@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode |
set -euo pipefail |
usage() |
{ |
cat <<END |
deploy.sh: deploys the $app_name application to a Kubernetes cluster using Helm. |
Parameters: |
--aks-name <AKS cluster name> |
The name of the AKS cluster. Required when the registry (using the -r parameter) is set to "aks". |
--aks-rg <AKS resource group> |
The resource group for the AKS cluster. Required when the registry (using the -r parameter) is set to "aks". |
-b | --build-solution |
Force a solution build before deployment (default: false). |
-d | --dns <dns or ip address> |
Specifies the external DNS/ IP address of the Kubernetes cluster. |
When --use-local-k8s is specified the external DNS is automatically set to localhost. |
-h | --help |
Displays this help text and exits the script. |
-n | --app-name <the name of the app> |
Specifies the name of the application (default: eshop). |
-p | --docker-password <docker password> |
The Docker password used to logon to the custom registry, supplied using the -r parameter. |
-r | --registry <container registry> |
Specifies the container registry to use (required), e.g. myregistry.azurecr.io. |
--skip-clean |
Do not clean the Kubernetes cluster (default is to clean the cluster). |
--skip-image-build |
Do not build images (default is to build all images). |
--skip-image-push |
Do not upload images to the container registry (just run the Kubernetes deployment portion). |
Default is to push the images to the container registry. |
--skip-infrastructure |
Do not deploy infrastructure resources (like sql-data, no-sql or redis). |
This is useful for production environments where infrastructure is hosted outside the Kubernetes cluster. |
-t | --tag <docker image tag> |
The tag used for the newly created docker images. Default: newly created, date-based timestamp, with 1-minute resolution. |
-u | --docker-user <docker username> |
The Docker username used to logon to the custom registry, supplied using the -r parameter. |
--use-local-k8s |
Deploy to a locally installed Kubernetes (default: false). |
It is assumed that the Kubernetes cluster has been granted access to the container registry. |
If using AKS and ACR see link for more info: |
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-auth-aks |
It is recommended that you create a separate namespace and confguration context |
for the $app_name application, to isolate it from other applications on the cluster. |
For more information see https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces/ |
You can use namespace.yaml file (in the same directory) to create the namespace. |
} |
app_name='eshop' |
aks_name='' |
aks_rg='' |
build_images='yes' |
clean='yes' |
build_solution='' |
container_registry='' |
docker_password='' |
docker_username='' |
dns='' |
image_tag=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M') |
push_images='yes' |
skip_infrastructure='' |
use_local_k8s='' |
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do |
case "$1" in |
--aks-name ) |
aks_name="$2"; shift 2;; |
--aks-rg ) |
aks_rg="$2"; shift 2;; |
-b | --build-solution ) |
build_solution='yes'; shift ;; |
-d | --dns ) |
dns="$2"; shift 2;; |
-h | --help ) |
usage; exit 1 ;; |
-n | --app-name ) |
app_name="$2"; shift 2;; |
-p | --docker-password ) |
docker_password="$2"; shift;; |
-r | --registry ) |
container_registry="$2"; shift 2;; |
--skip-clean ) |
clean=''; shift ;; |
--skip-image-build ) |
build_images=''; shift ;; |
--skip-image-push ) |
push_images=''; shift ;; |
--skip-infrastructure ) |
skip_infrastructure='yes'; shift ;; |
-t | --tag ) |
image_tag="$2"; shift 2;; |
-u | --docker-username ) |
docker_username="$2"; shift 2;; |
--use-local-k8s ) |
use_local_k8s='yes'; shift ;; |
*) |
echo "Unknown option $1" |
usage; exit 2 ;; |
esac |
done |
if [[ $build_solution ]]; then |
echo "#################### Building $app_name solution ####################" |
dotnet publish -o obj/Docker/publish ../../eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln |
