# eShopOnContainers - Microservices Architecture and Containers based Reference Application (**BETA state** - Visual Studio and CLI environments compatible)
Sample .NET Core reference application, powered by Microsoft, based on a simplified microservices architecture and Docker containers.
## Linux Build Status for 'dev' branch
# .NET Microservices Sample Reference Application
Dev branch contains the latest "stable" code, and their images are tagged with `:dev` in our [Docker Hub](https://cloud.docker.com/u/eshop/repository/list):
Sample .NET Core reference application, powered by Microsoft, based on a simplified microservices architecture and Docker containers.
| Basket API | Catalog API | Identity API | Location API |
| Catalog API | [![Catalog API](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/catalog?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=197&branchName=dev) | Web Client (MVC) | [![WebMVC Client](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/webmvc?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=209&branchName=dev) |
|Identity API | [![Identity API](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/identity?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=200&branchName=dev) | Web Client (SPA) | [![WebSPA Client](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/webspa?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=210&branchName=dev) |
| Location API | [![Location API](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/location?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=202&branchName=dev) | Web Status (Health) | [![Web Status](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/webstatus?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=211&branchName=dev) |
| Marketing API | [![Marketing API](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/marketing?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=203&branchName=dev) | Webhooks API | [![Webhooks API](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_apis/build/status/microservices/webhooks?branchName=dev)](https://msftdevtools.visualstudio.com/eShopOnContainers/_build/latest?definitionId=207&branchName=dev) |
_**Dev** branch contains the latest **beta** code and their images are tagged with `:dev` in our [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/u/eshop)_
## Getting Started
eShopOnContainers is provided in "two flavors":
- Basic scenario: Can be run locally using docker compose, and also deployed to a local Kubernetes cluster
- Production scenario: Can only be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster (local or in the cloud like AKS), and enable production features like the use of a Service Mesh.
eShopOnContainers is provided in two flavors: Basic and Advanced.
### Basic scenario
You can run eShop locally:
The basic scenario can be run locally using docker compose, and also deployed to a local Kubernetes cluster. Refer these Wiki pages to Get Started:
The Advanced scenario can be run only in a Kubernetes cluster. Currently this scenario is the same as basic scenario with the following differences:
- Use of a Service Mesh for Resiliency
- [Deploy to AKS with a Service Mesh for resiliency](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Deploy-to-Azure-Kubernetes-Service-(AKS))
In the future more features will be implemented in the advanced scenario.
@ -57,72 +55,15 @@ Do you want to be up-to-date on .NET Architecture guidance and reference apps li
## Updated for .NET Core 3.0
eShopOnContainers is updated to .NET Core 3.0 "wave" of technologies. Not just compilation but also new recommended code in EF Core, ASP.NET Core, and other new related versions.
### Details on the latest mayor release
- Migrate solution from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0 and update all projects to use the latest .NET Core 3.0 templates.
- Implement the new .NET Core 3.0 WorkerService in Ordering.API and other background processes.
- Improve Ordering.API
- Group order items
- apply discounts from Marketing.API
- Handle two deployment scenarios
- Basic deployment, better for learning:
- Docker compose
- Local Kubernetes
- Visual Studio F5 experience
- Advanced deployment, complex but more real-life:
- Sidecar implementation with Envoy/Linkerd
- Improved API Gateway and resilience
- gRPC for inter-service communications
- Test and Support Azure Dev Spaces
eShopOnContainers is updated to .NET Core 3.0 "wave" of technologies. Not just compilation but also new recommended code in EF Core, ASP.NET Core, and other new related versions and a several significant changes.
### New folder structure
The repo also has a new, simpler, folder structure, as shown in the following image:
In the above image you can see that the first folder level contains, basically:
- **build**: Scripts for building Docker images.
- **deploy**: Scripts for deployment.
- **src**: All source projects, including tests.
- **ApiGateways**: Envoy configuration and Aggregators source code.
- **BuildBlocks**: Common components used by several projects.
- **Mobile**: Mobile apps projects.
- **Services**: Backend for all services. Including unit and functional tests for some projects.
- Basket
- Catalog
- Identity
- Location
- Marketing
- Ordering
- Payment
- Webhooks
- **Tests**: General functional application tests.
