diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/.config/CredScanSuppressions.json b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/.config/CredScanSuppressions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c54396180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/.config/CredScanSuppressions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "tool": "Credential Scanner",
+ "suppressions": [
+ {
+ "hash": "gmZyNUtHUH3jZ90l4ao3YrrcK6frytGMZmtSjpEkzIc=",
+ "_justification": "Just a placeholder"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/App.config b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/App.config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29ae4dac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/App.config
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ add key="FirefoxPluginName.xpi" value=""/-->
+ add key="ChromePluginName.crx" value=""/-->
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Core/AppTestBase.cs b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Core/AppTestBase.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f4f9f8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Core/AppTestBase.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace Bdd.Core.Hooks
+ using System.Threading.Tasks;
+ using Bdd.Core.Web.Hooks;
+ using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
+ ///
+ /// https://github.com/techtalk/SpecFlow/wiki/Hooks#supported-hook-attributes
+ ///
+ [Binding]
+ public class AppTestBase : WebProjectTestBase
+ {
+ private const int Order = 1;
+ ///
+ /// Assembly initialization code.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous operation.
+ [BeforeTestRun(Order = Order)]
+ public static async Task AssemblyInitialize()
+ {
+ //// // If retrieval of AccessToken from AD isn't possible to connect to SQL DB, comment out the below line
+ //// DataSources.SqlDataSource.AccessTokenCallback = SqlConnectionConfig.AccessTokenCallback;
+ //// DataSources.SqlDataSource.ConnectionBuilderCallback = async key =>
+ //// {
+ //// var connBuilder = await SqlConnectionConfig.ConnectionBuilderCallback(key).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ //// //// Update the connection if required. E.g.:
+ //// // connBuilder.UserId = "sqluser";
+ //// // connBuilder.Password = KeyVaultHelper.GetKeyVaultSecretAsync("SqlClientPwd");
+ //// return connBuilder;
+ //// };
+ await InitializeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
+ //// // Uncomment the below line to validate Styles for your Web-pages
+ //// ElementStyles = (await new YamlDataSource().ReadAsync>(input: @"TestData\Input\ElementStyles.yml").ConfigureAwait(false)).ToList();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Assembly Unload code.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous operation.
+ [AfterTestRun(Order = Order)]
+ public static async Task AssemblyUnload()
+ {
+ await TeardownAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// After the class.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous operation.
+ [AfterFeature(Order = Order)]
+ public static async Task AfterClass()
+ {
+ await AfterFeature().ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Before the class.
+ ///
+ /// A representing the asynchronous operation.
+ [BeforeFeature(Order = Order)]
+ public static async Task BeforeClass()
+ {
+ await BeforeFeature().ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// After the test.
+ ///
+ /// Feature Context.
+ /// Scenario Context.
+ /// A representing the asynchronous operation.
+ [After(Order = Order)]
+ public async Task AfterTest(FeatureContext featureContext, ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
+ {
+ await this.AfterScenario(featureContext, scenarioContext).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Before the test.
+ ///
+ /// Feature Context.
+ /// Scenario Context.
+ /// A representing the asynchronous operation.
+ [Before(Order = Order)]
+ public async Task BeforeTest(FeatureContext featureContext, ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
+ {
+ await this.BeforeScenario(featureContext, scenarioContext).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.csproj b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6177dc67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ net471
+ IOperation
+ flow-analysis
+ false
+ pdbonly
+ True
+ 1701;1702;SA0001;SA1652;NU5100
+ true
+ false
+ all
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
+ all
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers
+ Designer
+ true
+ True
+ True
+ Resources.resx
+ ResXFileCodeGenerator
+ Resources.Designer.cs
+ PreserveNewest
+ Always
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.dev.runsettings b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.dev.runsettings
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ca4e22c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.dev.runsettings
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ 0
+ .\TestResults
+ 30000000
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.sln b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.sln
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcc812c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/EShopApplicationWebSolution.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 15
+VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.28010.2041
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{AA8F9F19-F125-409C-A3B5-F4DA4A536A58}"
+ ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
+ EShopApplicationWebSolution.runsettings = EShopApplicationWebSolution.runsettings
+ azure-pipelines.yml = azure-pipelines.yml
+ Nuget.config = Nuget.config
+ stylecop.json = stylecop.json
+ EndProjectSection
+Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "EShopApplicationWebSolution", "EShopApplicationWebSolution.csproj", "{9CBE4BA5-9295-4CA6-9991-30A4D578DC0A}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {9CBE4BA5-9295-4CA6-9991-30A4D578DC0A}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {9CBE4BA5-9295-4CA6-9991-30A4D578DC0A}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {9CBE4BA5-9295-4CA6-9991-30A4D578DC0A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {9CBE4BA5-9295-4CA6-9991-30A4D578DC0A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {DC51F25F-3DC2-403B-8A2A-0B17FF5ABB3C}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Features/EShopApplication_Login.feature b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Features/EShopApplication_Login.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab806c9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Features/EShopApplication_Login.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+@ui @owner=kritsha @web @testplan= @testsuite=
+Feature: Login_EShopApplication
+ As a user, I want to be able to login to the EShop application
+@bvt @priority=1
+Scenario: Verify that a registered user is able to login into EShop application
+ When user launches EShop application
+ And user clicks on "Login" option
+ And user enter Email and Password of "User1"
+ And user click on "LOG IN" button
+ Then verify if "User1" is logged-in
+Scenario Outline: Verify that the user is unable to login to EShop Application if user is not registered already
+ Given the user is not registered to EShop application
+ When user launches EShop application
+ And user clicks on "Login" button
+ And user enter Email and Password of ""
+ And user click on "LOG IN" button
+ Then the user should not be able to login to the application
+ Examples:
+ | user |
+ | InvalidUser1 |
+ | InvalidUser2 |
+ | InvalidUser3 |
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Features/EShopApplication_Login.feature.cs b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Features/EShopApplication_Login.feature.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b37eaf06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Features/EShopApplication_Login.feature.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This code was generated by SpecFlow (https://www.specflow.org/).
+// SpecFlow Version:
+// SpecFlow Generator Version:
+// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+// the code is regenerated.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#region Designer generated code
+#pragma warning disable
+namespace EShopApplicationWebSolution.Features
+ using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
+ using System;
+ using System.Linq;
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("TechTalk.SpecFlow", "")]
+ [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute()]
+ [NUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttribute("Login_EShopApplication")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("ui")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("owner=kritsha")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("web")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("testplan=")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("testsuite=")]
+ public partial class Login_EShopApplicationFeature
+ {
+ private TechTalk.SpecFlow.ITestRunner testRunner;
+ private string[] _featureTags = new string[] {
+ "ui",
+ "owner=kritsha",
+ "web",
+ "testplan=",
+ "testsuite="};
+#line 1 "EShopApplication_Login.feature"
+#line hidden
+ [NUnit.Framework.OneTimeSetUpAttribute()]
+ public virtual void FeatureSetup()
+ {
+ testRunner = TechTalk.SpecFlow.TestRunnerManager.GetTestRunner();
+ TechTalk.SpecFlow.FeatureInfo featureInfo = new TechTalk.SpecFlow.FeatureInfo(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), "Features", "Login_EShopApplication", "\tAs a user, I want to be able to login to the EShop application", ProgrammingLanguage.CSharp, new string[] {
+ "ui",
+ "owner=kritsha",
+ "web",
+ "testplan=",
+ "testsuite="});
+ testRunner.OnFeatureStart(featureInfo);
+ }
+ [NUnit.Framework.OneTimeTearDownAttribute()]
+ public virtual void FeatureTearDown()
+ {
+ testRunner.OnFeatureEnd();
+ testRunner = null;
+ }
+ [NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute()]
+ public virtual void TestInitialize()
+ {
+ }
+ [NUnit.Framework.TearDownAttribute()]
+ public virtual void TestTearDown()
+ {
+ testRunner.OnScenarioEnd();
+ }
+ public virtual void ScenarioInitialize(TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo scenarioInfo)
+ {
+ testRunner.OnScenarioInitialize(scenarioInfo);
+ testRunner.ScenarioContext.ScenarioContainer.RegisterInstanceAs(NUnit.Framework.TestContext.CurrentContext);
+ }
+ public virtual void ScenarioStart()
+ {
+ testRunner.OnScenarioStart();
+ }
+ public virtual void ScenarioCleanup()
+ {
+ testRunner.CollectScenarioErrors();
+ }
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute()]
+ [NUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttribute("Verify that a registered user is able to login into EShop application")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("bvt")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("priority=1")]
+ public virtual void VerifyThatARegisteredUserIsAbleToLoginIntoEShopApplication()
+ {
+ string[] tagsOfScenario = new string[] {
+ "bvt",
+ "priority=1"};
+ System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary argumentsOfScenario = new System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary();
+ TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo scenarioInfo = new TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo("Verify that a registered user is able to login into EShop application", null, tagsOfScenario, argumentsOfScenario);
+#line 6
+#line hidden
+ bool isScenarioIgnored = default(bool);
+ bool isFeatureIgnored = default(bool);
+ if ((tagsOfScenario != null))
+ {
+ isScenarioIgnored = tagsOfScenario.Where(__entry => __entry != null).Where(__entry => String.Equals(__entry, "ignore", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any();
+ }
+ if ((this._featureTags != null))
+ {
+ isFeatureIgnored = this._featureTags.Where(__entry => __entry != null).Where(__entry => String.Equals(__entry, "ignore", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any();
+ }
+ if ((isScenarioIgnored || isFeatureIgnored))
+ {
+ testRunner.SkipScenario();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.ScenarioStart();
+#line 7
+ testRunner.When("user launches EShop application", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "When ");
+#line hidden
+#line 8
+ testRunner.And("user clicks on \"Login\" option", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "And ");
+#line hidden
+#line 9
+ testRunner.And("user enter Email and Password of \"User1\"", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "And ");
+#line hidden
+#line 10
+ testRunner.And("user click on \"LOG IN\" button", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "And ");
+#line hidden
+#line 11
+ testRunner.Then("verify if \"User1\" is logged-in", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "Then ");
+#line hidden
+ }
+ this.ScenarioCleanup();
+ }
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute()]
+ [NUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttribute("Verify that the user is unable to login to EShop Application if user is not regis" +
+ "tered already")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("bddcore-ex")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("priority=2")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttribute("InvalidUser1", null)]
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttribute("InvalidUser2", null)]
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttribute("InvalidUser3", null)]
+ public virtual void VerifyThatTheUserIsUnableToLoginToEShopApplicationIfUserIsNotRegisteredAlready(string user, string[] exampleTags)
+ {
+ string[] @__tags = new string[] {
+ "priority=2"};
+ if ((exampleTags != null))
+ {
+ @__tags = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat(@__tags, exampleTags));
+ }
+ string[] tagsOfScenario = @__tags;
+ System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary argumentsOfScenario = new System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary();
+ argumentsOfScenario.Add("user", user);
+ TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo scenarioInfo = new TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo("Verify that the user is unable to login to EShop Application if user is not regis" +
+ "tered already", null, tagsOfScenario, argumentsOfScenario);
+#line 14
+#line hidden
+ bool isScenarioIgnored = default(bool);
+ bool isFeatureIgnored = default(bool);
+ if ((tagsOfScenario != null))
+ {
+ isScenarioIgnored = tagsOfScenario.Where(__entry => __entry != null).Where(__entry => String.Equals(__entry, "ignore", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any();
+ }
+ if ((this._featureTags != null))
+ {
+ isFeatureIgnored = this._featureTags.Where(__entry => __entry != null).Where(__entry => String.Equals(__entry, "ignore", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any();
+ }
+ if ((isScenarioIgnored || isFeatureIgnored))
+ {
+ testRunner.SkipScenario();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.ScenarioStart();
+#line 15
+ testRunner.Given("the user is not registered to EShop application", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "Given ");
+#line hidden
+#line 16
+ testRunner.When("user launches EShop application", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "When ");
+#line hidden
+#line 17
+ testRunner.And("user clicks on \"Login\" button", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "And ");
+#line hidden
+#line 18
+ testRunner.And(string.Format("user enter Email and Password of \"{0}\"", user), ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "And ");
+#line hidden
+#line 19
+ testRunner.And("user click on \"LOG IN\" button", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "And ");
+#line hidden
+#line 20
+ testRunner.Then("the user should not be able to login to the application", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "Then ");
+#line hidden
+ }
+ this.ScenarioCleanup();
+ }
+ [NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute()]
+ [NUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttribute("Verify that the user is unable to login to EShop Application if user is not regis" +
+ "tered already")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("priority=2")]
+ [NUnit.Framework.CategoryAttribute("bddcore-wrapper")]
+ public virtual void VerifyThatTheUserIsUnableToLoginToEShopApplicationIfUserIsNotRegisteredAlready()
+ {
+ this.VerifyThatTheUserIsUnableToLoginToEShopApplicationIfUserIsNotRegisteredAlready("InvalidUser1", null);
+ this.VerifyThatTheUserIsUnableToLoginToEShopApplicationIfUserIsNotRegisteredAlready("InvalidUser2", null);
+ this.VerifyThatTheUserIsUnableToLoginToEShopApplicationIfUserIsNotRegisteredAlready("InvalidUser3", null);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Nuget.config b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Nuget.config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a383f9ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Nuget.config
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24fdfff4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+using System;
+using System.Resources;
+//// using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+//// using XUnit.Extensibility.Core;
+[assembly: Parallelizable(ParallelScope.Fixtures)] // NUnit
+//// [assembly: Parallelize(Scope = ExecutionScope.ClassLevel)] // MSTest
+//// [assembly: CollectionBehavior(CollectionBehavior.CollectionPerClass)] // XUnit
+[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)]
+[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af019e2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// This code was generated by a tool.
+// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000
+// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+// the code is regenerated.
+namespace EShopApplicationWebSolution.Properties {
+ using System;
+ ///
+ /// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
+ ///
+ // This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder
+ // class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio.
+ // To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen
+ // with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ internal class Resources {
+ private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan;
+ private static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture;
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
+ internal Resources() {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
+ ///
+ [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
+ internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
+ get {
+ if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
+ global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("EShopApplicationWebSolution.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
+ resourceMan = temp;
+ }
+ return resourceMan;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
+ /// resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
+ ///
+ [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
+ internal static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture {
+ get {
+ return resourceCulture;
+ }
+ set {
+ resourceCulture = value;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Looks up a localized string similar to xpath://button[contains(text(),'{0}')].
+ ///
+ internal static string ButtonByText {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("ButtonByText", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Looks up a localized string similar to xpath://div[contains(text(),'{0}')].
+ ///
+ internal static string DivLinks {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("DivLinks", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Looks up a localized string similar to xpath://*[@id='{0}'].
