcfg configmap -- points to local infrastructure components (rabbitmq, SQL Server etc)
- kubectl create -f conf_local.yml
- # Create application pod deployments
- kubectl create -f deployments.yaml
- echo "#################### Deploying application pods ####################"
- # update deployments with the correct image (with tag and/or registry)
- kubectl set image deployments/basket "basket=$container_registry/basket.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/catalog "catalog=$container_registry/catalog.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/identity "identity=$container_registry/identity.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/ordering "ordering=$container_registry/ordering.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/marketing "marketing=$container_registry/marketing.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/locations "locations=$container_registry/locations.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/payment "payment=$container_registry/payment.api:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/webmvc "webmvc=$container_registry/webmvc:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/webstatus "webstatus=$container_registry/webstatus:$image_tag"
- kubectl set image deployments/webspa "webspa=$container_registry/webspa:$image_tag"
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/basket
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/catalog
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/identity
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/ordering
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/marketing
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/locations
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/payment
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/webmvc
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/webstatus
- kubectl rollout resume deployments/webspa
- echo "WebSPA is exposed at http://$externalDns, WebMVC at http://$externalDns/webmvc, WebStatus at http://$externalDns/webstatus"
- echo "eShopOnContainers deployment is DONE"