Once the user and password are retrieved, run the following script for deployment. For example:
>./deploy.ps1 -registry myregistry.azurecr.io -dockerUser User -dockerPassword SecretPassword -configFile file_with_config.json
>./deploy.ps1 -registry myregistry.azurecr.io -dockerUser User -dockerPassword SecretPassword -configFile file_with_config.yaml
The parameter `configFile` is important (and mandatory) because it contains the configuration used for the Pods in Kubernetes. This allow deploying Pods that use your own resources in Azure or any other cloud provider. A configuration file `local.json` is provided which configures Pods to use the infrastructure containers (that is sql server, rabbitmq, redis and mongodb must be deployed also in the k8s).
The parameter `configFile` is important (and mandatory) because it contains the configuration used for the Pods in Kubernetes. This allow deploying Pods that use your own resources in Azure or any other cloud provider. A configuration file `conf_local.yaml` is provided which configures Pods to use the infrastructure containers (that is sql server, rabbitmq, redis and mongodb must be deployed also in the k8s).
The script will build the code and corresponding Docker images, push the later to your registry, and deploy the application to your cluster. You can watch the deployment unfold from the Kubernetes web interface: run `kubectl proxy` and open a browser to [http://localhost:8001/ui](http://localhost:8001/ui)
### Pods configuration file
When deploying to k8s the script needs the `configFile`with the location of a JSON configuration file. This file contains the configuration of the pods. The file is a JSON file. For reference another configuration file (cloud.json) is provided but without valid values.
When deploying to k8s the script needs the `configFile`parameter with the location of the YAML configuration file. This file contains the configuration of the pods. The file is a .YAML file. For reference another configuration file (conf_cloud.yaml) is provided but without valid values.
If you deploy the infrastructure containers use `local.json` as a value for `configFile` parameter. If you don't deploy the infrastructure containers use your own configuration file with the correct values.
If you deploy the infrastructure containers use `conf_local.yaml` as a value for `configFile` parameter. If you don't deploy the infrastructure containers use your own configuration file with the correct values.
In the root folder of the repo are all docker-compose files (`docker-compose*.yml`). Here is a list of all of them and what is their purpose:
## Container build
* `docker-compose.ci.build.yml`: This file is for starting the build container to build the project using a container that has all needed prerequisites. Refer to [corresponding wiki section](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/03.-Setting-the-eShopOnContainers-solution-up-in-a-Windows-CLI-environment-(dotnet-CLI,-Docker-CLI-and-VS-Code)#build-the-bits-through-the-build-container-image) for more information.
## Files needed to run eShopOnContainers locally
* `docker-compose.yml`: This file contains **the definition of all images needed for running eShopOnContainers**.
So, use `ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_CATALOG` if set, and if not use `http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5101/api/v1/catalog/items/[0]/pic/}`. Unfortunately seems that docker-compose do not substitute variables inside variables, so the value that `PicBaseUrl` gets if `ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_CATALOG` is not set is literally `http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5101/api/v1/catalog/items/[0]/pic/}` without any substitution.
## Build container (DEPRECATED)
NOTE that since we support Docker MULTI-STAGE builds (support in VS 2017 since December 2017), the build container is no loger needed in CI/CD pipelines as a similar process is done by Docker itself under the covers with the multi-stage builds.
* `docker-compose.ci.build.yml`: This file is for starting the build container to build the project using a container that has all needed prerequisites. Refer to [corresponding wiki section](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/03.-Setting-the-eShopOnContainers-solution-up-in-a-Windows-CLI-environment-(dotnet-CLI,-Docker-CLI-and-VS-Code)#build-the-bits-through-the-build-container-image) for more information.
**For more information** about docker-compose variable substitution read the [compose docs](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#variable-substitution).
## Other files
@ -76,4 +83,4 @@ These files were intended to provide a fast way to start only "infrastructure" c
* `docker-compose-external.override.yml`
* `docker-compose-external.yml`
If you want to start only certain containers use `docker-compose -f ... -f ... up container1 contaner2 containerN` as specified in [compose doc](https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/up/)
If you want to start only certain containers use `docker-compose -f ... -f ... up container1 contaner2 containerN` as specified in [compose doc](https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/up/)