- version: '2'
- services:
- webmvc:
- image: eshop/web${TAG}
- build:
- context: .
- dockerfile: Dockerfile
- environment:
- - CatalogUrl=http://catalog.api
- - OrderingUrl=http://ordering.api
- ports:
- - "5100:80"
- depends_on:
- - catalog.api
- - identity.data
- catalog.api:
- image: eshop/catalog.api
- environment:
- - ConnectionString=Server=catalog.data;Initial Catalog=CatalogData;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
- expose:
- - "80"
- ports:
- - "5101:80"
- depends_on:
- - catalog.data
- catalog.data:
- image: eshop/mssql-server-private-preview
- environment:
- - SA_PASSWORD=Pass@word
- ports:
- - "5434:1433"
- ordering.api:
- image: eshop/ordering.api
- environment:
- - ConnectionString=Server=ordering.data;Database=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.OrderingDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word
- ports:
- - "81:80"
- # (Go to Production): For secured/final deployment, remove Ports mapping and
- # leave just the internal expose section
- # expose:
- # - "80"
- extra_hosts:
- depends_on:
- - ordering.data
- ordering.data:
- image: eshop/ordering.data.sqlserver.linux
- ports:
- - "5432:1433"
- identity.data:
- image: eshop/mssql-server-private-preview
- environment:
- - SA_PASSWORD=Pass@word
- ports:
- - "5433:1433"