+ ///
+ internal static string Id {
+ get {
+ return ResourceManager.GetString("Id", resourceCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/Resources.resx b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/Resources.resx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1decf2071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/Properties/Resources.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ xpath://button[contains(text(),'{0}')]
+ xpath://div[contains(text(),'{0}')]
+ xpath://*[@id='{0}']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/StepDefinitions/CommonSteps.cs b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/StepDefinitions/CommonSteps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f6322944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/StepDefinitions/CommonSteps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+namespace EShopApplicationWebSolution.StepDefinitions
+ using global::Bdd.Core.Web.StepDefinitions;
+ using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
+ [Binding]
+ public class CommonSteps : WebStepDefinitionBase
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/StepDefinitions/Login_EShopApplicationSteps.cs b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/StepDefinitions/Login_EShopApplicationSteps.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..307945a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/StepDefinitions/Login_EShopApplicationSteps.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using EShopApplicationWebSolution.Properties;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+namespace EShopApplicationWebSolution.StepDefinitions
+ using Bdd.Core.Entities;
+ using Bdd.Core.Utils;
+ using Bdd.Core.Web.Executors;
+ using Bdd.Core.Web.StepDefinitions;
+ using Bdd.Core.Web.Utils;
+ using NUnit.Framework;
+ using Ocaramba;
+ using SmartFormat;
+ using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
+ [Binding]
+ public class Login_EShopApplicationSteps : WebStepDefinitionBase
+ {
+ [When(@"user launches EShop application")]
+ public void WhenUserLaunchesEShopApplication()
+ {
+ var url = Smart.Format(BaseConfiguration.GetUrlValue);
+ this.Get().NavigateToUrl(url);
+ }
+ [When(@"user clicks on ""(.*)""")]
+ public async Task WhenUserClicksOnAsync(string linkText)
+ {
+ this.Get().GetElement(nameof(Resources.DivLinks), linkText).Click();
+ }
+ [When(@"user clicks on ""(.*)"" option")]
+ public void WhenUserClicksOnOption(string linkText)
+ {
+ this.Get().GetElement(nameof(Resources.DivLinks), linkText).Click();
+ }
+ [When(@"user enter Email and Password of ""(.*)""")]
+ public void WhenIEnterEmailAndPasswordOf(string user)
+ {
+ var userdata = this.ScenarioContext.GetCredential(this.FeatureContext, user, "input=Credentials.xlsx");
+ this.Get().EnterText(nameof(Resources.Id), userdata.User, "Email");
+ this.Get().EnterText(nameof(Resources.Id), userdata.Password, "Password");
+ this.ScenarioContext[user] = userdata.User;
+ }
+ [When(@"user click on ""(.*)"" button")]
+ public void WhenIClickOnButton(string buttonText)
+ {
+ this.Get().GetElement(nameof(Resources.ButtonByText), buttonText).Click();
+ }
+ [Then(@"verify if ""(.*)"" is logged-in")]
+ public void ThenIVerifyIfIsLogged_In(string user)
+ {
+ var addToCartPresent = this.Get().CheckIfElementIsPresent(nameof(Resources.ButtonByText), 30, "ADD TO CART");
+ var isloggedIn = this.Get().CheckIfElementIsPresent(nameof(Resources.DivLinks), 30, this.ScenarioContext[user].ToString());
+ Assert.IsTrue(addToCartPresent&& isloggedIn, $"Login Falied");
+ }
+ [Given(@"the user is no registered to EShop application")]
+ public void GivenTheUserIsNoRegisteredToEShopApplication()
+ {
+ ScenarioContext.Current.Pending();
+ }
+ [Then(@"the user should not be able to login to the application")]
+ public void ThenTheUserShouldNotBeAbleToLoginToTheApplication()
+ {
+ ScenarioContext.Current.Pending();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/TestData/Input/Credentials.xlsx b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/TestData/Input/Credentials.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82514a7bf
Binary files /dev/null and b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/TestData/Input/Credentials.xlsx differ
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/azure-pipelines.yml b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/azure-pipelines.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a410855f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# ADD STEPS THAT RUN TESTS, CREATE A NUGET PACKAGE, DEPLOY, AND MORE: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/languages/dotnet-core
+# YAML SCHEMA: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/yaml-schema?view=vsts&tabs=schema
+# PREDEFINED VARIABLES: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/variables?view=vsts
+# HOSTED AGENT SOFTWARES: https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-pipelines-image-generation/blob/master/images/win/Vs2017-Server2016-Readme.md
+# trigger: none
+# - group: CloudCreds # NOTE: Create the Variable-Group under Pipelines > Library > Variable Group
+# - name: appName
+# value: 'Bdd.Core.Api.Sample'
+# - name: appPath
+# value: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(appName)'
+# - name: system.debug
+# value: 'true'
+# - name: solution
+# value: '$(appPath)\$(appName).sln'
+# - name: buildPlatform
+# value: 'Any CPU'
+# - name: buildConfiguration
+# value: 'Release'
+# - name: cloudTestUser
+# value: $(CloudUser)
+# - name: cloudTestKey
+# value: $(CloudKey)
+ appName: 'EShopApplicationWebSolution'
+ appPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(appName)' # NOTE: Change this to appropriate path based on your folder structure
+ solution: '$(appPath)\$(appName).sln'
+ buildPlatform: 'Any CPU'
+ buildConfiguration: 'Release'
+ binFolder: '$(appPath)\bin\$(buildConfiguration)'
+ cloudTestUser: '$(CloudUser)' # NOTE: Set this Variable in the UI (Visual Designer > Variables [OR] Pipelines > Library > Variable Group > Variable)
+ cloudTestKey: '$(CloudKey)' # NOTE: Set this Variable in the UI and 'lock' it (Visual Designer > Variables [OR] Pipelines > Library > Variable Group > Variable > Lock icon)
+ Env: 'dev'
+# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/phases?view=vsts&tabs=yaml
+- job: 'TestSetup'
+ timeoutInMinutes: 0
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'windows-latest' # name: 'Hosted VS2017'
+ steps:
+ - script: echo 'Sample Test-Setup'
+- job: 'RunTests'
+ dependsOn: 'TestSetup'
+ timeoutInMinutes: 0
+ strategy: # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/yaml-schema?view=vsts&tabs=schema#strategies
+ maxParallel: 3 #6
+ matrix:
+ EdgeWindows:
+ remotePlatform: 'EdgeWindows'
+ SafariMac:
+ remotePlatform: 'SafariMac'
+ ChromeAndroid:
+ remotePlatform: 'ChromeAndroid'
+# SafariIPhone:
+# remotePlatform: 'SafariIPhone'
+# SafariIPad:
+# remotePlatform: 'SafariIPad'
+# IEWindows:
+# remotePlatform: 'IEWindows'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'windows-latest' # name: 'Hosted VS2017'
+ steps:
+ - task: NuGetCommand@2
+ displayName: 'Authenticate with Azure DevOps NuGet'
+ inputs:
+ command: custom
+ arguments: sources update -Name "CD-Bdd.Core" -Username "vsts" -Password "$(System.AccessToken)" -StorePasswordInClearText -ConfigFile $(appPath)\Nuget.config
+ - script: dotnet restore $(solution) --configfile "$(appPath)\Nuget.config" # --no-cache
+ displayName: 'DOTNET RESTORE'
+ - script: 'for /r $(appPath) %%x in (*.csproj) do ("%userprofile%\.nuget\packages\SpecFlow\3.1.97\tools\specflow.exe" GenerateAll -p %%~x)'
+ enabled:false
+ - script: dotnet build $(solution) --configuration $(buildConfiguration) --no-restore
+ displayName: 'DOTNET BUILD'
+ # https://docs.opensource.microsoft.com/tools/cg.html
+ # TPN: https://opensource.microsoft.com/tpn
+ - task: ms.vss-governance-buildtask.governance-build-task-component-detection.ComponentGovernanceComponentDetection@0
+ enabled: true
+ continueOnError: true
+ inputs:
+ scanType: Register # LogOnly
+ snapshotForceEnabled: true
+ # ignoreDirectories:
+ # sourceScanPath:
+ # verbosity: Detailed # Normal, Quite
+ # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/test/vstest?view=azure-devops
+ - task: VSTest@2
+ displayName: RUN TESTS
+ continueOnError: true
+ inputs:
+ platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
+ configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
+ testSelector: 'testAssemblies' # Options: testAssemblies, testPlan, testRun
+ testAssemblyVer2: '$(binFolder)\$(appName).dll'
+ runSettingsFile: '$(binFolder)\$(appName).$(Env).runsettings'
+ testFiltercriteria: '(TestCategory=api|TestCategory=ui)&TestCategory!=manual&TestCategory!=bddcore-wrapper'
+ runOnlyImpactedTests: false
+ runInParallel: false
+ pathtoCustomTestAdapters: '$(binFolder)'
+ diagnosticsEnabled: false # Optional
+ searchFolder: '$(binFolder)'
+ uiTests: true
+ publishRunAttachments: true
+ overrideTestrunParameters: -appSettings.browser Chrome -database.DbUser $(DbUser) -database.DbPwd $(DbPwd)
+ # overrideTestrunParameters: -appSettings.browser RemoteWebDriver -appSettings.CrossBrowserEnvironment $(remotePlatform) -DriverCapabilities.browserstack.user $(cloudTestUser) -DriverCapabilities.browserstack.key $(cloudTestKey) -database.DbUser $(DbUser) -database.DbPwd $(DbPwd)
+ # - script: '$(appPath)\muppet.cmd -config=$(buildConfiguration) -filter="(FullyQualifiedName~$(appName).Features)" -platforms="Edge.Windows;Safari.Mac;Chrome.Android" -user=$(cloudTestUser) -key=$(cloudTestKey)'
+ # displayName: 'MUPPET TESTS'
+ - task: CopyFiles@2
+ displayName: Copy Output
+ inputs:
+ contents: '$(binFolder)\TestOutput\**\*.*'
+ targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
+ overWrite: true
+ flattenFolders: true
+ - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
+ displayName: Publish Output
+ inputs:
+ targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) # '$(Pipeline.Workspace)'
+ artifact: 'TestOutput_$(Build.BuildNumber)'
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ enabled: false
+ displayName: Compress Output for Release-Pipeline
+ continueOnError: true
+ inputs:
+ targetType: 'inline' # Optional. Options: filePath, inline
+ script: 'Compress-Archive -Path "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)" -DestinationPath "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/TestOutput_$(Build.BuildNumber).zip" -Force' # Required when targetType == Inline
+ #arguments: # Optional
+ errorActionPreference: 'continue' # Optional. Options: stop, continue, silentlyContinue
+ ignoreLASTEXITCODE: true # Optional
+ #failOnStderr: false # Optional
+ #pwsh: false # Optional
+ #workingDirectory: # Optional
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ enabled: false
+ displayName: Write Output for Release-Pipeline
+ continueOnError: true
+ inputs:
+ targetType: 'inline' # Optional. Options: filePath, inline
+ script: 'Write-host "##vso[task.uploadfile]$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/TestOutput_$(Build.BuildNumber).zip"' # Required when targetType == Inline
+ #arguments: # Optional
+ errorActionPreference: 'continue' # Optional. Options: stop, continue, silentlyContinue
+ ignoreLASTEXITCODE: true # Optional
+ #failOnStderr: false # Optional
+ #pwsh: false # Optional
+ #workingDirectory: # Optional
+- job: 'TestTeardown'
+ dependsOn: 'RunTests'
+ timeoutInMinutes: 0
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'windows-latest' # name: 'Hosted VS2017'
+ steps:
+ - script: echo 'Sample Test-Teardown'
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/jrepl.bat b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/jrepl.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff3bbeb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/jrepl.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2428 @@
+@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* Harmless hybrid line that begins a JScript comment
+@goto :Batch
+::JREPL.BAT by Dave Benham
+:: 2018-10-20 v7.15: Add a string literal syntax to the /INC and /EXC options.
+:: 2018-10-15 v7.14: Bug fix - User defined variables declared in /JBEG named
+:: str and/or obj were getting clobbered.
+:: Bug fix - Internal variable xbytes was visibile to user
+:: supplied JScript.
+:: 2018-07-19 v7.13: Bug fix - /INC and /EXC regex failed to match any
+:: line that immediately followed a prior block.
+:: Added ADO code to create XBYTES.DAT in case CERTUTIL is
+:: missing.
+:: 2018-07-18 v7.12: Fixed XBYTES.DAT creation cleanup bugs, and improved docs
+:: 2018-03-26 v7.11: Add support for /O "-|UTF-?|NB" (overwrite without BOM)
+:: 2018-03-14 v7.10: Now can block BOM in ADO output files by appending |NB
+:: to |CharSet in the /O option and OpenOutput() function.
+:: 2017-11-23 v7.9: Allow escape sequences with /T "" coupled with /XSEQ
+:: Added /PREPL option to augment /P behavior
+:: Bug fix - Force /L when /T "" used, as per documentation
+:: Bug fix - Allow /?charset/search to include non alpha
+:: 2017-11-13 v7.8: Added \x{nn-mm} and \x{nn-mm,CharSet} escape sequences
+:: Split /X into /XFILE and /XSEQ - /X implies both
+:: Add :FILE syntax for /K and /R to load searches from file
+:: Fixed /XSEQ escaped backslash bug with /INC, /EXC, AND /P
+:: 2017-10-24 v7.7: Fixed broken Microsoft documentation links
+:: Allow /O "-|CharSet"
+:: Fixed decode(Str[,CharSet]) bug when CharSet is undefined
+:: 2017-10-08 v7.6: Fixed /?Intro syntax help for /?Charset/[Query]
+:: 2017-10-08 v7.5: Added /?CHARSET and /?XREGEXP web page help options
+:: Added /?CHARSET/[query] List character sets help option
+:: Fixed ADO output.WriteLine() to use \r\n instead of \n
+:: Improved documentation: /EXC, /OFF, /U, /?HELP, decode()
+:: 2017-09-25 v7.4: Modified /X \xnn extended ASCII escape sequence to support
+:: any single byte character set.
+:: Added /X \x{nn,Charset} escape sequence.
+:: Added /XBYTES and /XBYTESOFF options.
+:: Modified decode() to support the new /X \xnn behavior.
+:: 2017-09-23 v7.3: Fixed /O - support for ADO input.
+:: 2017-09-23 v7.2: Improved documentation of new 7.0 features.
+:: Bug fix - /T FILE ADO support was broken
+:: 2017-09-08 v7.1: Bug fix - v7.0 failed if Find or Replace contained )
+:: 2017-09-08 v7.0: Added /XREG and /TFLAG for XRegExp regex support.
+:: Added /UTF for UTF-16LE support.
+:: Added /X support for the \u{N} unicode escape sequence.
+:: Added |CharSet syntax for file names to allow reading
+:: and writing via ADO with a specified character set.
+:: Exposed the fso FileSystemObject to user JScript.
+:: Augmented openOutput for Unicode and ADO support.
+:: 2017-08-25 v6.8: Added /X support for the \c caret escape sequence.
+:: Added /APP - append to the output file.
+:: Added the openOutput(file[,appendBoolean]) function.
+:: 2017-04-09 v6.7: Corrected /OFF /EXC & /INC documentation + spelling fixes.
+:: 2016-12-23 v6.6: Help correction: Fixed return codes in /?RETURN section.
+:: 2016-11-13 v6.5: Modify /X to consistently preserve extended ASCII.
+:: New option /RTN writes result to a variable.
+:: 2016-11-01 v6.4: Bug fix - v6.3 had inverted /EXC result.
+:: 2016-10-13 v6.3: Improved performance by dynamically generating main loop
+:: code based on chosen options.
+:: 2016-10-13 v6.2: Bug fix - /J, /JQ, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ did not work with /P.
+:: 2016-10-08 v6.1: Bug fix - v6.0 broke /JBEG and /JLIB, all fixed.
+:: 2016-10-08 v6.0: Added /K - search and write matching lines.
+:: Added /R - search and write non-matching lines.
+:: Added /MATCH - search and write each match on a new line.
+:: Added /P - Pre-filter regex before normal search/replace.
+:: Added /PFLAG - set search flags for /P regex
+:: Added /JQ and /JMATCHQ as Quick forms of /J and /JMATCH.
+:: Augmented /INC and /EXC so can now specify lines by regex.
+:: Changed behavior - /V now applies to /INC and /EXC.
+:: Improved performance of /INC, /EXC, /T, /JBEGLN, /JENDLN.
+:: Added HISTORY and UPDATE topics to the help system.
+:: 2016-09-27 v5.2: Bug fix - Search & Replace now ignore /V if /T FILE used.
+:: Added a /T FILE example to the documentation.
+:: 2016-09-20 v5.1: Added the FILE alternative for the /T option.
+:: 2016-09-18 v5.0: Added the /U option for Unix line terminators of /n.
+:: 2016-08-04 v4.6: Fixed the /N documentation (repaired missing line)
+:: 2016-08-03 v4.5: Added /D option to specify delimiter for /N and /OFF.
+:: 2016-08-02 v4.4: Bug fix - /C count was wrong when last line did not end
+:: with new line. This also affected /INC and /EXC.
+:: 2016-07-30 v4.3: Added rpad() function and improved lpad()
+:: 2016-06-24 v4.2: Improved the /?Options help.
+:: 2016-06-23 v4.1: Added /T option examples to the help.
+:: Added ability to request help on a single option or topic.
+:: 2016-06-19 v4.0: Added the /INC and /EXC options.
+:: 2016-03-27 v3.8: Bug fix - Hide leaked global variables i, lib, libs, rtn2.
+:: Bug fix - Work around %~f0 bug when command is quoted.
+:: Bug fix - Use /OPTIONS instead of OPTIONS as a variable
+:: name within the option parser so that it is unlikely to
+:: collide with a user defined variable name.
+:: 2016-01-14 v3.7: Reworked error handling a bit.
