@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ |
using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Ordering.Domain.SeedWork; |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using Xunit; |
namespace Ordering.UnitTests.Domain.SeedWork |
{ |
public class ValueObjectTests |
{ |
public ValueObjectTests() |
{ } |
[Theory] |
[MemberData(nameof(EqualValueObjects))] |
public void Equals_EqualValueObjects_ReturnsTrue(ValueObject instanceA, ValueObject instanceB, string reason) |
{ |
// Act
var result = EqualityComparer<ValueObject>.Default.Equals(instanceA, instanceB); |
// Assert
Assert.True(result, reason); |
} |
[Theory] |
[MemberData(nameof(NonEqualValueObjects))] |
public void Equals_NonEqualValueObjects_ReturnsFalse(ValueObject instanceA, ValueObject instanceB, string reason) |
{ |
// Act
var result = EqualityComparer<ValueObject>.Default.Equals(instanceA, instanceB); |
// Assert
Assert.False(result, reason); |
} |
private static readonly ValueObject APrettyValueObject = new ValueObjectA(1, "2", Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), new ComplexObject(2, "3")); |
public static readonly TheoryData<ValueObject, ValueObject, string> EqualValueObjects = new TheoryData<ValueObject, ValueObject, string> |
{ |
{ |
null, |
null, |
"they should be equal because they are both null" |
}, |
{ |
APrettyValueObject, |
APrettyValueObject, |
"they should be equal because they are the same object" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectA(1, "2", Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), new ComplexObject(2, "3")), |
new ValueObjectA(1, "2", Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), new ComplexObject(2, "3")), |
"they should be equal because they have equal members" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectA(1, "2", Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), new ComplexObject(2, "3"), notAnEqualityComponent: "xpto"), |
new ValueObjectA(1, "2", Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), new ComplexObject(2, "3"), notAnEqualityComponent: "xpto2"), |
"they should be equal because all equality components are equal, even though an additional member was set" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3 ), |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3 ), |
"they should be equal because all equality components are equal, including the 'C' list" |
} |
}; |
public static readonly TheoryData<ValueObject, ValueObject, string> NonEqualValueObjects = new TheoryData<ValueObject, ValueObject, string> |
{ |
{ |
new ValueObjectA(a: 1, b: "2", c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(2, "3")), |
new ValueObjectA(a: 2, b: "2", c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(2, "3")), |
"they should not be equal because the 'A' member on ValueObjectA is different among them" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectA(a: 1, b: "2", c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(2, "3")), |
new ValueObjectA(a: 1, b: null, c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(2, "3")), |
"they should not be equal because the 'B' member on ValueObjectA is different among them" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectA(a: 1, b: "2", c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(a: 2, b: "3")), |
new ValueObjectA(a: 1, b: "2", c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(a: 3, b: "3")), |
"they should not be equal because the 'A' member on ValueObjectA's 'D' member is different among them" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectA(a: 1, b: "2", c: Guid.Parse("97ea43f0-6fef-4fb7-8c67-9114a7ff6ec0"), d: new ComplexObject(a: 2, b: "3")), |
new ValueObjectB(a: 1, b: "2"), |
"they should not be equal because they are not of the same type" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3 ), |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3, 4 ), |
"they should be not be equal because the 'C' list contains one additional value" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3, 5 ), |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3 ), |
"they should be not be equal because the 'C' list contains one additional value" |
}, |
{ |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3, 5 ), |
new ValueObjectB(1, "2", 1, 2, 3, 4 ), |
"they should be not be equal because the 'C' lists are not equal" |
} |
}; |
private class ValueObjectA : ValueObject |
{ |
public ValueObjectA(int a, string b, Guid c, ComplexObject d, string notAnEqualityComponent = null) |
{ |
A = a; |
B = b; |
C = c; |
D = d; |
NotAnEqualityComponent = notAnEqualityComponent; |
} |
public int A { get; } |
public string B { get; } |
public Guid C { get; } |
public ComplexObject D { get; } |
public string NotAnEqualityComponent { get; } |
protected override IEnumerable<object> GetEqualityComponents() |
{ |
yield return A; |
yield return B; |
yield return C; |
yield return D; |
} |
} |
private class ValueObjectB : ValueObject |
{ |
public ValueObjectB(int a, string b, params int[] c) |
{ |
A = a; |
B = b; |
C = c.ToList(); |
} |
public int A { get; } |
public string B { get; } |
public List<int> C { get; } |
protected override IEnumerable<object> GetEqualityComponents() |
{ |
yield return A; |
yield return B; |
foreach (var c in C) |
{ |
yield return c; |
} |
} |
} |
private class ComplexObject : IEquatable<ComplexObject> |
{ |
public ComplexObject(int a, string b) |
{ |
A = a; |
B = b; |
} |
public int A { get; set; } |
public string B { get; set; } |
public override bool Equals(object obj) |
{ |
return Equals(obj as ComplexObject); |
} |
public bool Equals(ComplexObject other) |
{ |
return other != null && |
A == other.A && |
B == other.B; |
} |
public override int GetHashCode() |
{ |
return HashCode.Combine(A, B); |
} |
} |
} |
} |