- **test-results**: Test results
- **Web**: Web applications
**See more details in the [Release notes](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Release-notes) wiki page**.
>**PLEASE** Read our [branch guide](./branch-guide.md) to know about our branching policy
> **IMPORTANT:** The current state of this sample application is **BETA**, because we are constantly evolving towards newly released technologies. Therefore, many areas could be improved and change significantly while refactoring the current code and implementing new features. Feedback with improvements and pull requests from the community will be highly appreciated and accepted.
> This reference application proposes a simplified microservice oriented architecture implementation to introduce technologies like .NET Core with Docker containers through a comprehensive application. The chosen domain is eShop/eCommerce but simply because it is a well-known domain by most people/developers.
However, this sample application should not be considered as an "eCommerce reference model" at all. The implemented business domain might not be ideal from an eCommerce business point of view. It is neither trying to solve all the problems in a large, scalable and mission-critical distributed system. It is just a bootstrap for developers to easily get started in the world of Docker containers and microservices with .NET Core.
> For example, the next step after running the solution in the local dev PC and understanding Docker containers and microservices development with .NET Core, is to select a microservice cluster/orchestrator like Kubernetes in Azure (AKS) or Azure Service Fabric, both environments tested and supported by this solution.
> Additional steps would be to move your databases to HA cloud services (like Azure SQL Database) or switch your EventBus to use Azure Service Bus (instead of bare-bone RabbitMQ) or any other production-ready Service Bus in the market.
> Read the planned [Roadmap](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Roadmap) within the Wiki for further info about possible new implementations and provide feedback at the [ISSUES section](https://github.com/dotnet/eShopOnContainers/issues) if you'd like to see any specific scenario implemented or improved. Also, feel free to discuss on any current issue.
### Architecture overview
@ -130,38 +71,7 @@ This reference application is cross-platform at the server and client side, than
The architecture proposes a microservice oriented architecture implementation with multiple autonomous microservices (each one owning its own data/db) and implementing different approaches within each microservice (simple CRUD vs. DDD/CQRS patterns) using Http as the communication protocol between the client apps and the microservices and supports asynchronous communication for data updates propagation across multiple services based on Integration Events and an Event Bus (a light message broker, to choose between RabbitMQ or Azure Service Bus, underneath) plus other features defined at the [roadmap](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Roadmap).
> ### Important Note on API Gateways and published APIs
> Since April 2018, we have introduced the implementation of the [API Gateway pattern](http://microservices.io/patterns/apigateway.html) and [Backend-For-Front-End (BFF) pattern](https://samnewman.io/patterns/architectural/bff/) in eShopOnContainers architecture, so you can filter and publish simplified APIs and URIs and apply additional security in that tier while hiding/securing the internal microservices to the client apps or outside consumers. These sample API Gateways in eShopOnContainers are based on [Envoy](https://www.envoyproxy.io/), an OSS, production-grade API Gateway and proxy [described in the official documentation page](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/). The deployed API Gateways are autonomous and can be deployed as your own custom microservices/containers, as it is currently done in eShopOnContainers, so you can test it even in a simple development environment with just Docker engine or deploy it into orchestrators like Kubernetes in AKS or Service Fabric.
> For your production-ready architecture you can either keep using Envoy or, if you need further functionality and a much richer set of features suitable for commercial APIs, you can also substitute those API Gateways and use [Azure API Management](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/api-management/) or any other commercial API Gateway.
> The sample code in this repo is NOT making use of Azure API Management in order to be able to provide an "F5 experience" in Visual Studio (or CLI) of the sample with no up-front dependencies in Azure. But you could evaluate API Gateways alternatives when building for production.
> ### Internal architecture and design of the microservices
> The microservices are different in type, meaning different internal architecture pattern approaches depending on its purpose, as shown in the image below.
> ### Important Note on Database Servers/Containers
> In this solution's current configuration for a development environment, the SQL databases are automatically deployed with sample data into a single SQL Server container (a single shared Docker container for SQL databases) so the whole solution can be up and running without any dependency to any cloud or a specific server. Each database could also be deployed as a single Docker container, but then you'd need more than 8GB of RAM assigned to Docker in your development machine in order to be able to run 3 SQL Server Docker containers in your Docker Linux host in "Docker for Windows" or "Docker for Mac" development environments.