+:: Bug fix - \xnn and \unnnn could fail in a regex search
+:: if result was a meta-character and /X option was used.
+:: 2015-07-15 v3.6: Added /?? option for paged help.
+:: 2015-06-12 v3.5: Bug fix for $n or $nn in replace string when /T is
+:: used without /J or /JMATCH or /L
+:: 2015-01-22 v3.4: Bug fix - Use /TEST instead of TEST as a variable name
+:: within the option parser so that it is unlikely to
+:: collide with a user defined variable name.
+:: 2014-12-24 v3.3: Bug fix for when /JMATCH is combined with /M or /S
+:: 2014-12-09 v3.2: Bug fix for /T without /JMATCH - fixed dynamic repl func
+:: Added GOTO at top for improved startup performance
+:: 2014-11-25 v3.1: Added /JLIB option
+:: Exception handler reports when regex is bad
+:: Fix /X bug with extended ASCII
+:: 2014-11-23 v3.0: Added /JBEGLN and /JENDLN options
+:: Added skip, quit, and lpad() global variables/functions
+:: Exception handler reports when error in user code
+:: 2014-11-21 v2.2: Bug fix for /T with /L option.
+:: 2014-11-20 v2.1: Bug fix for /T option when match is an empty string
+:: 2014-11-17 v2.0: Added /T (translate) and /C (count input lines) options
+:: 2014-11-14 v1.0: Initial release derived from REPL.BAT v6.2
+::============ Documentation ===========
+:::JREPL Search Replace [/Option [Value]]...
+:::JREPL /?[?][Topic|/Option|CHARSET/[Query]|HELP]
+::: Performs a global regular expression search and replace operation on
+::: each line of ASCII input from stdin and prints the result to stdout.
+::: Each parameter may be optionally enclosed by double quotes. The double
+::: quotes are not considered part of the argument. The quotes are required
+::: if the parameter contains a batch token delimiter like space, tab, comma,
+::: semicolon. The quotes should also be used if the argument contains a
+::: batch special character like &, |, etc. so that the special character
+::: does not need to be escaped with ^.
+::: Search - By default, this is a case sensitive JScript (ECMA) regular
+::: expression expressed as a string.
+::: JScript regex syntax documentation is available at
+::: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ae5bf541.aspx
+::: Replace - By default, this is the string to be used as a replacement for
+::: each found search expression. Full support is provided for
+::: substitution patterns available to the JScript replace method.
+::: For example, $& represents the portion of the source that matched
+::: the entire search pattern, $1 represents the first captured
+::: submatch, $2 the second captured submatch, etc. A $ literal
+::: can be escaped as $$.
+::: An empty replacement string must be represented as "".
+::: Replace substitution pattern syntax is fully documented at
+::: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/efy6s3e6.aspx
+::: The meaning of extended ASCII byte codes >= 128 (0x80) is dependent on the
+::: active code page. Extended ASCII within arguments and variables requires
+::: the /XFILE option. Binary input with NULL bytes requires the /M option.
+::: Options: Behavior may be altered by appending one or more options.
+::: The option names are case insensitive, and may appear in any order
+::: after the Replace argument.
+:: /A - write Altered lines only
+:: /APP - Append results to the output file
+:: /B - match Beginning of line
+:: /C - Count number of source lines
+:: /D - Delimiter for /N and /OFF
+:: /E - match End of line
+:: /EXC BlockList - EXClude lines from selected blocks
+:: /F InFile[|CharSet[NB]]- read input from a File
+:: /I - Ignore case
+:: /INC BlockList - INClude lines from selected blocks
+:: /J - JScript replace expressions
+:: /JBEG InitCode - initialization JScript code
+:: /JBEGLN NewLineCode - line initialization JScript code
+:: /JEND FinalCode - finalization JScript code
+:: /JENDLN EndLineCode - line finalization JScript code
+:: /JLIB FileList - load file(s) of initialization code
+:: /JMATCH - write matching JScript replacements only
+:: /JMATCHQ - new Quick form of /JMATCH
+:: /JQ - new Quick form of /J
+:: /K Context or Pre:Post - search and Keep lines that match
+:: /L - Literal search
+:: /M - Multi-line mode
+:: /MATCH - Search and print each match, one per line
+:: /N MinWidth - prefix output with liNe numbers
+:: /O OutFile[|CharSet[|NB]] - write Output to a file
+:: /OFF MinWidth - add char OFFsets to /K, /JMATCHQ, /MATCH output
+:: /P Regex - only search/replace strings that match a Regex
+:: /PFLAG Flags - set the /P regex Flags to "g", "gi", "", or "i"
+:: /PREPL FilterReplCode - selectively Search/Replace captured /P groups
+:: /R Context or Pre:Post - search and Reject lines that match
+:: /RTN ReturnVar[:Line#] - Return result in a variable
+:: /S VarName - Source is read from a variable
+:: /T DelimChar or FILE - Translate multiple search/replace pairs
+:: /TFLAG Flags - Specify XRegExp flags for use with /T
+:: /U - Unix line terminators (\n instead of \r\n)
+:: /UTF - All input and output as UTF-16LE (BOM optional)
+:: /V - use Variables for Search/Replace and code
+:: /X - shorthand for combined /XFILE and /XSEQ
+:: /XBYTES - force creation of new XBYTES.DAT
+:: /XBYTESOFF - force /XSEQ \xnn to be treated as Windows-1252
+:: /XFILE - preserve extended ASCII in args via temp files
+:: /XREG FileList - adds XRegExp support to JREPL
+:: /XSEQ - enable extended escape sequences
+::: /A - Only write altered lines. Unaltered lines are discarded.
+::: If the /S option is used, then write the result only if
+::: there was a change anywhere in the string. The /A option
+::: is incompatible with the /M option unless the /S option
+::: is also present.
+::: /APP - Modify /O behavior to Append results to the output file.
+::: /B - The Search must match the Beginning of a line.
+::: Mostly used with literal searches.
+::: /C - Count the number of input lines and store the result in global
+::: variable cnt. This value can be useful in JScript code associated
+::: with any of the /Jxxx options.
+::: This option is implicitly enabled if /INC or /EXC contains a
+::: negative value.
+::: This option is incompatible with the /M and /S options.
+::: If the input data is piped or redirected, then the data is first
+::: written to a temporary file, so processing does not start until
+::: the end-of-file is reached.
+::: /D Delimiter
+::: Specifies the Delimiter string to use after line numbers and/or
+::: byte offsets that are output due to the /N or /OFF options.
+::: The default value is a colon. The delimiter may be set to an
+::: empty string by using /D "".
+::: /E - The Search must match the End of a line.
+::: Mostly used with literal searches.
+::: /EXC BlockList
+::: Exclude (do not search/replace) lines that appear within at least
+::: one block within BlockList. A block may be a single line, or a
+::: contiguous range of lines between a start and end line. The /EXC
+::: option is incompatible with /M and /S.
+::: The syntax for specifying a BlockList is complex. Whitespace
+::: should not appear anywhere except for possibly within a Regex or
+::: String.
+::: BlockList = {Block}[,{Block}]...
+::: {Block} = {SingleLine}|{LineRange}
+::: {SingleLine} = {LineSpec}[{Offset}]
+::: {LineRange} = {LineSpec}[{Offset}]:{EndLineSpec}[{Offset}]
+::: {LineSpec} = [-]LineNumber|{Regex}[/]|{String}[/]
+::: {EndLineSpec} = [-]LineNumber|+Number|{Regex}|{String}
+::: {Regex} = /Regex/[i|b|e]...
+::: {String} = 'String'[i|b|e]...
+::: {Offset} = +Number|-Number
+::: A line may be identified by its LineNumber, or by a Regex that
+::: matches the line, or a String literal that is found in the line.
+::: Once identified, a line position may be adjusted forward or
+::: backward via the optional Offset.
+::: A negative LineNumber is counted from the end of the file.
+::: So 1 is the first line of input, and -1 is the last line. The /C
+::: option is automatically activated if any block identifies a line
+::: via a negative line number.
+::: A Block Regex uses mostly standard JScript syntax. Both a Regex
+::: and a String may use any of the escape sequences defined by the
+::: /XSEQ option, even if the /XSEQ option has not been set. Any /
+::: literal within a Regex must be escaped as \/. Any ' literal
+::: within a String must be escaped as ''.
+::: A Regex or String may be followed by any combination of the
+::: following flags:
+::: i - Ignore case
+::: b - The search must match the beginning of a line
+::: e - The search must match the end of a line
+::: /EXC and /INC ignore the /I option.
+::: A line or range start that is identified by a Regex or String may
+::: match multiple lines within the input. Only the first matching
+::: line is used if the Regex or String is terminated by an extra /.
+::: A Line block or Range start that is identified by a Regex or
+::: String cannot have a negative Offset.
+::: If the end of a Range is specified as + followed by a Number,
+::: then the Number is treated as an offset from the start of the
+::: Range (after any start Offset has been applied).
+::: If the end of a Range is specified as a Regex or String, then the
+::: block end is the first line that matches after the beginning of
+::: the block. The extra / cannot be used with an end of Range Regex
+::: or String. The Offset must be greater than or equal to -1 if a
+::: Regex or String is used. If the end of Range Regex or String is
+::: not found, then the block continues to the end of file.
+::: Examples:
+::: /EXC "1:5,10,-5:-1"
+::: Exclude the first 5, 10th, and last 5 lines.
+::: /EXC "/^:/"
+::: Exclude all lines that begin with a colon
+::: /EXC "/^Begin$/+1:/^End$/-1"
+::: Exclude all lines that are after a "Begin" line, and before
+::: the next "End" line. Multiple blocks may be excluded.
+::: /EXC "/^DATA/i/:+10"
+::: Exclude the first line that begins with DATA, ignoring case,
+::: and exclude the next 10 lines as well.
+::: /EXC "'[START]':'[STOP]'"
+::: Exclude lines beginning with a line that contains the literal
+::: [START] and ending with the next line that contains [STOP].
+::: /EXC "'[START]'be:'[STOP]'be"
+::: Exclude lines beginning with a [START] line (exact match)
+::: and ending with the next [STOP] line (exact match).
+::: /F InFile[|CharSet|[NB]]
+::: Input is read from file InFile instead of stdin.
+::: If |CharSet (internet character set name) is appended to InFile,
+::: then the file is opened via ADO using the specified CharSet value.
+::: JREPL still recognizes both \n and \r\n as input line terminators
+::: when using ADO. Both ADO and the CharSet must be available on the
+::: local system. Appending |NB to the |CharSet normally has no impact.
+::: The |NB No BOM flag is only useful when combined with /O -.
+::: /I - Ignore case when searching.
+::: /INC BlockList
+::: Only Include (search/replace) lines that appear within at least
+::: one block within BlockList. A block may be a single line, or a
+::: contiguous range of lines between a start and end line. The /INC
+::: option is incompatible with /M and /S.
+::: A line within an /INC block is not included if it also appears
+::: within an /EXC block.
+::: See the /EXC help for the syntax of a BlockList.
+::: Examples:
+::: /INC "1:5,10,-5:-1"
+::: Include the first 5, 10th, and last 5 lines.
+::: /INC "/^:/"
+::: Include all lines that begin with a colon
+::: /INC "/^Begin$/+1:/^End$/-1"
+::: Include all lines that are after a "Begin" line, and before
+::: the next "End" line. Multiple blocks may be included.
+::: /INC "/^DATA/i/:+10"
+::: Include the first line that begins with DATA, ignoring case,
+::: and include the next 10 lines as well.
+::: /INC "'[START]':'[STOP]'"
+::: Include lines starting with a line that contains the literal
+::: "[START]" and ending with the next line that contains "[STOP]".
+::: /INC "'[START]'be:'[STOP]'be"
+::: Include lines beginning with a "[START]" line (exact match)
+::: and ending with the next "[STOP]" line (exact match).
+::: /J - A deprecated form of /JQ that is slow because the JScript code
+::: is executed via the eval() function each and every match. This
+::: form does not use $txt - The replace value is taken as the value
+::: of the last JScript expression within Replace.
+::: This option is only preserved so as not to break existing scripts.
+::: /JBEG InitCode
+::: JScript inititialization code to run prior to loading any input.
+::: This is useful for initializing user defined variables for
+::: accumulating information across matches. The default code is an
+::: empty string.
+::: /JBEGLN NewLineCode
+::: JScript code to run at the beginning of each line, prior to
+::: performing any search on the line. The line content may be
+::: manipulated via the $txt variable. The default code is an empty
+::: string. This option is incompatible with the /M and /S options.
+::: /JEND FinalCode
+::: JScript termination code to run when there is no more input to
+::: read. This is useful for writing summarization results.
+::: The default code is an empty string.
+::: /JENDLN EndLineCode
+::: JScript code to run at the end of each line, after all matches
+::: on the line have been found, but before the result is printed.
+::: The final result can be modified via the $txt variable. Setting
+::: $txt to false discards the line without printing. The $txt value
+::: is ignored if the /JMATCH option has been used. The default
+::: code is an empty string. This option is incompatible with the
+::: /M and /S options.
+::: /JLIB FileList
+::: Specifies one or more files that contain libraries of JScript
+::: code to load before /JBEG is run. Multiple files are delimited
+::: by forward slashes (/). Useful for declaring global variables
+::: and functions in a way that is reusable.
+::: /JMATCH - A deprecated form of /JMATCHQ that is slow because the JScript
+::: code is executed via the eval() function each and every match.
+::: This form does not use $txt - The replace value is taken as the
+::: value of the last JScript expression within Replace.
+::: This option is only preserved so as not to break existing scripts.
+::: /JMATCHQ - Write each Replace value on a new line, discarding all text
+::: that does not match the Search. The Replace argument is one or
+::: more JScript statements with access to the same $ variables
+::: available to the /JQ option. The code must store the final replace
+::: value in variable $txt. A $txt value of false indicates the match
+::: is to be ignored.
+::: Note the trailing Q stands for Quick :-)
+::: /JQ - The Replace argument is one or more JScript statements that
+::: define the replacement value, and possibly do more. The code
+::: must store the final replace value in variable $txt.
+::: The following variables contain details about each match:
+::: $0 is the substring that matched the Search
+::: $1 through $n are the captured submatch strings
+::: $off is the offset where the match occurred
+::: $src is the original source string
+::: Note the trailing Q stands for Quick :-)
+::: /K PreContext:PostContext[:FILE]
+::: /K Context[:FILE]
+::: Keep matches - Search and write out lines that contain at least
+::: one match, without doing any replacement. The Replace argument is
+::: still required, but is ignored.
+::: The integers PreContext and PostContext specify how many non-
+::: matching lines to write before the match, and after the match,
+::: respectively. If a single Context integer is given, then the same
+::: number of non-matching lines are written before and after.
+::: A Context of 0 writes only matching lines.
+::: If :FILE is appended to the context, then the Search parameter
+::: specifies a file containing one or more search terms, one term
+::: per line. A line matches if any of the search terms are found
+::: witin the line. The file can be opened via ADO if |CharSet
+::: (internet character set name) is appended to the file name.
+::: Note: the /V option does not apply to Search if /K :FILE is used.
+::: /K is incompatible with /A, /J, /JQ, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ, /M,
+::: /MATCH, /R, /S, and /T.
+::: /L - The Search is treated as a string literal instead of a
+::: regular expression. Also, all $ found in the Replace string
+::: are treated as $ literals.
+::: /M - Multi-line mode. The entire input is read and processed in one
+::: pass instead of line by line, thus enabling search for \n. This
+::: also enables preservation of the original line terminators.
+::: The /M option is incompatible with the /A option unless the /S
+::: option is also present.
+::: Note: If working with binary data containing NULL bytes,
+::: then the /M option must be used.
+::: /MATCH - Search and write out each matching string on a new line,
+::: discarding any non-matching text. The Replace argument is
+::: ignored, but is still required.
+::: /MATCH is incompatible with /A, /J, /JQ, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ,
+::: /R and /T.
+::: /N MinWidth
+::: Precede each output line with the line number of the source line,
+::: followed by a delimiter (colon by default). The default delimiter
+::: can be overridden with the /D option.
+::: Line 1 is the first line of the source.
+::: The MinWidth value specifies the minimum number of digits to
+::: display. The default value is 0, meaning do not display the
+::: line number. A value of 1 displays the line numbers without any
+::: zero padding.
