<div class="alert alert-warning esh-basket-margin12" role="alert"> Note that the price of this article changed in our Catalog. The old price when you originally added it to the basket was @item.OldUnitPrice $</div>
<div class="alert alert-warning esh-basket-margin12" role="alert"> Note that the price of this article changed in our Catalog. The old price when you originally added it to the basket was $@item.OldUnitPrice </div>
<divclass="alert alert-warning"role="alert"*ngIf="item.oldUnitPrice > 0"> Note that the price of this article changed in our Catalog. The old price when you originally added it to the basket was {{item.oldUnitPrice}} $</div>
<divclass="alert alert-warning"role="alert"*ngIf="item.oldUnitPrice > 0"> Note that the price of this article changed in our Catalog. The old price when you originally added it to the basket was ${{item.oldUnitPrice}} </div>