> A similar case is defined in regard to Redis cache running as a container for the development environment. Or a No-SQL database (MongoDB) running as a container.
> However, in a real production environment it is recommended to have your databases (SQL Server, Redis, and the NO-SQL database, in this case) in HA (High Available) services like Azure SQL Database, Redis as a service and Azure CosmosDB instead the MongoDB container (as both systems share the same access protocol). If you want to change to a production configuration, you'll just need to change the connection strings once you have set up the servers in an HA cloud or on-premises.
> ### Important Note on EventBus
> In this solution's current EventBus is a simplified implementation, mainly used for learning purposes (development and testing), so it doesn't handle all production scenarios, most notably on error handling.
> The following fork provides production environment level implementation examples with eShopOnContainers:
> - Implementation with [NServiceBus](https://github.com/Particular/NServiceBus) : <https://github.com/Particular/eShopOnContainers>
## Related documentation and guidance
@ -172,55 +82,20 @@ You can download them and start reviewing these Guides/eBooks here:
Download in other formats (**eReaders** like **MOBI**, **EPUB**) and other eBooks at the [.NET Architecture center](http://dot.net/architecture).
Send feedback to [dotnet-architecture-ebooks-feedback@service.microsoft.com](dotnet-architecture-ebooks-feedback@service.microsoft.com)
However, we encourage you to download and review the [Architecting and Developing Microservices eBook](https://aka.ms/microservicesebook) because the architectural styles and architectural patterns and technologies explained in the guide are using this reference application when explaining many pattern implementations, so you'll understand the context, design and decisions taken in the current architecture and internal designs much better.
## Overview of the application code
In this repo you can find a sample reference application that will help you to understand how to implement a microservice architecture based application using **.NET Core** and **Docker**.
The example business domain or scenario is based on an eShop or eCommerce which is implemented as a multi-container application. Each container is a microservice deployment (like the basket-microservice, catalog-microservice, ordering-microservice and the identity-microservice) which is developed using ASP.NET Core running on .NET Core so they can run either on Linux Containers and Windows Containers.
The screenshot below shows the VS Solution structure for those microservices/containers and client apps.
- (*Recommended when getting started*) Open **eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln** for a solution containing just the server-side projects related to the microservices and web applications.
- Open <b>eShopOnContainers-MobileApps.sln</b> for a solution containing just the client mobile app projects (Xamarin mobile apps only). It works independently based on mocks, too.
- Open <b>eShopOnContainers.sln</b> for a solution containing all the projects (All client apps and services).
Finally, those microservices are consumed by multiple client web and mobile apps, as described below.
<b>*MVC Application (ASP.NET Core)*</b>: It's an MVC application where you can find interesting scenarios on how to consume HTTP-based microservices from C# running in the server side, as it is a typical ASP.NET Core MVC application. Since it is a server-side application, access to other containers/microservices is done within the internal Docker Host network with its internal name resolution.
<b>*SPA (Single Page Application)*</b>: Providing similar "eShop business functionality" but developed with Angular, Typescript and slightly using ASP.NET Core MVC. This is another approach for client web applications to be used when you want to have a more modern client behavior which is not behaving with the typical browser round-trip on every action but behaving like a Single-Page-Application which is more similar to a desktop app usage experience. The consumption of the HTTP-based microservices is done from TypeScript/JavaScript in the client browser, so the client calls to the microservices come from out of the Docker Host internal network (Like from your network or even from the Internet).
<b>*Xamarin Mobile App (For iOS, Android and Windows/UWP)*</b>: It is a client mobile app supporting the most common mobile OS platforms (iOS, Android and Windows/UWP). In this case, the consumption of the microservices is done from C# but running on the client devices, so out of the Docker Host internal network (Like from your network or even the Internet).
## Setting up your development environment for eShopOnContainers
However, we encourage you to download and review the [.NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications e-book](https://aka.ms/microservicesebook) because the architectural styles, patterns, and technologies explained in the guide use this reference application when explaining most implementations, so you'll understand the context, design and decisions taken in the current architecture and internal designs much better.