+::: The /N option is ignored if the /M or /S option is used.
+::: /O OutFile[|CharSet[|NB]]
+::: Output is written to file OutFile instead of stdout. Any existing
+::: OutFile is overwritten unless the /APP option is also used.
+::: If |CharSet (internet character set name) is appended to OutFile,
+::: then the file is opened via ADO using the specified CharSet value.
+::: The output line terminator still defaults to \r\n when using ADO,
+::: and may be changed to \n with the \U option. Both ADO and the
+::: CharSet must be available on the local system. Unicode files
+::: written by ADO have a BOM by default. Appending |NB (or |anyvalue)
+::: to the CharSet blocks the BOM from being written.
+::: If /F InFile is also used, then an OutFile value of "-" overwrites
+::: the original InFile with the output. A value of "-" preserves the
+::: original input character set (and also any |NB No BOM indicator).
+::: A value of "-|" explicitly transforms the file into the machine
+::: default character set. A "-|CharSet[|NB]" value explicitly
+::: transforms the file into the specified character set. The output
+::: is first written to a temporary file with the same path and name,
+::: with .new appended. Upon completion, the temp file is moved to
+::: replace the InFile.
+::: It is rarely useful, but /APP may be combined with /O -. But /APP
+::: cannot be combined with /O "-|CharSet".
+::: /OFF MinWidth
+::: Ignored unless /JMATCHQ, /JMATCH, /MATCH, or /K is used.
+::: Precede each line of output with the offset of the match within
+::: the original source string, followed by a delimiter (colon by
+::: default). The default delimiter can be overridden with the /D
+::: option. The offset follows the line number if the /N option is
+::: also used.
+::: Offset 0 is the first character of the source string. The source
+::: string is normally the current line. But if the /M option is used
+::: then the source string is the entire file.
+::: The MinWidth value specifies the minimum number of digits to
+::: display. The default value is 0, meaning do not display the
+::: offset. A value of 1 displays the offsets without any zero
+::: padding.
+::: /P FilterRegex
+::: Only Search/Replace strings that match the Pre-filter regular
+::: expression FilterRegex. All escape sequences defined by /XSEQ are
+::: available to FilterRegex, even if /XSEQ has not been set.
+::: FilterRegex is a global, case sensitive search by default.
+::: The behavior may be changed via the /PFLAG option.
+::: By default, /P passes the entire matched filter string to the
+::: main Search/Replace routine. If your FilterRegex includes captured
+::: groups, then you can add the /PREPL option to selectively pass one
+::: or more captured groups instead.
+::: The /P option ignores /I, but honors /M.
+::: The /P option may be combined with /INC and/or /EXC, in which case
+::: /P is applied after lines have been included and/or excluded.
+::: From the standpoint of the main "Search" argument, ^ matches the
+::: beginning of the matched filter, and $ matches the end of the
+::: matched filter.
+::: Example - Substitute X for each character within curly braces,
+::: including the braces.
+::: echo abc{xyz}def|jrepl . X /p "{.*?}"
+::: result:
+::: abcXXXXXdef
+::: See /PREPL for an example showing how to preserve the enclosing
+::: braces.
+::: /PFLAG Flags
+::: Set the search flags to be used when defining the /P FilterRegex.
+::: Possible values are:
+::: "g" - global, case sensitive (default)
+::: "gi" - global, ignore case
+::: "" - first match only, case sensitive
+::: "i" - first match only, ignore case
+::: If the search is not global, then the first match of each line
+::: is used. If the /M option is used, then a non-global search uses
+::: only the first match of the entire input.
+::: Note that the /P FilterRegex multiline mode is contolled by the
+::: /M option. The "m" flag cannot be used with /PFLAG.
+::: /PREPL FilterReplaceCode
+::: Specify a JScript expression FilterReplaceCode that controls
+::: what portion of the /P Pre-filter match is passed on to the main
+::: Search/Replace routine, and what portion is preserved as-is.
+::: The expression is mostly standard JScript, and should evaluate to
+::: a string value. $0 is the entire Pre-filter match, and $1 through
+::: $N are the captured groups. The only non-standard syntax is the
+::: use of curly braces to indicate what string expression gets passed
+::: on to the main Search/Replace. Prior to executing the /P filter,
+::: each brace expression within /PREPL is transformed as follows:
+::: {Expression} --> (Expression).replace(Search,Replace)
+::: Any JScript is allowed within /PREPL, except string literals
+::: should not contain $, {, or }.
+::: Using /P without /PREPL is the same as using /P with /PREPL "{$0}"
+::: /PREPL cannot be used with /K or /R.
+::: Note that neither /V nor /XFILE apply to /PREPL.
+::: Example - Substitute X for each character within curly braces,
+::: excluding the braces.
+::: echo abc{xyz}def|jrepl . X /p "({)(.*?)(})" /prepl "$1+{$2}+$3"
+::: result:
+::: abc{XXX}def
+::: /R PreContext:PostContext[:FILE]
+::: /R Context[:FILE]
+::: Reject matches - Search and write out lines that do not contain
+::: any matches, without doing any replacement. The Replace argument
+::: is still required, but is ignored.
+::: The integers PreContext and PostContext specify how many matching
+::: lines to write before the non-match, and after the non-match,
+::: respectively. If a single Context integer is given, then the same
+::: number of matching lines are written before and after.
+::: A Context of 0 writes only non-matching lines.
+::: If :FILE is appended to the context, then the Search parameter
+::: specifies a file containing one or more search terms, one term
+::: per line. A line is rejected if any of the search terms are found
+::: witin the line. The file can be opened via ADO if |CharSet
+::: (internet character set name) is appended to the file name.
+::: Note: the /V option does not apply to Search if /K :FILE is used.
+::: /R is incomptaible with /A, /J, /JQ, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ, /K, /M,
+::: /MATCH, /S, and /T.
+::: /RTN ReturnVar[:[-]LineNumber]
+::: Write the result to variable ReturnVar.
+::: If the optional LineNumber is present, then only that specified
+::: line within the result set is returned. A LineNumber of 1 is the
+::: first line. A negative LineNumber is measured from the end of the
+::: result set, so -1 is the last line.
+::: All byte codes except NULL (0x00) are preserved, regardless
+::: whether delayed expansion is enabled or not. An error is thrown
+::: and no value stored if the result contains NULL.
+::: An error is thrown and no value stored if the value does not fit
+::: within a variable. The maximum returned length varies depending
+::: on the variable name and result content. The longest possible
+::: returned length is 8179 bytes.
+::: The line terminator of the last match is suppressed if /MATCH,
+::: /JMATCH, or /JMATCHQ is used.
+::: /S VarName
+::: The source is read from environment variable VarName instead
+::: of from stdin. Without the /M option, ^ anchors the beginning
+::: of the string, and $ the end of the string. With the /M option,
+::: ^ anchors the beginning of a line, and $ the end of a line.
+::: The variable name must not begin with /.
+::: /T DelimiterChar
+::: /T FILE
+::: The /T option is very similar to the Oracle Translate() function,
+::: or the unix tr command, or the sed y command.
+::: The Search represents a set of search expressions, and Replace
+::: is a like sized set of replacement expressions. Expressions are
+::: delimited by DelimiterChar (a single character). If DelimiterChar
+::: is an empty string, then each character is treated as its own
+::: expression. The /L option is implicitly set if DelimiterChar is
+::: empty. Normally escape sequences are interpreted after the search
+::: and replace strings are split into expressions. But if the
+::: DelimiterChar is empty and /XSEQ is used, then escape sequences
+::: are interpreted prior to the split at every character.
+::: An alternate syntax is to specify the word FILE instead of a
+::: DelimiterChar, in which case the Search and Replace parameters
+::: specify files that contain the search and replace expressions,
+::: one expression per line. Each file can be opened via ADO if
+::: |CharSet (internet character set name) is appended to the file
+::: name. Note that the /V option does not apply to Search and Replace
+::: if /T FILE is used.
+::: Each substring from the input that matches a particular search
+::: expression is translated into the corresponding replacement
+::: expression.
+::: The search expressions may be regular expressions, possibly with
+::: captured groups. Note that each expression is itself converted into
+::: a captured group behind the scene, and the operation is performed
+::: as a single search/replace upon execution. So backreferences within
+::: each regex, and $n references within each replacement expression,
+::: must be adjusted accordingly. The total number of expressions plus
+::: captured groups must not exceed 99.
+::: If an expression must include a delimiter, then an escape
+::: sequence must be used (not an issue if the FILE syntax is used).
+::: Search expressions are tested from left to right. The left most
+::: matching expression takes precedence when there are multiple
+::: matching expressions.
+::: Examples using /T:
+::: ROT13 - Simple character substitution is achieved by setting the
+::: /T delimiter to an empty string. The search and replace strings
+::: must have identical length. The use of line continuation aligns
+::: the replace string directly below the search string, thus making
+::: it very easy to see exactly how each character will be translated.
+::: The "a" in the search string will be replaced by the "n" in the
+::: replace string. And you can see the symmetry in that the "n" will
+::: be replaced by "a".
+::: echo The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog | jrepl^
+::: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"^
+::: "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM"^
+::: /t ""
+::: -- OUTPUT --
+::: Gur dhvpx oebja sbk whzcf bire n ynml qbt
+::: Simple string substitution - The /T option specifies that string
+::: expressions are delimited by a space. The /L option prevents "."
+::: from being interpreted as a regex wildcard character.
+::: echo The blackbird flew through the blue sky. | jrepl^
+::: "black blue sky ." "blue black night !" /l /t " "
+::: -- OUTPUT--
+::: The bluebird flew through the black night!
+::: Simple string substitution using FILE - This is the same as the
+::: prior example, except now the Search and Replace strings are in
+::: the following files:
+::: find.txt repl.txt
+::: -------- --------
+::: black blue
+::: blue black
+::: sky night
+::: . !
+::: The following command yields the same output as before:
+::: echo The blackbird flew through the blue sky. | jrepl^
+::: find.txt repl.txt /l /t file
+::: Pig Latin - This example shows how /T can be used with regular
+::: expressions, and it demonstrates how the numbering of captured
+::: groups must be adjusted. The /T delimiter is set to a space.
+::: The first regex is captured as $1, and it matches words that begin
+::: with a consonant. The first captured group ($2) contains the initial
+::: sequence of consonants, and the second captured group ($3) contains
+::: the balance of the word. The corresponding replacement string moves
+::: $2 after $3, with a "-" in between, and appends "ay".
+::: The second regex matches any word, and it is captured as $4 because
+::: the prior regex ended with group $3. Because the first regex matched
+::: all words that begin with consonants, the only thing the second
+::: regex can match is a word that begins with a vowel. The replacement
+::: string simply adds "-yay" to the end of $4. Note that $0 could have
+::: been used instead of $4, and it would yield the same result.
+::: echo Can you speak Pig Latin? | jrepl^
+::: "\b((?:qu(?=[aeiou])|[bcdfghj-np-twxz])+)([a-z']+)\b \b[a-z']+\b"^
+::: "$3-$2ay $4-yay" /t " " /i
+::: -- OUTPUT --
+::: an-Cay you-yay eak-spay ig-Pay atin-Lay?
+::: Pig-Latin with proper capitalization - This is simply an extension
+::: of the prior example. The /JBEG option defines a fixCaps() function
+::: that checks if the translated word is all lower case, except for one
+::: capital letter after the "-". If so, then the initial letter is
+::: capitalized, and the remainder is converted to lower caae. The /JQ
+::: option treats the replacement strings as JScript expressions. The
+::: first replacement expression uses fixCaps() to properly restore case.
+::: echo Can you speak Pig Latin? | jrepl^
+::: "\b((?:qu(?=[aeiou])|[bcdfghj-np-twxz])+)([a-z']+)\b \b[a-z']+\b"^
+::: "$txt=fixCaps($3+'-'+$2+'ay') $txt=$4+'-yay'"^
+::: /t " " /i /j /jbeg ^"^
+::: function fixCaps(str){^
+::: return str.search(/[a-z']+-[A-Z][a-z]*$/)==0 ?^
+::: str.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+str.substr(1).toLowerCase() : str^
+::: }^"
+::: -- OUTPUT --
+::: An-cay you-yay eak-spay Ig-pay Atin-lay?
+::: /TFLAG Flags
+::: Used to specify XRegExp non-standard mode flags for use with /T.
+::: /TFLAG is ignored unless both /T and /XREG are used.
+::: /U - Write lines using a Unix line terminator \n instead of Windows
+::: terminator of \r\n. This has no effect if the /M option is used
+::: unless /MATCH, /JMATCH, or /JMATCHQ is also used.
+::: Note that /U does not affect input.ReadLine or output.WriteLine
+::: methods in user supplied JScript. ReadLine always accepts both
+::: \r\n and \n as line terminators. And WriteLine always terminates
+::: lines with \r\n.
+::: /UTF - All input and output encodings are Unicode UTF-16 Little
+::: Endian (UTF-16LE). This includes stdin and stdout. The only
+::: exceptions are /JLIB and /XREG files, which are still read
+::: as ASCII.
+::: The \xFF\xFE BOM is optional for input.
+::: Output files will automatically have the \xFF\xFE BOM inserted.
+::: But stdout will not have the BOM.
+::: Regular expression support of Unicode can be improved by using
+::: the /XREG option.
+::: Variables are never written to temporary files (/XFILE is ignored)
+::: if /UTF is used.
+::: Unfortunately, /UTF is incompatible with /RTN.
+::: /V - Search, Replace, /INC BlockList, /EXC BlockList, /P FilterRegex,
+::: /JBEG InitCode, /JBEGLN NewLineCode, /JEND FinalCode, and
+::: /JENDLN EndLineCode all represent the names of environment
+::: variables that contain the respective values. An undefined
+::: variable is treated as an empty string.
+::: Variable names beginning with / are reserved for option storage
+::: and other internal uses. So user defined variables used with /V
+::: must not have a name that begins with /.
+::: /X - Shorthand for combined /XFILE and /XSEQ.
+::: /XBYTES - Force creation of a new XBYTES.DAT file for use by the /XSEQ
+::: option when decoding \xnn sequences.
+::: /XBYTESOFF - Force JREPL to use pre v7.4 behavior where /XSEQ \xnn is
+::: always interpreted as Windows-1252.
+::: /XFILE - Preserves extended ASCII characters that may appear within
+::: command line arguments and/or variables by first writing the
+::: values to temporary files within the %TEMP% directory. Extended
+::: ASCII values are byte codes >= 128 (0x80). This option is ignored
+::: (no temporary files written) if /UTF is also used.
+::: Temporary files may be needed when the cmd.exe active code page
+::: does not match the default character set used by the CSCRIPT
+::: JSCRIPT engine.
+::: /XREG FileList
+::: Adds support for XRegExp by loading the xregexp files specified
+::: in FileList before any /JLIB code is loaded. Multiple files are
+::: delimited by forward slashes (/). If FileList is simply a dot,
+::: then substitute the value of environment variable XREGEXP for
+::: the FileList.
+::: The simplest option is to load "xregexp-all.js", but this
+::: includes all available XRegExp options and addons, some of which
+::: are unlikely to be useful to JREPL. Alternatively you can load
+::: only the specific modules you need, but they must be loaded in the
+::: correct order.
+::: Once the XRegExp module(s) are loaded, all user supplied regular
+::: expressions are created using the XRegExp constructor rather than
+::: the standard RegExp constructor. Also, XRegExp.install('natives')
+::: is executed so that many standard regular expression methods are
+::: overridden by XRegExp methods.
+::: /XREG requires XRegExp version 2.0.0 or 3.x.x. JREPL will not
+::: support version 4.x.x (when it is released) because v4.x.x
+::: is scheduled to drop support for XRegExp.install('natives').
+::: One of the key features of XRegExp is that it extends the JScript
+::: regular expression syntax to support named capture groups, as in
+::: (?anyCapturedExpression). Named backreference syntax in
+::: regular expressions is \k. Named group syntax in Replace
+::: strings is ${name}, and in Replace JScript code the syntax is
+::: $0.name
+::: The /T option is no longer limited to 99 capture groups when
+::: /XREG is used. However, /T replace expressions must reference a
+::: captured group by name if the capture index is 100 or above.
+::: Every /T search expression is automatically given a capture group
+::: name of Tn, where n is the 0 based index of the /T expression.