fi |
export TAG=$image_tag |
if [[ $build_images ]]; then |
echo "#################### Building the $app_name Docker images ####################" |
docker-compose -p ../.. -f ../../docker-compose.yml build |
# Remove temporary images |
docker rmi $(docker images -qf "dangling=true") |
fi |
if [[ $push_images ]]; then |
echo "#################### Pushing images to the container registry ####################" |
services=(basket.api catalog.api identity.api ordering.api marketing.api payment.api locations.api webmvc webspa webstatus) |
for service in "${services[@]}" |
do |
echo "Pushing image for service $service..." |
docker tag "eshop/$service:$image_tag" "$container_registry/$service:$image_tag" |
docker push "$container_registry/$service:$image_tag" |
done |
fi |
ingress_values_file="ingress_values.yaml" |
if [[ $use_local_k8s ]]; then |
ingress_values_file="ingress_values_dockerk8s.yaml" |
dns="localhost" |
fi |
if [[ $dns == "aks" ]]; then |
echo "#################### Begin AKS discovery based on the --dns aks setting. ####################" |
if [[ -z $aks_name ]] || [[ -z $aks_rg ]]; then |
echo "Error: When using -dns aks, MUST set -aksName and -aksRg too." |
echo '' |
usage |
exit 1 |
fi |
echo "Getting DNS of AKS of AKS $aks_name (in resource group $aks_rg)" |
dns="$(az aks show -n $aks_name -g $aks_rg --query addonProfiles.httpApplicationRouting.config.HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName)" |
if [[ -z dns ]]; then |
echo "Error: when getting DNS of AKS $aks_name (in resource group $aks_rg). Please ensure AKS has httpRouting enabled AND Azure CLI is logged in and is of version 2.0.37 or higher." |
exit 1 |
fi |
$dns=${dns//[\"]/""} |
echo "DNS base found is $dns. Will use $aks_name.$dns for the app!" |
fi |
# Initialization & check commands |
if [[ -z $dns ]]; then |
echo "No DNS specified. Ingress resources will be bound to public IP." |
fi |
if [[ $clean ]]; then |
echo "Cleaning previous helm releases..." |
helm delete --purge $(helm ls -q) |
echo "Previous releases deleted" |
fi |
use_custom_registry='' |
if [[ -n $container_registry ]]; then |
use_custom_registry='yes' |
if [[ -z $docker_user ]] || [[ -z $docker_password ]]; then |
echo "Error: Must use -u (--docker-username) AND -p (--docker-password) if specifying custom registry" |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
echo "#################### Begin $app_name installation using Helm ####################" |
infras=(sql-data nosql-data rabbitmq keystore-data basket-data) |
charts=(eshop-common apigwmm apigwms apigwwm apigwws basket-api catalog-api identity-api locations-api marketing-api mobileshoppingagg ordering-api ordering-backgroundtasks ordering-signalrhub payment-api webmvc webshoppingagg webspa webstatus webhooks-api webhooks-web) |
if [[ !$skip_infrastructure ]]; then |
for infra in "${infras[@]}" |
do |
echo "Installing infrastructure: $infra" |
helm install --values app.yaml --values inf.yaml --values $ingress_values_file --set app.name=$app_name --set inf.k8s.dns=$dns --name="$app_name-$infra" $infra |
done |
fi |
for chart in "${charts[@]}" |
do |
echo "Installing: $chart" |
if [[ $use_custom_registry ]]; then |
helm install --set inf.registry.server=$container_registry --set inf.registry.login=$docker_username --set inf.registry.pwd=$docker_password --set inf.registry.secretName=eshop-docker-scret --values app.yaml --values inf.yaml --values $ingress_values_file --set app.name=$app_name --set inf.k8s.dns=$dns --set image.tag=$image_tag --set image.pullPolicy=Always --name="$app_name-$chart" $chart |
elif [[ $chart != "eshop-common" ]]; then # eshop-common is ignored when no secret must be deployed |
helm install --values app.yaml --values inf.yaml --values $ingress_values_file --set app.name=$app_name --set inf.k8s.dns=$dns --set image.tag=$image_tag --set image.pullPolicy=Always --name="$app_name-$chart" $chart |
fi |
done |
echo "FINISHED: Helm charts installed." |