## Orchestrators: Kubernetes and Service Fabric
## Read further
See at the [Wiki](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki) the posts on setup/instructions about how to deploy to Kubernetes or Service Fabric in Azure (although you could also deploy to any other cloud or on-premises).
- [Explore the application](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Explore-the-application)
- [Explore the code](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Explore-the-code)
## Sending feedback and pull requests
As mentioned, we'd appreciate your feedback, improvements and ideas.
You can create new issues at the issues section, do pull requests and/or send emails to **eshop_feedback@service.microsoft.com**
Read the planned [Roadmap](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/Roadmap) within the Wiki for further info about possible new implementations and provide feedback at the [ISSUES section](https://github.com/dotnet/eShopOnContainers/issues) if you'd like to see any specific scenario implemented or improved. Also, feel free to discuss on any current issue.
This folder contains the Azure Devops build definitions in YAML format. Each folder contains one `azure-pipelines.yml` that contains the build definition for one microservice (usually a Docker image, but some microservices generates more than one Docker image).
This folder contains the Azure DevOps build definitions in YAML format. Each folder contains one `azure-pipelines.yml` that contains the build definition for one microservice (usually a Docker image, but some microservices generates more than one Docker image).
For more information about YAML builds read the [Azure DevOps documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/get-started-yaml?view=azure-devops).
For more information about YAML builds read the [Azure DevOps documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/get-started-yaml?view=azure-devops).
# Using Helm Charts to deploy eShopOnContainers to AKS with ISTIO
It is possible to deploy eShopOnContainers on a AKS using [Helm](https://helm.sh/) instead of custom scripts (that will be deprecated soon).
## Create Kubernetes cluster in AKS
You can create the AKS cluster by using two ways:
- A. Use Azure CLI: Follow a procedure suing [Azure CLI like here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/kubernetes-walkthrough), but make sure you **enable RBAC** with `--enable-rbac` in `az aks create` command.
- B. Use Azure's portal
The following steps are using the Azure portal to create the AKS cluster:
- Start the process by providing the general data, like in the following screenshot:
In addition to having an AKS cluster created in Azure and having kubectl and Azure CLI installed in your local machine and configured to use your Azure subscription, you also need the following pre-requisites:
### Install Helm
You need to have helm installed on your machine, and Tiller must be installed on the AKS. Follow these instructions on how to ['Install applications with Helm in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)'](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/kubernetes-helm) to setup Helm and Tiller for AKS.
**Note**: If your ASK cluster is not RBAC-enabled (default option in portal) you may receive following error when running a helm command:
Error: Get http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps?labelSelector=OWNER%!D(MISSING)TILLER: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connect: connection refused
Your default text editor will popup with the YAML definition of the tiller deploy. Search for:
automountServiceAccountToken: false
And change it to:
automountServiceAccountToken: true
Save the file and close the editor. This should reapply the deployment in the cluster. Now Helm commands should work.
## Install eShopOnContainers with Istio using Helm
All steps need to be performed on `/k8s/helm` folder. The easiest way is to use the `deploy-all-istio.ps1` script from a Powershell window:
.\deploy-all-istio.ps1 -dnsname eshoptestistio -externalDns aks -aksName eshoptest -aksRg eshoptest -imageTag dev
This will install all the [eShopOnContainers public images](https://hub.docker.com/u/eshop/) with tag `dev` on the AKS named `eshoptest` in the resource group `eshoptest` and with the dns url: http://**eshoptestistio**.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/ . By default all infrastructure (sql, mongo, rabbit and redis) is installed also in the cluster.
Once the script is run, you should see following output when using `kubectl get deployment`:
eshop-apigwmm 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-apigwms 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-apigwwm 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-apigwws 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-basket-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-basket-data 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-catalog-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-identity-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-keystore-data 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-locations-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-marketing-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-mobileshoppingagg 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-nosql-data 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-ordering-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-ordering-backgroundtasks 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-ordering-signalrhub 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-payment-api 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-rabbitmq 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-sql-data 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-webmvc 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-webshoppingagg 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-webspa 1 1 1 1 4d
eshop-webstatus 1 1 1 1 4d
Every public service is exposed through the istio ingress gateway.