+::: XRegExp also adds support for non-standard mode flags:
+::: n - Explicit capture
+::: s - Dot matches all
+::: x - Free spacing and line comments
+::: A - Astral
+::: These flags can generally be applied by using (?flags) syntax
+::: at the begining of any regex. This is true for /P, /INC, /EXC,
+::: and most Find regular expressions. The one exception is /T doesn't
+::: support (?flags) at the beginning of the Find string. The /TFLAG
+::: option should be used to specify XRegExp flags for use with /T.
+::: XRegExp also improves regular expression support for Unicode via
+::: \p{Category}, \p{Script}, \p{InBlock}, \p{Property} escape
+::: sequences, as well as the negated forms \P{...} and \p{^...}.
+::: Note that example usage on xregexp.com shows use of doubled back
+::: slashes like \\p{...}. But JREPL automatically does the doubling
+::: for you, so you should use \p{...} instead.
+::: See xregexp.com for more information about the capabilities of
+::: XRegExp, and for links to download XRegExp.
+::: /XSEQ - Enables extended escape sequences for both Search strings and
+::: Replacement strings, with support for the following sequences:
+::: \\ - Backslash
+::: \b - Backspace
+::: \c - Caret (^)
+::: \f - Formfeed
+::: \n - Newline
+::: \q - Quote (")
+::: \r - Carriage Return
+::: \t - Horizontal Tab
+::: \v - Vertical Tab
+::: \xnn - Extended ASCII byte code expressed as 2 hex digits nn.
+::: The code is mapped to the correct Unicode code point,
+::: depending on the chosen character set. If used within
+::: a Find string, then the input character set is used. If
+::: within a Replacement string, then the output character
+::: set is used. If the selected character set is invalid or
+::: not a single byte character set, then \xnn is treated as
+::: a Unicode code point. Note that extended ASCII character
+::: class ranges like [\xnn-\xnn] should not be used because
+::: the intended range likely does not map to a contiguous
+::: set of Unicode code points - use [\x{nn-mm}] instead.
+::: \x{nn-mm} - A range of extended ASCII byte codes for use within
+::: a regular expression character class expression. The
+::: The min value nn and max value mm are expressed as hex
+::: digits. The range is automatically expanded into the
+::: full set of mapped Unicode code points. The character
+::: set mapping rules are the same as for \xnn.
+::: \x{nn,CharSet} - Same as \xnn, except explicitly uses CharSet
+::: character set mapping.
+::: \x{nn-mm,CharSet} - Same as \x{nn-mm}, except explicitly uses
+::: CharSet character set mapping.
+::: \unnnn - Unicode code point expressed as 4 hex digits nnnn.
+::: \u{N} - Any Unicode code point where N is 1 to 6 hex digits
+::: JREPL automatically creates an XBYTES.DAT file containing all 256
+::: possible byte codes. The XBYTES.DAT file is preferentially created
+::: in "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\JREPL\" if at all possible. Otherwise the
+::: file is created in "%TEMP%\JREPL\" instead. JREPL uses the file
+::: to establish the correct \xnn byte code mapping for each character
+::: set. Once created, successive runs reuse the same XBYTES.DAT file.
+::: If the file gets corrupted, then use the /XBYTES option to force
+::: creation of a new XBYTES.DAT file. If JREPL cannot create the file
+::: for any reason, then JREPL silently defaults to using pre v7.4
+::: behavior where /XSEQ \xnn is interpreted as Windows-1252. Creation
+::: of XBYTES.DAT requires either CERTUTIL.EXE or ADO. It is possible
+::: that both may be missing from an XP machine.
+::: Without the /XSEQ option, only standard JSCRIPT escape sequences
+::: \\, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v, \xnn, \unnnn are available for the
+::: search strings. And the \xnn sequence represents a unicode
+::: code point, not extended ASCII.
+::: Extended escape sequences are supported even when the /L option
+::: is used. Both Search and Replace support all of the extended
+::: escape sequences if both the /XSEQ and /L options are combined.
+::: Extended escape sequences are not applied to JScript code when
+::: using any of the /Jxxx options. Use the decode() function if
+::: extended escape sequences are needed within the code.
+::: The following global JScript variables/objects/functions are available for
+::: use in JScript code associated with the /Jxxx options. User code may safely
+::: declare additional variables/objects/functions because all other internal
+::: objects used by JREPL are hidden behind an opaque _g object.
+::: ln - Within /JBEGLN, /JENDLN, and Replace code = current line number
+::: Within /JBEG code = 0
+::: Within /JEND code = total number of lines read.
+::: This value is always 0 if the /M or /S option is used.
+::: cnt - The total number of lines in the input. The value is undefined
+::: unless the /C option is used.
+::: skip - If true, do not search/replace any more lines until the value
+::: becomes false. /JBEGLN and /JENDLN code are still executed for
+::: each line, regardless. If set to true while in the midst of
+::: searching a line, then that search will continue to the end of
+::: the current line.
+::: The default value is false.
+::: This variable has no impact if the /M or /S options is used.
+::: Note that this variable operates independently of the /INC
+::: and /EXC options.
+::: quit - If true, then do not read any more lines of input. The current
+::: line is still processed to completion, and /JEND code is still
+::: executed afterward.
+::: The default value is false.
+::: This variable has no impact if the /M or /S options is used.
+::: env('varName')
+::: Access to environment variable named varName.
+::: decode( String [,CharSet] )
+::: Decodes extended escape sequences within String as defined by
+::: the /XSEQ option, and returns the result. CharSet specifies the
+::: single byte character set to use for \xnn escape sequences.
+::: If CharSet is 'input', then the character set of the input is
+::: used. If CharSet is 'output', then the character set of the
+::: output is used. If CharSet is 'default' or undefined, then the
+::: default character set for the machine is used. Otherwise,
+::: CharSet should be a valid internet character set name understood
+::: by the machine. If the selected character set is invalid or not
+::: a single byte character set, then \xnn is treated as a Unicode
+::: code point.
+::: All backslashes within String must be escaped an extra time to
+::: use this function in your code.
+::: Examples:
+::: quote literal: decode('\\q','output')
+::: extended ASCII(128): decode('\\x80','output')
+::: backslash literal: decode('\\\\','output')
+::: This function is only needed if you use any \q, \c, or \u{N}
+::: escape sequences, or \xnn escape sequence for extended ASCII.
+::: lpad( value, padString )
+::: lpad( value, length [,padString] )
+::: Used to left pad a value to a minimum width string. If the
+::: value already has string width >= the desired length, then no
+::: change is made. Otherwise it left pads the value with the
+::: characters of the pad string to the desired length. If only
+::: padString is specified, then the value is padded to the length
+::: of padString. If length is specified with a padString, then
+::: padString is replicated as needed to get the desired length.
+::: If length is specified without padString, then spaces are used
+::: for the padString.
+::: Examples:
+::: lpad(15,' ') returns ' 15'
+::: lpad(15,4) returns ' 15'
+::: lpad(15,'0000') returns '0015'
+::: lpad(15,4,'0') returns '0015'
+::: lpad(19011,4,'0') returns '19011'
+::: lpad('A','. . . . .') returns '. . . . .A'
+::: lpad('A',9,'. ') returns '. . . . .A'
+::: lpad('AB','. . . . .') returns '. . . . AB'
+::: lpad('AB',9,'. ') returns '. . . . AB'
+::: rpad( value, padString )
+::: rpad( value, length [,padString] )
+::: Used to right pad a value to a minimum width string. If the
+::: value already has string width >= the desired length, then no
+::: change is made. Otherwise it right pads the value with the
+::: characters of the pad string to the desired length. If only
+::: padString is specified, then the value is padded to the length
+::: of padString. If length is specified with a padString, then
+::: padString is replicated as needed to get the desired length.
+::: If length is specified without padString, then spaces are used
+::: for the padString.
+::: Examples:
+::: rpad('hello',' ') returns 'hello '
+::: rpad('hello',10) returns 'hello '
+::: rpad('hello',' . . . . .') returns 'hello. . .'
+::: rpad('hello',10,' .') returns 'hello. . .'
+::: rpad('hell',' . . . . .') returns 'hell . . .'
+::: rpad('hell',10,' .') returns 'hell . . .'
+::: rpad('hello',2) returns 'hello'
+::: inc( [blockNum] )
+::: A boolean function that returns true or false.
+::: Returns true if the current line appears within the specified
+::: /INC blockNum. A blockNum of 0 specifies the first /INC block.
+::: If blockNum is not specified, then returns true if the current
+::: line appears within any /INC block.
+::: exc( [blockNum] )
+::: A boolean function that returns true or false.
+::: Returns true if the current line appears within the specified
+::: /EXC blockNum. A blockNum of 0 specifies the first /EXC block.
+::: If blockNum is not specified, then returns true if the current
+::: line appears within any /EXC block.
+::: fso - An instantiation of the FileSystemObject object.
+::: input - The TextStream object from which input is read.
+::: This may be stdin or a file.
+::: If the file was opened by ADO with |CharSet, then input is
+::: an object that partially emulates a TextStream object, with
+::: a private ADO Stream doing the actual work. The following
+::: public members are available to the ADO object:
+::: Property Method
+::: ------------- ----------
+::: AtEndOfStream Read
+::: ReadLine (line terminator \n or \r\n)
+::: SkipLine (line terminator \n or \r\n)
+::: Write
+::: WriteLine (line terminator always \r\n)
+::: Close
+::: output - The TextStream object to which the output is written.
+::: This may be stdout or a file. If /RTN is used, then the output
+::: is first written to a temporary file before it is read and
+::: stored in the return variable.
+::: If the file was opened by ADO with |CharSet, then output is
+::: an object that partially emulates a TextStream object (see the
+::: input object).
+::: stdin - Equivalent to WScript.StdIn
+::: stdout - Equivalent to WScript.StdOut
+::: stderr - Equivalent to WScript.StdErr
+::: openOutput( fileName[|CharSet[|NB]] [,appendBoolean [,utfBoolean]] )
+::: Open a new TextStream object for writing and assign it to the
+::: output variable. If appendBoolean is truthy, then open the file
+::: for appending.
+::: If |CharSet is appended to the fileName, then open the file
+::: using ADO and the specified internet character set name. The
+::: output variable will be set to an object that partially
+::: emulates a TextStream object (see the input object). Unicode
+::: written by ADO will have a BOM by default. The BOM is blocked
+::: by appending |NB (or |anyValue) to the CharSet.
+::: If utfBoolean is truthy, then output is encoded as unicode
+::: (UTF-16LE). The unicode file will automatically have the BOM
+::: unless opened for appending. The utfBoolean argument is ignored
+::: if |CharSet is also specified.
+::: If fileName is falsey, then output is written to stdout.
+::: All subsequent output will be written to the new destination.
+::: Any prior output file is automatically closed.
+::: See the /JQ option help for info about local $ variables that may be used
+::: within replacement code when using /JQ or /JMATCHQ.
+::: Help is available by supplying a single argument beginning with /? or /??:
+::: /? - Writes all available help to stdout.
+::: /?? - Same as /? except uses MORE for pagination.
+::: /?Topic - Writes help about the specified topic to stdout.
+::: Valid topics are:
+::: INTRO - Basic syntax and default behavior
+::: OPTIONS - Brief summary of all options
+::: JSCRIPT - JREPL objects available to user JScript
+::: RETURN - All possible return codes
+::: VERSION - Display the version of JREPL.BAT
+::: HISTORY - A summary of all releases
+::: HELP - Lists all methods of getting help
+::: Example: List a summary of all available options
+::: jrepl /?options
+::: /?WebTopic - Opens up a web page within your browser about a topic.
+::: Valid web topics are:
+::: REGEX - Microsoft regular expression documentation
+::: REPLACE - Microsoft Replace method documentation
+::: UPDATE - DosTips release page for JREPL.BAT
+::: CHARSET - List of possible character set names for ADO I/O
+::: Some character sets may not be installed
+::: XREGEXP - xRegExp.com home page (extended regex docs)
+::: /?/Option - Writes detailed help about the specified /Option to stdout.
+::: Example: Display paged help about the /T option
+::: jrepl /??/t
+::: /?CHARSET/[Query] - List all character set names for use with ADO I/O
+::: that are installed on this computer. Optionally restrict
+::: the list to names that contain Query. Wildcards * and ? may
+::: be used within Query. The default Query is an empty string,
+::: meaning list all available character sets. The list is
+::: generated via reg.exe.
+::: Examples:
+::: jrepl /??charset/ - Paged list of all available names
+::: jrepl /?charset/utf - List of names containing "utf"
+::: Possible ERRORLEVEL Return Codes:
+::: If /? was used, and no other argument
+::: 0 = Only possible return
+::: If /MATCH, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ, /K, and /R were not used
+::: 0 = At least one change was made
+::: 1 = No change was made
+::: 2 = Invalid call syntax or incompatible options
+::: 3 = JScript runtime error
+::: If /MATCH, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ, /K, or /R was used
+::: 0 = At least one line was written
+::: 1 = No line was written
+::: 2 = Invalid call syntax or incompatible options
+::: 3 = JScript runtime error
+::: JREPL.BAT version 7.15 was written by Dave Benham, and originally posted at
+::: http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6044
+============= :Batch portion ===========
+@echo off
+setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
+:: Process Help
+if .%2 equ . call :help "%~1" && exit /b 0 || call :exitErr "Insufficient arguments"
+:: Define options
+set ^"/options= /A: /APP: /B: /C: /D:":" /E: /EXC:"" /F:"" /I: /INC:""^
+ /K:"" /L: /M: /MATCH: /N:0 /O:"" /OFF:0 /P:"" /PFLAG:"g" /PREPL:"" /R:"" /RTN:"" /S:""^
+ /T:"none" /TFLAG:"" /U: /UTF: /V: /X: /XBYTES: /XBYTESOFF: /XFILE: /XSEQ: /XREG:"" "
+:: Set default option values
+for %%O in (%/options%) do for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A in ("%%O") do set "%%A=%%~B"
+:: Get options
+if not "%~3"=="" (
+ set "/test=%~3"
+ setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
+ if "!/test:~0,1!" neq "/" call :exitErr "Too many arguments"
+ set "/test=!/options:*%~3:=! "
+ if "!/test!"=="!/options! " (
+ endlocal
+ call :exitErr "Invalid option %~3"
+ ) else if "!/test:~0,1!"==" " (
+ endlocal
+ set "%~3=1"
+ ) else (
+ endlocal
+ set "%~3=%~4"
+ shift /3
+ )
+ shift /3
+ goto :loop
+:: Validate options
+if defined /M if defined /A if not defined /S call :exitErr "/M cannot be used with /A without /S"
+if "%/O%" equ "-" if not defined /F call :exitErr "Output = - but Input file not specified"
+if defined /F if defined /S call :exiterr "/S cannot be used with /F"
+if defined /F for %%A in ("%/F%") do for %%B in ("%/O%") do if "%%~fA" equ "%%~fB" call :exitErr "Output file cannot match Input file"
+if defined /RTN if defined /O call :exitErr "/O and /RTN are mutually exclusive"
+if defined /RTN if defined /UTF call :exitErr "/UTF and /RTN are mutually exclusive"
+if "%/EXC%%/INC%%/C%%/JBEGLN%%/JENDLN%" neq "" if "%/M%%/S%" neq "" call :exitErr "/C, /JBEGLN, and /JENDLN cannot be used with /M or /S"
+for /f "tokens=2" %%A in ("%/J% %/JQ% %/JMATCH% %/JMATCHQ% %/K% %/R% %/MATCH%") do call :exitErr "/J, /JQ, /JMATCH, /JMATCHQ, /MATCH, /K and /R are all mutually exclusive"
+if "%/K%%/R%" neq "" if "%/A%%/M%%/PREPL%%/S%%/T%" neq "none" call :exitErr "/K, /R cannot be used with /A, /M, /S, /T or /PREPL"
+if defined /MATCH if "%/A%%/T%" neq "none" call :exitErr "/MATCH cannot be used with /A or /T"
+for /f delims^=giGI^ eol^= %%A in ("%/PFLAG%") do call :exitErr "Invalid /PFLAG value"
+for /f "delims=| eol=| tokens=2*" %%A in ("%/APP%|%/O%x") do if %%A==- if .%%B neq . call :exitErr "/APP cannot be combined with /O - with CharSet"
+:: Transform options
+if "%/XREG%"=="." (set /XREG=%XREGEXP%)
+if defined /X set "/XFILE=1" & set "/XSEQ=1"
+if defined /MATCH set "/JMATCHQ=1"
+if defined /JMATCHQ set "/JMATCH=1"
+if defined /JMATCH set "/J=1"
+if defined /JQ set "/J=1"
+if defined /UTF set "/UTF=//u" & set "/XFILE="
+if not defined /T set "/L=1"
+if "%/M%%/S%" neq "" set "/N=0"
+if defined /RTN (
+ setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
+ for /f "eol=: delims=: tokens=1,2" %%A in ("!/RTN!") do (
+ endlocal
+ set "/RTN=%%A"
+ set "/RTN_LINE=%%B"
+ )
+if defined /XBYTESOFF set "/XBYTES=" & goto :endXBytes
+if defined /XBYTES set "/XBYTES=" & goto :createXBytes
+for %%F in (
+) do if "%%~zF" equ "256" set "/XBYTES=%%~fF" & goto :endXBytes
+:: Attempt to create XBYTES.DAT via CERTUTIL. If able to write to the JREPL
+:: subdirectory, but unable to create correct file, then pass task to JScript.
+for %%F in (
+ "%TEMP%"
+ "%TMP%"
+) do if %%F neq "" for %%F in ("%%~F\JREPL\XBYTES.DAT") do (
+ del %%F
+ md "%%~dpF"
+ ( >"%%~dpnF.HEX" (
+ for %%A in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do for %%B in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do echo %%A%%B
+ )) && (
+ set "/XBYTES=%%~fF"
+ certutil.exe -f -decodehex "%%~dpnF.HEX" "%%~fF"
+ for %%G in (%%F) do if "%%~zG" neq "256" del %%F
+ del "%%~dpnF.HEX"
+ goto :endXBytes
+ )
+) >nul 2>nul
+set ^"/FIND=%1"
+set ^"/REPL=%2"
+call :GetScript /SCRIPT
+set "/LOCK="
+set "/FindReplVar="
+if defined /UTF (
+ set "/FindReplVar=1"
+ set "/FIND2=%/FIND:"=%"
+ set "/REPL2=%/REPL:"=%"
+ set "/FIND=/FIND2"
+ set "/REPL=/REPL2"
+ goto :noLock
+if defined /V if /i "%/T%" neq "FILE" set "/FindReplVar=1"
+if defined /XFILE if /i "%/T%" neq "FILE" set "/FindReplVar=1"
+if defined /RTN goto :lock
+if not defined /XFILE goto :noLock
+if defined /FindReplVar goto :lock
+if not defined /JBEG if not defined /JBEGLN if not defined /JEND if not defined /JENDLN if not defined /INC if not defined /EXC if not defined /P if not defined /S goto :noLock
+setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
+set "/LOCK=jrepl.bat.!date:\=-!_!time::=.!_!random!.temp"
+set "/LOCK=!/LOCK:/=-!"
+for /f "delims=" %%F in ("!temp!\!/LOCK::=-!") do (
+ endlocal
+ set "/LOCK=%%~fF"
+if defined /RTN set "/O=%/LOCK%.RTN"
+9>&2 2>nul (
+ 8>"%/LOCK%" (
+ 2>&9 (
+ if defined /XFILE (
+ setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
+ if defined /S call :writeVar S
+ if defined /V (
+ if defined /FindReplVar (
+ call :writeVar FIND
+ call :writeVar REPL
+ )
+ if defined /JBEG call :writeVar JBEG
+ if defined /JBEGLN call :writeVar JBEGLN
+ if defined /JEND call :writeVar JEND
+ if defined /JENDLN call :writeVar JENDLN
+ if defined /INC call :writeVar INC
+ if defined /EXC call :writeVar EXC
+ if defined /P call :writeVar P
+ ) else (
+ if defined /FindReplVar (
+ (echo(!/FIND:^"=!) >"!/LOCK!.FIND"
+ (echo(!/REPL:^"=!) >"!/LOCK!.REPL"
+ )
+ if defined /JBEG (echo(!/JBEG!) >"!/LOCK!.JBEG"
+ if defined /JBEGLN (echo(!/JBEGLN!) >"!/LOCK!.JBEGLN"
+ if defined /JEND (echo(!/JEND!) >"!/LOCK!.JEND"
+ if defined /JENDLN (echo(!/JENDLN!) >"!/LOCK!.JENDLN"
+ if defined /INC (echo(!/INC!) >"!/LOCK!.INC"
+ if defined /EXC (echo(!/EXC!) >"!/LOCK!.EXC"
+ if defined /P (echo(!/P!) >"!/LOCK!.P"
+ )
+ endlocal
+ )
+ call :execute
+ )
+ )
+ if errorlevel 3 (del "%/LOCK%*"&exit /b 3)
+ if errorlevel 1 (del "%/LOCK%*"&(call)) else del "%/LOCK%*"
+ if "%/RTN%" equ "" exit /b
+) || goto :lock
+for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%A in ("!/%1!") do (echo(!%%A!) >"!/LOCK!.%1"
+exit /b
+call :execute
+exit /b %errorlevel%
+cscript.exe //E:JScript //nologo %/UTF% "%/SCRIPT%" %/FIND% %/REPL%
+if not defined /RTN exit /b %errorlevel%
+if errorlevel 3 exit /b %errorlevel%
+set "/ERR=%errorlevel%"
+set "/NORMAL="
+for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%/LOCK%.RTN") do (
+ if not defined /NORMAL (
+ set "/NORMAL=%%A"
+ ) else set "/DELAYED=%%A"
+for /f %%2 in (
+ 'copy /z "%/SCRIPT%" nul' %= This generates CR =%
+) do for %%1 in (^"^
+%= This generates quoted LF =%
+^") do for /f "tokens=1,2" %%3 in (^"%% "") do (
+ (goto) 2>nul
+ (goto) 2>nul
+ if "^!^" equ "^!" (
+ set "%/RTN%=%/DELAYED:~1%"!
+ ) else (
+ set "%/RTN%=%/NORMAL:~1%"
+ )
+ if %/ERR% equ 0 (call ) else (call)
+set "%1=%~f0"
+exit /b
+set "help=%~1"
+setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
+if "!help:~0,2!" neq "/?" exit /b 1
+set "noMore=1"
+set "help=!help:~2!"
+if defined help if "!help:~0,1!" equ "?" (
+ set "noMore="
+ set "help=!help:~1!"
+for /f "delims=" %%A in ("/!help!") do if /i "%%~pA" equ "\CharSet\" ( %= /?CHARSET/ =%
+ echo(
+ if defined noMore (
+ for /f "delims=" %%F in ('reg query HKCR\MIME\Database\Charset /k /f "%%~nxA"') do echo %%~nF
+ ) else (
+ (cmd /c "for /f "delims=" %%F in ('reg query HKCR\MIME\Database\Charset /k /f "%%~nxA"') do @echo %%~nF") | more /e
+ )
+ exit /b 0
+if defined help if "!help:~0,2!" equ "/?" set "help=help"
+for /f "delims=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/ eol=a" %%A in ("!help!") do (
+ echo(
+ echo Invalid /? option
+ exit /b 0
+if /i "!help!" equ "regex" (
+ explorer "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ae5bf541.aspx"
+ exit /b 0
+) else if /i "!help!" equ "replace" (
+ explorer "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/efy6s3e6.aspx"
+ exit /b 0
+) else if /i "!help!" equ "update" (
+ explorer "http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6044"
+ exit /b 0
+) else if /i "!help!" equ "charset" (
+ explorer "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317756.aspx"
+ exit /b 0
+) else if /i "!help!" equ "xregexp" (
+ explorer "http:xregexp.com"
+ exit /b 0
+) else if "!help!" equ "" ( %= /? =%
+ set "find=^:::(.*)"
+ set "repl=$1"
+ set ^"cmd="%~f0" find repl /v /a /f "%~f0"^"
+) else if "!help:~0,1!" equ "/" ( %= /?/Option =%
+ set "find=^:::(.*)"
+ set "repl=$1"
+ set "help=!help:/=\/!"
+ set "inc=/^^::: {6}!help!(?= |$)/i/:/^^::: {6}\/(?^!!help:~2!(?= |$))|^^::\//i-1"
+ set "help=!help:\/=/!"
+ set ^"cmd=echo(^&call "%~f0" find repl /v /jmatch /inc inc /f "%~f0"^|^|echo Help not found for option %help%^"
+) else ( %= /?Topic =%
+ set "find=^:::?(.*)"
+ set "repl=$1"
+ set "inc=/^^::\/!help:/=\/!$/i/+1:/^^::\//-1"
+ set ^"cmd="%~f0" find repl /v /jmatch /inc inc /f "%~f0"^|^|(echo(^&echo Help not found for topic %help%^)^"
+if defined noMore (
+ setlocal
+ set "pathext=."
+ call %cmd%
+) else (%cmd%) | more /e
+exit /b 0
+>&2 (
+ echo ERROR: %~1.
+ echo Use JREPL /? or JREPL /?? to get help.
+ (goto) 2>nul
+ exit /b 2
+************* JScript portion **********/
+var _g=new Object();
+try {
+ var env=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process"),
+ cnt,
+ ln=0,
+ skip=false,
+ quit=false,
+ fso,
+ stdin=WScript.StdIn,
+ stdout=WScript.Stdout,
+ stderr=WScript.Stderr,
+ output,
+ input;
+ _g.ForReading=1;
+ _g.ForWriting=2;
+ _g.ForAppending=8;
+ _g.FileFormat = env('/UTF') ? -1 : 0;
+ _g.TemporaryFolder=2;
+ fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+ _g.inFile=env('/F');
+ _g.inFileA=_g.inFile.split('|');
+ _g.outFile=env('/O');
+ _g.outFileA=_g.outFile.split('|');
+ if (_g.outFileA[0]=='-') {
+ if (_g.outFileA[1]===undefined) {_g.outFileA[1]=_g.inFileA[1]; _g.outFileA[2]=_g.inFileA[2];}
+ _g.outFile = _g.inFileA[0]+'.new'+(_g.outFileA[1]?'|'+_g.outFileA[1]:'')+(_g.outFileA[2]?'|'+_g.outFileA[2]:'');
+ if (env('/APP')) fso.CopyFile( _g.inFileA[0], _g.inFileA[0]+'.new', true );
+ }
+ _g.tempFile='';
+ _g.delim=env('/D');
+ _g.term=env('/U')?'\n':'\r\n';
+ _g.ADOStream = function( name, mode, format, noBom) {
+ var that = this;
+ var bomSize = 0;
+ try {
+ var stream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream");
+ } catch(ex) {
+ throw new Error(215,'ADO unavailable');
+ }
+ try {
+ stream.CharSet = format;
+ } catch(ex) {
+ throw new Error(215,'ADO character set "'+format+'" is invalid or unavailable');
+ }
+ stream.LineSeparator = (mode==_g.ForReading) ? 10 : -1;
+ stream.Open();
+ if (mode !== _g.ForReading && noBom) {
+ stream.WriteText("");
+ stream.Position = bomSize = stream.Size;
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ case _g.ForReading:
+ stream.LoadFromFile(name);
+ break;
+ case _g.ForAppending:
+ stream.LoadFromFile(name);
+ stream.Position = stream.Size;
+ case _g.ForWriting:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error(215, 'Invalid file mode');
+ }
+ this.AtEndOfStream = stream.EOS;
+ this.ReadLine = function() {
+ if (mode!=_g.ForReading) throw new Error(215, 'Bad file mode');
+ var str = stream.ReadText(-2);
+ that.AtEndOfStream = stream.EOS;
+ return str.slice(-1)=='\r' ? str.slice(0,-1) : str;
+ }
+ this.Read = function(size) {
+ if (mode!=_g.ForReading) throw new Error(215, 'Bad file mode');
+ var str = stream.ReadText(size)
+ that.AtEndOfStream = stream.EOS;
+ return str;
+ }
+ this.SkipLine = function() {
+ if (mode!=_g.ForReading) throw new Error(215, 'Bad file mode');
+ stream.SkipLine();
+ that.AtEndOfStream = stream.EOS;
+ }
+ this.Write = function(str) {
+ if (mode==_g.ForReading) throw new Error(215, 'Bad file mode');
+ stream.WriteText(str);
+ }
+ this.WriteLine = function(str) {
+ if (mode==_g.ForReading) throw new Error(215, 'Bad file mode');
+ stream.WriteText(str,1);
+ }
+ this.Close = function() {
+ if (mode!==_g.ForReading){
+ if (bomSize) {
+ var noBomStream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream");
+ noBomStream.Type = 1;
+ noBomStream.Mode = 3;
+ noBomStream.Open();
+ stream.Position = bomSize;
+ stream.CopyTo(noBomStream);
+ noBomStream.SaveToFile( name, 2 );
+ noBomStream.Flush();
+ noBomStream.Close();
+ noBomStream = null;
+ } else stream.SaveToFile( name, 2 );
+ }
+ stream.Close();
+ stream=null;
+ }
+ }
+ _g.openInput = function( fileName ) {
+ var file;
+ if (fileName) {
+ file = fileName.split('|');
+ if (file[1]) {
+ file = new _g.ADOStream( file[0], _g.ForReading, file[1], file[2] );
+ return file;
+ }
+ else return fso.OpenTextFile( fileName, _g.ForReading, false, _g.FileFormat );
+ }
+ else return stdin;
+ }
+ _g.charMap = new Object();
+ _g.readVar = function( val, ref, ext ) {
+ var input, buf=1024;
+ if (!env('/XFILE') || !val) return (ref && val) ? env(val) : val;
+ _g.loc=' reading '+env('/LOCK')+ext;
+ input=fso.OpenTextFile( env('/LOCK')+ext, _g.ForReading );
+ val='';
+ while (!input.AtEndOfStream) {
+ val+=input.Read(buf);
+ buf*=2;
+ }
+ input.Close();
+ _g.loc=''
+ return val.slice(0,-2);
+ }
+ _g.xbytes = env('/XBYTES');
+ if (_g.xbytes && !(fso.FileExists(_g.xbytes))) try {
+ // Unable to create file with CERTUTIL, so now try with ADO
+ var Stream=WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'),
+ Node=WScript.CreateObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM').createElement('e');
+ Node.dataType='bin.base64';
+ + 'YGFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn+AgYKDhIWGh4iJiouMjY6P'
+ + 'kJGSk5SVlpeYmZqbnJ2en6ChoqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+wsbKztLW2t7i5uru8vb6/'
+ + 'wMHCw8TFxsfIycrLzM3Oz9DR0tPU1dbX2Nna29zd3t/g4eLj5OXm5+jp6uvs7e7v'
+ + '8PHy8/T19vf4+fr7/P3+/w==';
+ Stream.Type=1;
+ Stream.Open();
+ Stream.Write(Node.nodeTypedValue);
+ Stream.SaveToFile(_g.xbytes);
+ } catch(e) {
+ _g.xbytes = '';
+ }
+ var decode = _g.xbytes ?
+ // Default dynamic character set decode() for v7.4 and beyond
+ function(str, charSet, searchSwitch) {
+ function u(codeUnit) {return '\\u'+lpad(codeUnit.toString(16),4,'0');}
+ function xToUTF16(byte,charSet) {
+ if (typeof _g.charMap[charSet]==='undefined') {
+ if (charSet=='default' && _g.utf) {
+ _g.charMap[charSet]=false
+ } else {
+ var stream = _g.openInput( _g.xbytes+(charSet=='default'?'':'|'+charSet) );
+ try {
+ _g.charMap[charSet] = stream.Read(256);
+ stream.Close();
+ if (_g.charMap[charSet].length!=256) _g.charMap[charSet]=false;
+ } catch(e) {
+ _g.charMap[charSet]=false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return u( _g.charMap[charSet] ? _g.charMap[charSet].charCodeAt(byte) : byte );
+ }
+ function xRange(min,max,charSet) {
+ var str='', i;
+ for (i=min; i<=max; i++ ) str+=xToUTF16(i,charSet);
+ return str;
+ }
+ function uToUTF16(codePoint) {
+ if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) return u(codePoint);
+ codePoint -= 0x10000;
+ return u(0xD800|(codePoint>>10)) + u(0xDC00|(codePoint&1023));
+ }
+ if (charSet===undefined) charSet='default';
+ if (charSet=='input') charSet = _g.inFileA[1] ? _g.inFileA[1] : 'default';
+ if (charSet=='output') charSet = _g.outFileA[1] ? _g.outFileA[1] : 'default';
+ return str.replace(
+ /\\(?:\\|b|c|f|n|q|r|t|v|x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|x\{([0-9a-fA-F]{2}),([^}]+)}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|u\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\}|x\{([0-9a-fA-F]{2})-([0-9a-fA-F]{2})(?:,([^}]+))?})/g,
+ function($0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) {
+ if ($0=='\\q') return '"';
+ if ($0=='\\c') return '^';
+ if ($1) $0=xToUTF16(parseInt($1,16),charSet);
+ if ($2) $0=xToUTF16(parseInt($2,16),$3);
+ if ($4) $0=uToUTF16(parseInt($4,16));
+ if ($5) $0=xRange(parseInt($5,16),parseInt($6,16),($7?$7:charSet));
+ return searchSwitch===false ? $0 : eval('"'+$0+'"');
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ : // Pre-v7.4 decode() that assumes Windows-1252, only used if XBYTES.DAT not available or disabled.
+ function(str, ignore, searchSwitch) {
+ function toUTF16(codePoint) {
+ function u(codeUnit) {return '\\u'+lpad(codeUnit.toString(16),4,'0');}
+ if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) return u(codePoint);
+ codePoint -= 0x10000;
+ return u(0xD800|(codePoint>>10)) + u(0xDC00|(codePoint&1023));
+ }
+ str=str.replace(
+ /\\(\\|b|c|f|n|q|r|t|v|x80|x82|x83|x84|x85|x86|x87|x88|x89|x8[aA]|x8[bB]|x8[cC]|x8[eE]|x91|x92|x93|x94|x95|x96|x97|x98|x99|x9[aA]|x9[bB]|x9[cC]|x9[dD]|x9[eE]|x9[fF]|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|u\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\}|x\{([0-9a-fA-F]{2}),[^}]+\})/g,
+ function($0,$1,$2,$3) {
+ if ($3) {
+ $1='x'+$3;
+ $0='\\'+$1;
+ }
+ switch ($1.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'q': return '"';
+ case 'c': return '^';
+ case 'x80': return '\u20AC';
+ case 'x82': return '\u201A';
+ case 'x83': return '\u0192';
+ case 'x84': return '\u201E';
+ case 'x85': return '\u2026';
+ case 'x86': return '\u2020';
+ case 'x87': return '\u2021';
+ case 'x88': return '\u02C6';
+ case 'x89': return '\u2030';
+ case 'x8a': return '\u0160';
+ case 'x8b': return '\u2039';
+ case 'x8c': return '\u0152';
+ case 'x8e': return '\u017D';
+ case 'x91': return '\u2018';
+ case 'x92': return '\u2019';
+ case 'x93': return '\u201C';
+ case 'x94': return '\u201D';
+ case 'x95': return '\u2022';
+ case 'x96': return '\u2013';
+ case 'x97': return '\u2014';
+ case 'x98': return '\u02DC';
+ case 'x99': return '\u2122';
+ case 'x9a': return '\u0161';
+ case 'x9b': return '\u203A';
+ case 'x9c': return '\u0153';
+ case 'x9d': return '\u009D';
+ case 'x9e': return '\u017E';
+ case 'x9f': return '\u0178';
+ default: if ($2) $0=toUTF16(parseInt($2,16));
+ return searchSwitch===false ? $0 : eval('"'+$0+'"');
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ return str;
+ }
+ ;
+ _g.getCount = function() {
+ if (cnt>=0) return;
+ cnt=0;
+ if (_g.inFile=='') {
+ _g.tempFile=fso.GetSpecialFolder(_g.TemporaryFolder).path+'\\'+fso.GetTempName();
+ _g.inFile=_g.tempFile;
+ var output=fso.OpenTextFile(_g.tempFile,_g.ForWriting,true,_g.FileFormat);
+ while (!input.AtEndOfStream) {
+ output.WriteLine(input.ReadLine());
+ cnt++
+ }
+ output.Close();
+ } else {
+ while (!input.AtEndOfStream) {
+ input.SkipLine();
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ input.Close();
+ }
+ input = _g.openInput(_g.inFile);
+ }
+ _g.loc=' opening input file';
+ input = _g.openInput(_g.inFile);
+ _g.loc='';
+ if (env('/C')) _g.getCount();
+ openOutput( _g.outFile, env('/APP'), _g.FileFormat );
+ if (env('/XREG')) {
+ _g.loc=' while loading /XREG library';
+ _g.libs=env('/XREG').split('/');
+ for (_g.i=0; _g.i<_g.libs.length; _g.i++) {
+ _g.lib=fso.OpenTextFile(_g.libs[_g.i],_g.ForReading);
+ if (!_g.lib.AtEndOfStream) eval(_g.lib.ReadAll());
+ _g.lib.Close();
+ }
+ _g.loc=' while initializing /XREG library';
+ _g.newRegExp = function(pattern,flags){ return new XRegExp(pattern,flags); }
+ XRegExp.install('natives');
+ _g.loc='';
+ _g.XRegExp = true;
+ } else {
+ _g.newRegExp = function(pattern,flags){ return new RegExp(pattern,flags); }
+ _g.XRegExp = false;
+ }
+ if (env('/JLIB')) {
+ _g.loc=' while loading /JLIB code';
+ _g.libs=env('/JLIB').split('/');
+ for (_g.i=0; _g.i<_g.libs.length; _g.i++) {
+ _g.lib=fso.OpenTextFile(_g.libs[_g.i],_g.ForReading);
+ if (!_g.lib.AtEndOfStream) eval(_g.lib.ReadAll());
+ _g.lib.Close();
+ }
+ _g.loc='';
+ }
+ _g.loc=' in /JBEG code';
+ eval( _g.readVar( env('/JBEG'), env('/V'), '.JBEG' ) );
+ _g.loc='';
+ _g.fmtNum=function(val,pad){return pad.length==0 ? '' : lpad(val,pad)+_g.delim;}
+ _g.writeMatch=function(str,off,lnPad,offPad) {
+ if (str!==false) {
+ _g.rtn=0;
+ output.Write(_g.fmtNum(ln,lnPad)+_g.fmtNum(off,offPad)+str+_g.term);
+ }
+ }
+ _g.defineObjectInternal=function(){
+ _g.loc=' while defining '+_g.defineObjectObj;
+ eval(_g.defineObjectStr);
+ _g.loc='';
+ }
+ _g.defineObject=function(str,obj) {
+ _g.defineObjectStr=str;
+ _g.defineObjectObj=obj;
+ _g.defineObjectInternal();
+ }
+ if (env('/PREPL')) {
+ _g.defineObject(
+ '_g.filterReplace=function(){ return '
+ + env('/PREPL').replace(/\$(\d+)/g,'arguments[$1]')
+ .replace(/{([^}]*)}/g,'($1).replace(_g.search,_g.filterReplace2)')
+ +';}'
+ ,'/PREPL'
+ );
+ } else {
+ _g.filterReplace=function(str) {
+ return str.replace(_g.search,_g.filterReplace2);
+ }
+ }
+ _g.main=function() {
+ _g.rtn=1;
+ var args=WScript.Arguments;
+ var search = env('/FindReplVar') ? _g.readVar( args.Item(0), env('/V')||env('/UTF'), '.FIND' ) : args.Item(0);
+ var replace = env('/FindReplVar') ? _g.readVar( args.Item(1), env('/V')||env('/UTF'), '.REPL' ) : args.Item(1);
+ var multi=env('/M')!='';
+ var literal=env('/L')!='';
+ var alterations=env('/A')!='';
+ var srcVar=env('/S');
+ var jexpr=env('/J')!='';
+ var jmatch=env('/JMATCH')!='';
+ var jmatchq=env('/JMATCHQ')!='';
+ var jquick=env('/JQ')!='';
+ var translate=env('/T');
+ var filter = _g.readVar( env('/P'), env('/V'), '.P' );
+ var keep, reject, context, krfile=false;
+ var rtnVar=env('/RTN');
+ if (reject=env('/R')) {
+ if (!/^\d+(:\d+)?(:FILE)?$/i.test(reject)) throw new Error(209, 'Invalid /R Context');
+ context = reject.toUpperCase().split(':')
+ krfile=(context[context.length-1]=='FILE');
+ context[0]=Number(context[0]);
+ context[1]=(context.length==1 || context[1]=='FILE')?context[0]:Number(context[1]);
+ }
+ if (keep=env('/K')) {
+ if (!/^\d+(:\d+)?(:FILE)?$/i.test(keep)) throw new Error(208, 'Invalid /K Context');
+ context = keep.toUpperCase().split(':')
+ krfile=(context[context.length-1]=='FILE');
+ context[0]=Number(context[0]);
+ context[1]=(context.length==1 || context[1]=='FILE')?context[0]:Number(context[1]);
+ }
+ var options = (keep||reject)?"":"g";
+ _g.begLn = _g.readVar( env('/JBEGLN'), env('/V'), '.JBEGLN' );
+ _g.endLn = _g.readVar( env('/JENDLN'), env('/V'), '.JENDLN' );
+ _g.incBlock = new Array();
+ _g.excBlock = new Array();
+ _g.incBlock.dynamic = false;
+ _g.excBlock.dynamic = false;
+ var blockMatch,
+ blockSearch = /(?:(-?\d+)|(?:\/((?:\\\/|[^/])+)\/|'((?:''|[^'])+)')([ibe]*)(\/)?)([+-]\d+)?(:(?:(-?\d+)|(\+\d+)|(?:\/((?:\\\/|[^/])+)\/|'((?:''|[^'])+)')([ibe]*))([+-]\d+)?)?(?:,(?=.)|$)?|(.+)/g;
+ /* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1
+ 0 1 2 3 4
+ line or range begin
+ spec
+ 1 = line number
+ 2 = regex
+ 4 = i|b|e flags
+ 5 = singleton
+ 3 = string
+ 4 = i|b|e flags
+ 5 = singleton
+ 6 = offset
+ 7 = range end
+ spec
+ 8 = line number
+ 9 = offset from range begin
+ 10 = regex
+ 12 = i|b|e flags
+ 11 = string
+ 12 = i|b|e flags
+ 13 = offset
+ 14 = error
+ */
+ _g.Block = function(match) {
+ if (match[14]) throw new Error(210, 'Invalid block syntax');
+ this.offset=match[6]?Number(match[6]):0;
+ if (match[1]) {
+ this.type='lineNum';
+ if ((this.spec=Number(match[1])) < 0) _g.getCount();
+ this.lineNum=this.spec+this.offset+(this.spec<0?cnt+1:0);
+ } else {
+ this.type='regex';
+ this.spec=_g.newRegExp( (match[4].search('b')+1?'^':'') + (
+ match[2] ? decode(match[2],'input',false) :
+ decode(match[3].replace(/''/g,"'"),'input',true).replace(/([.^$*+?()[{\\|])/g,"\\$1")
+ ) + (match[4].search('e')+1?'$':''),
+ match[4].search('i')+1?'i':''
+ );
+ this.spec.singleton=match[5]?true:false;
+ this.lineNum=void 0;
+ if (this.offset<0) throw new Error(211, 'Regex/String offset cannot be negative');
+ }
+ if (match[7]) {
+ this.endOffset=Number(match[13]);
+ if (match[8]) {
+ this.endType='lineNum';
+ if ((this.endSpec=Number(match[8])) < 0) _g.getCount();
+ this.endLineNum=this.endSpec+this.endOffset+(this.endSpec<0?cnt+1:0);
+ } else if (match[9]) {
+ this.endType='offset';
+ this.endSpec=Number(match[9]);
+ this.endLineNum=this.lineNum+this.endSpec+this.endOffset;
+ } else {
+ this.endType='regex';
+ this.endSpec=_g.newRegExp( (match[12].search('b')+1?'^':'') + (
+ match[10] ? decode(match[10],'input',false) :
+ decode(match[11].replace(/''/g,"'"),'input',true).replace(/([.^$*+?()[{\\|])/g,"\\$1")
+ ) + (match[12].search('e')+1?'$':''),
+ match[12].search('i')+1?'i':''
+ );
+ this.endLineNum=void 0;
+ if (this.endOffset<-1) throw new Error(212, 'End-range Regex/String offset cannot be less than -1');
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.endType=void 0;
+ this.endSpec=void 0;
+ this.endLineNum=this.lineNum;
+ }
+ }
+ _g.setBlocks = function(blocks,str) {
+ if (blocks.dynamic==true) {
+ for (var i=0; iblock.endLineNum && block.type=='regex' && !block.spec.singleton)
+ block.lineNum=block.endLineNum=void 0;
+ if (!block.lineNum && block.spec.test(str)) {
+ block.lineNum = ln+block.offset;
+ if (!block.endLineNum) {
+ if (!block.endType)
+ block.endLineNum=block.lineNum;
+ else if (block.endType=='offset')
+ block.endLineNum=block.lineNum+block.endSpec+block.endOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!block.endLineNum && ln>block.lineNum && block.endSpec.test(str))
+ block.endLineNum = ln+block.endOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var str = _g.readVar( env('/INC'), env('/V'), '.INC' );
+ while ( (blockMatch=blockSearch.exec(str)) !== null ) {
+ _g.loc=' while parsing /INC block['+_g.incBlock.length+']';
+ var block = new _g.Block(blockMatch);
+ _g.incBlock.dynamic=(_g.incBlock.dynamic || block.type=='regex' || block.endType=='regex');
+ _g.incBlock.push(block);
+ }
+ str = _g.readVar( env('/EXC'), env('/V'), '.EXC' );
+ while ( (blockMatch=blockSearch.exec(str)) !== null ) {
+ _g.loc=' while parsing /EXC block['+_g.excBlock.length+']';
+ var block = new _g.Block(blockMatch);
+ _g.excBlock.dynamic=(_g.excBlock.dynamic || block.type=='regex' || block.endType=='regex');
+ _g.excBlock.push(new _g.Block(blockMatch));
+ }
+ _g.loc='';
+ if (multi) options+='m';
+ if (env('/MATCH')) replace='$txt=$0';
+ if (_g.begLn) _g.defineObject("_g.begLn=function($txt){_g.loc=' in /JBEGLN code';"+_g.begLn+";_g.loc='';return $txt;}",'/JBEGLN code');
+ if (_g.endLn) _g.defineObject("_g.endLn=function($txt){_g.loc=' in /JENDLN code';"+_g.endLn+";_g.loc='';return $txt;}",'/JENDLN code');
+ if (env('/I')) options+='i';
+ var lnWidth=parseInt(env('/N'),10),
+ offWidth=parseInt(env('/OFF'),10),
+ lnPad=lnWidth>0?Array(lnWidth+1).join('0'):'',
+ offPad=offWidth>0?Array(offWidth+1).join('0'):'',
+ xcnt=0, test;
+ if (krfile) { // KEEP or REJECT File
+ _g.loc=' loading '+(keep?'/K':'/R')+' Search file';
+ var f = _g.openInput(search);
+ search='';
+ while (!f.AtEndOfStream) {
+ str=f.ReadLine();
+ if (env('/XSEQ')) str=decode(str,'input',literal);
+ if (literal) str=str.replace(/([.^$*+?()[{\\|])/g,"\\$1");
+ if (env('/B')) str="^"+str;
+ if (env('/E')) str=str+"$";
+ search+=(search?'|':'')+str;
+ }
+ f.Close();
+ search=_g.newRegExp(search,options);
+ _g.loc='';
+ } else if (translate=='none') { // Normal
+ if (env('/XSEQ')) {
+ if (!jexpr) replace=decode(replace,'output');
+ search=decode(search,'input',literal);
+ }
+ if (literal) {
+ search=search.replace(/([.^$*+?()[{\\|])/g,"\\$1");
+ if (!jexpr) replace=replace.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$");
+ }
+ if (env('/B')) search="^"+search;
+ if (env('/E')) search=search+"$";
+ _g.loc=' in Search regular expression';
+ search=_g.newRegExp(search,options);
+ _g.loc='';
+ if (jexpr) {
+ _g.loc=' in Search regular expression';
+ test=_g.newRegExp('.|'+search,options);
+ _g.loc='';
+ 'x'.replace(test,function(){xcnt=arguments.length-2; return '';});
+ _g.replFunc='_g.replFunc=function($0';
+ for (var i=1; i1) throw new Error(203, 'Invalid /T delimiter');
+ if (translate.length==0 && env('/XSEQ')) {
+ search=decode(search,'input',literal);
+ replace=decode(replace,'output');
+ }
+ search=search.split(translate);
+ var replace=replace.split(translate);
+ }
+ if (search.length>99 && !_g.XRegExp) throw new Error(202, '/T expression count exceeds 99');
+ if (search.length!=replace.length) throw new Error(201, 'Mismatched search and replace /T expressions');
+ var j=1;
+ if (!jexpr) jquick=1;
+ if (jquick) _g.replace='';
+ else _g.replace=[];
+ for (var i=0; i99 && !_g.XRegExp) throw new Error(202, '/T expressions + captured expressions exceeds 99');
+ if (env('/B')) search[i]="^"+search[i];
+ if (env('/E')) search[i]=search[i]+"$";
+ if (_g.XRegExp) search[i]="?"+search[i];
+ if (jquick|jmatchq) {
+ if (!jexpr) {
+ replace[i]="'" + (env('/XSEQ')==''?replace[i]:decode(replace[i],'output')).replace(/[\\']/g,"\\$&") + "'";
+ replace[i]=replace[i].replace(/\n/g, "\\n");
+ replace[i]=replace[i].replace(/\r/g, "\\r");
+ if (!literal) {
+ if (_g.XRegExp) {
+ replace[i]='$txt='+replace[i].replace(
+ /\$([$&`0]|\\'|\{0\}|(\d)(\d)?|\{((\d)(\d)?)\}|\{([^}]+)\})/g,
+ function($0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7){
+ return ($1=="$") ? "$":
+ ($1=="&" || $1=="0" || $1=="{0}") ? "'+$0+'":
+ ($1=="`") ? "'+$src.substr(0,$off)+'":
+ ($1=="\\'") ? "'+$src.substr($off+$0.length)+'":
+ ($7) ? "'+$0."+$7+"+'":
+ (Number($1)-j<=xcnt && Number($1)>=j) ? "'+"+$0+"+'":
+ (Number($2)-j<=xcnt && Number($2)>=j) ? "'+$"+$2+"+'"+$3:
+ (Number($4)-j<=xcnt && Number($4)>=j) ? "'+$"+$4+"+'":
+ (Number($5)-j<=xcnt && Number($5)>=j) ? "'+$"+$5+"+'"+$6:
+ $0;
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ replace[i]='$txt='+replace[i].replace(
+ /\$([$&`0]|\\'|(\d)(\d)?)/g,
+ function($0,$1,$2,$3){
+ return ($1=="$") ? "$":
+ ($1=="&") ? "'+$0+'":
+ ($1=="`") ? "'+$src.substr(0,$off)+'":
+ ($1=="\\'") ? "'+$src.substr($off+$0.length)+'":
+ (Number($1)-j<=xcnt && Number($1)>=j) ? "'+"+$0+"+'":
+ (Number($2)-j<=xcnt && Number($2)>=j) ? "'+$"+$2+"+'"+$3:
+ $0;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ } else replace[i]='$txt='+replace[i];
+ }
+ _g.replace+='if(arguments['+j+']!==undefined){'+replace[i]+';}';
+ } else {
+ _g.replace[j]=replace[i];
+ }
+ j+=xcnt+1;
+ }
+ search='('+search.join(')|(')+')';
+ _g.loc=' in Search regular expression';
+ search=_g.newRegExp( search, options+(_g.XRegExp?env('/TFLAG'):'') );
+ _g.loc='';
+ _g.replFunc='_g.replFunc=function($0';
+ for (var i=1; i0){output.Write(';
+ if (lnWidth) cmd+='_g.fmtNum(ln,lnPad)+';
+ if (keep&&offWidth) cmd+='lpad("",offPad.length)+_g.delim+';
+ cmd+='(str1?str1:"")+_g.term);post--;';
+ }
+ if (context[0]) cmd+='}else{pre.unshift(str1?str1:"");if(pre.length>context[0])pre.pop();';
+ cmd+='}}';
+ eval(cmd);
+ } else {
+ var cmd='while(!input.AtEndOfStream&&!quit){str2=str1=input.ReadLine();';
+ if ( _g.incBlock.length || _g.excBlock.length || lnWidth
+ || _g.begLn || _g.endLn|| jexpr || env(env('/V')?env('/JEND'):'/JEND')
+ ) cmd+='ln++;';
+ if (_g.incBlock.dynamic) cmd+='_g.setBlocks(_g.incBlock,str2);';
+ if (_g.excBlock.dynamic) cmd+='_g.setBlocks(_g.excBlock,str2);';
+ if (_g.begLn) cmd+='str2=_g.begLn(str2);';
+ str1='';str2='if(';
+ if (_g.incBlock.length) {str1+=str2+'inc()';str2='&&';}
+ if (_g.excBlock.length) {str1+=str2+'!exc()';str2='&&';}
+ if (_g.begLn||_g.endLn||jexpr||env(env('/V')?env('/JBEG'):'/JBEG')) {str1+=str2+'!skip';}
+ if (str1) cmd+=str1+')';
+ cmd+='str2=str2.replace(search,repl);';
+ if (_g.endLn) cmd+='str2=_g.endLn(str2);';
+ if (!jmatch) {
+ str1='';str2='if(';
+ if (_g.begLn||jexpr) {str1+=str2+'str2!==false';str2='&&';}
+ if (alterations) {str1+=str2+'str1!=str2';}
+ if (str1) cmd+=str1+')';
+ cmd+='output.Write('+(lnWidth>0?'_g.fmtNum(ln,lnPad)+':'')+'str2+_g.term);';
+ cmd+='if (str1!=str2) _g.rtn=0;';
+ }
+ cmd+='}'
+ eval(cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ _g.main();
+ _g.loc=' in /JEND code';
+ eval( _g.readVar( env('/JEND'), env('/V'), '.JEND' ) );
+ _g.loc='';
+ if (_g.inFile) input.Close();
+ if (_g.outFile) output.Close();
+ if (_g.outFileA[0]=='-') {
+ fso.GetFile(_g.inFileA[0]).Delete();
+ fso.GetFile(_g.inFileA[0]+'.new').Move(_g.inFileA[0]);
+ }
+ if (_g.tempFile) fso.GetFile(_g.tempFile).Delete();
+ if (env('/RTN')) {
+ _g.rtnVar = function() {
+ var val, str1, str2, buf=1024, arr, n;
+ input = fso.OpenTextFile(_g.outFile,_g.ForReading);
+ val='';
+ while (!input.AtEndOfStream) {
+ val+=input.Read(buf);
+ buf*=2;
+ }
+ input.Close();
+ if (env('/RTN_LINE')&&(n=parseInt(env('/RTN_LINE')))) {
+ arr=val.split(/\r?\n/);
+ n = n>0 ? n-1 : arr.length+n;
+ val = typeof arr[n]==='undefined' ? '' : arr[n];
+ } else if ((env('/MATCH')||env('/JMATCH')||env('/JMATCHQ'))&&val.slice(-_g.term.length)===_g.term){
+ val=val.slice(0,-_g.term.length);
+ }
+ output = fso.OpenTextFile(_g.outFile,_g.ForWriting,true);
+ str1='x'+val.replace(/%/g,'%3').replace(/\n/mg,'%~1').replace(/\r/mg,'%2').replace(/"/g,'%4');
+ str2=str1.replace(/[!^]/g,'^$&');
+ if (str2.length + env('/RTN').length > 8181) throw new Error(213, 'Result too long to fit within variable');
+ if (str2.indexOf('\x00')>=0) throw new Error(214, 'Null bytes (0x00) cannot be returned in a variable');
+ output.WriteLine(str1);
+ output.WriteLine(str2);
+ output.Close();
+ }
+ _g.rtnVar();
+ }
+ WScript.Quit(_g.rtn);
+} catch(e) {
+ WScript.Stderr.WriteLine("JScript runtime error"+_g.loc+": "+e.message);
+ WScript.Quit(3);
+function lpad( val, arg2, arg3 ) {
+ var rtn=val.toString(), len, pad, cnt;
+ if (typeof arg2 === "string") {
+ pad = arg2;
+ len = arg2.length;
+ } else {
+ len = arg2;
+ pad = arg3 ? arg3 : ' ';
+ while (pad.length < len) pad+=pad;
+ }
+ return (rtn.length=block.lineNum && ln<=(block.endLineNum?block.endLineNum:ln)) return true;
+ }
+ return (_g.incBlock.length==0);
+function exc(n) {
+ for (var i=n?n:0, end=n?n+1:_g.excBlock.length; i=block.lineNum && ln<=(block.endLineNum?block.endLineNum:ln)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function openOutput( fileName, append, utf ) {
+ _g.loc=' opening output file';
+ if (output && output!==stdout) output.Close();
+ if (fileName) {
+ var file = fileName.split('|');
+ if (file[1]) output=new _g.ADOStream( file[0], append?_g.ForAppending:_g.ForWriting, file[1], file[2] );
+ else output=fso.OpenTextFile( fileName, append?_g.ForAppending:_g.ForWriting, true, utf?-1:0 );
+ }
+ else output=stdout;
+ _g.loc='';
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/muppet.cmd b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/muppet.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e54ad5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/muppet.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+@echo off
+setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
+REM https://stackoverflow.com/a/40104177
+:: MuPPET: Multi Platform Parallel Execution Tests
+:: USAGE: muppet.cmd -config=Release -platforms="Safari.Mac;Chrome.Windows" -user=cloud_user -key=cloud_key
+set "currentDir=%~dp0"
+for %%x in (%currentDir%*.csproj) do if not defined app set "app=%%~nx"
+set "filter=(TestCategory!=ignore&TestCategory!=manual&TestCategory!=localization&TestCategory=bvt&TestCategory=ui)"
+set "config=Debug"
+set "platforms=Edge.Windows;Safari.Mac"
+:: Asks for the -argument and store the value in the variable (Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47169024)
+call :getArgWithValue "-app" "app" "%~1" "%~2" && shift && shift && goto :parseArgs
+call :getArgWithValue "-config" "config" "%~1" "%~2" && shift && shift && goto :parseArgs
+call :getArgWithValue "-platforms" "platforms" "%~1" "%~2" && shift && shift && goto :parseArgs
+call :getArgWithValue "-filter" "filter" "%~1" "%~2" && shift && shift && goto :parseArgs
+call :getArgWithValue "-user" "user" "%~1" "%~2" && shift && shift && goto :parseArgs
+call :getArgWithValue "-key" "key" "%~1" "%~2" && shift && shift && goto :parseArgs
+call :getArgFlag "-debug" "VSTEST_RUNNER_DEBUG" "%~1" && shift && goto :parseArgs
+:: Start
+echo app: %app%
+echo config: %config%
+echo platforms: %platforms%
+echo user: %user%
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+echo filter: !filter!
+goto runSettingFiles
+:: This function sets a variable from a cli arg with value
+:: 1 cli argument name
+:: 2 variable name
+:: 3 current Argument Name
+:: 4 current Argument Value
+if "%~3"=="%~1" (
+ if "%~4"=="" (
+ REM unset the variable if value is not provided
+ set "%~2="
+ exit /B 1
+ )
+ set "%~2=%~4"
+ exit /B 0
+exit /B 1
+:: This function sets a variable to value "TRUE" from a cli "flag" argument
+:: 1 cli argument name
+:: 2 variable name
+:: 3 current Argument Name
+if "%~3"=="%~1" (
+ set %~2=1
+ exit /B 0
+exit /B 1
+echo Using runSetting files
+for %%i in (%platforms%) do (
+ echo %%i
+ set "int=%%i"
+ set "int=!int:.= !"
+ for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ("!int!") do (
+ echo CrossBrowserEnvironment=%%a%%b
+ REM Credit: https://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6044
+ call %currentDir%jrepl.bat "(name=\qappSettings\.browser\q value=\q)(.*?)(\q)" "$1RemoteWebDriver$3" /x /f "%currentDir%%app%.runsettings" /o "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings"
+ call %currentDir%jrepl.bat "(name=\qappSettings\.DriverCapabilities\q value=\q)(.*?)(\q)" "$1CloudProvider$3" /x /f "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings" /o -
+ call %currentDir%jrepl.bat "(name=\qappSettings\.CrossBrowserEnvironment\q value=\q)(.*?)(\q)" "$1%%a%%b$3" /x /f "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings" /o -
+ call %currentDir%jrepl.bat "(name=\qDriverCapabilities\.browserstack\.user\q value=\q)(.*?)(\q)" "$1%user%$3" /x /f "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings" /o -
+ call %currentDir%jrepl.bat "(name=\qDriverCapabilities\.browserstack\.key\q value=\q)(.*?)(\q)" "$1%key%$3" /x /f "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings" /o -
+ echo starting "%%i" dotnet test "%currentDir%%app%.csproj" -f "net471" -c "%config%" -a "%currentDir%bin\%config%" -v "n" --logger "trx" -r ".\TestResults" --filter !filter! --settings "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings" --no-restore --no-build
+ start "%%i" dotnet test "%currentDir%%app%.csproj" -f "net471" -c "%config%" -a "%currentDir%bin\%config%" -v "n" --logger "trx" -r ".\TestResults" --filter !filter! --settings "%currentDir%%app%.Remote.%%a.%%b.runsettings" --no-restore --no-build
+ )
+goto end
+REM Not-used / Doesn't work (https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/862)
+echo Using runSetting args
+for %%i in (%input%) do (
+ echo %%i
+ set "int=%%i"
+ set "int=!int:.= !"
+ for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ("!int!") do (
+ echo CrossBrowserEnvironment=$1%%a$3$1%%b$3
+ start "%%i" /B dotnet test "%currentDir%%app%.csproj" -f "net471" -c "%config%" -a "./" --no-build --logger "trx" -r "./TestResults" --filter !filter! --settings "%currentDir%%app%.runsettings" -- appSettings.browser=RemoteWebDriver appSettings.DriverCapabilities=CloudProvider appSettings.CrossBrowserEnvironment=%%a%%b
+ )
+goto end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/readme.txt b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84b23371b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+- AzDevOps Sync
+ - Use [Spex](https://vamsitp.github.io/spexdocs/)
+- Code files
+ - `Core\AppTestBase.cs`: Used for "Hooks"
+- Configuration
+ - `app.config`: Change values under `` node for Spex (AzDevOps-Sync)
+ - Make sure the values of DefaultAssignedTo (in .config) / @owner tag (in .feature) are valid.
+ - e.g.: The alias vamsitp(@microsoft.com) is different than vamsi.tp(@microsoft.com) - though both are valid aliases. AzDevOps only honors that one that was added to the account
+- Main classes to use
+ - `UIStepDefinitionBase`: To add additional functionality, inherit this class and add/override methods
+ - `ProjectPageBase`: To add additional functionality, inherit this class and add/override methods
+ - `ElementPage`: To add additional functionality, inherit this class and add/override methods
+ - `UrlPage`: To add additional functionality, inherit this class and add/override methods
+ - `WindowPage`: To add additional functionality, inherit this class and add/override methods
+ - You can add more Pages / PageObjects as you deem fit for your project (see NOTE below)
+- Tools
+ - `muppet.cmd`: Used for Parallel-test-runs (Uses [jrepl.bat](https://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6044))
+- Scenario specific Packages
+ - `Bdd.Core.Web`: For Web Tests
+ - `Bdd.Core.Api`: For Api Tests
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/stylecop.json b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/stylecop.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1798e8639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BDDTestAutomation/EShopApplicationWebSolution/stylecop.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{ /*https://github.com/DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers/blob/master/documentation/Configuration.md*/
+ "settings": {
+ "indentation": {
+ },
+ "spacingRules": {
+ },
+ "readabilityRules": {
+ },
+ "orderingRules": {
+ },
+ "namingRules": {
+ "allowedHungarianPrefixes": [ "ui", "db", "js" ]
+ },
+ "maintainabilityRules": {
+ },
+ "layoutRules": {
+ },
+ "documentationRules": {
+ "companyName": "Microsoft",
+ "headerDecoration": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file