Yo can see the ingress gateway public ip doing `kubectl get services -n istio-system`
To use your own images instead of the public ones, you have to pass following additional parameters to the `deploy-all-istio.ps1` script:
* `registry`: Login server for the Docker registry
* `dockerUser`: User login for the Docker registry
* `dockerPassword`: User password for the Docker registry
This will deploy a secret on the cluster to connect to the specified server, and all image names deployed will be prepended with `registry/` value.
### Not deploying infrastructure containers
If you want to use external resources, use `-deployInfrastructure $false` to not deploy infrastructure containers. However **you still have to manually update the scripts to provide your own configuration** (see next section).
### Providing your own configuration
The file `inf.yaml` contains the description of the infrastructure used. File is docummented so take a look on it to understand all of its entries. If using external resources you need to edit this file according to your needs. You'll need to edit:
* `inf.sql.host` with the host name of the SQL Server
* `inf.sql.common` entries to provide your SQL user, password. `Pid` is not used when using external resources (it is used to set specific product id for the SQL Server container).
* `inf.sql.catalog`, `inf.sql.ordering`, `inf.sql.identity`: To provide the database names for catalog, ordering and identity services
* `mongo.host`: With the host name of the Mongo DB
* `mongo.locations`, `mongo.marketing` with the database names for locations and marketing services
* `redis.basket.constr` with the connection string to Redis for Basket Service. Note that `redis.basket.svc` is not used when using external services
* `redis.keystore.constr` with the connection string to Redis for Keystore Service. Note that `redis.keystore.svc` is not used when using external services
* `eventbus.constr` with the connection string to Azure Service Bus and `eventbus.useAzure` to `true` to use Azure service bus. Note that `eventbus.svc` is not used when using external services
### Using Azure storage for Catalog Photos
Using Azure storage for catalog (and marketing) photos is not directly supported, but you can accomplish it by editing the file `k8s/helm/catalog-api/templates/configmap.yaml`. Search for lines:
In the same way, to use Azure storage for the marketing service, have to edit the file `k8s/helm/marketing-api/templates/configmap.yaml` and replacing the line:
# Using Helm Charts to deploy eShopOnContainers to a local Kubernetes in Windows with 'Docker for Windows'
## Additional pre-requisites
In addition to having Docker for Windows/Mac with Kubernetes enabled and having kubectl ayou also need the following pre-requisites:
### Install Helm
You need to have helm installed on your machine, and Tiller must be installed on the local Docker Kubernetes cluster. Once you have [Helm downloaded](https://helm.sh/) and installed on your machine you must:
1. Create the tiller service account, by running `kubectl apply -f helm-rbac.yaml` from `/k8s` folder
2. Install tiller and configure it to use the tiller service account by typing `helm init --service-account tiller`
## Install eShopOnContainers with Istio using Helm
All steps need to be performed on `/k8s/helm` folder. The easiest way is to use the `deploy-all-istio.ps1` script from a Powershell window:
.\deploy-all-istio.ps1 -imageTag dev -useLocalk8s $true
The parameter `useLocalk8s` to $true, forces the script to use `localhost` as the DNS for all Helm charts.
This will install all the [eShopOnContainers public images](https://hub.docker.com/u/eshop/) with tag `dev` on the Docker local Kubernetes cluster. By default all infrastructure (sql, mongo, rabbit and redis) is installed also in the cluster.
Once the script is run, you should see following output when using `kubectl get deployment`:
eshop-apigwmm 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-apigwms 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-apigwwm 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-apigwws 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-basket-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-basket-data 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-catalog-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-identity-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-keystore-data 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-locations-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-marketing-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-mobileshoppingagg 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-nosql-data 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-ordering-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-ordering-backgroundtasks 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-ordering-signalrhub 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-payment-api 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-rabbitmq 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-sql-data 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-webmvc 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-webshoppingagg 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-webspa 1 1 1 1 2h
eshop-webstatus 1 1 1 1 2h
Note that istio ingress gateway is bound to DNS localhost and the host is also "localhost". So, you can access the webspa by typing `http://localhost` and the MVC by typing `http://localhost/`
As this is the Docker local K8s cluster, you can see also the containers running on your machine. If you type `docker ps` you'll see all them:
fec1e3499416 a3f21ec4bd11 "/entrypoint.sh /ngi…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes k8s_nginx-ingress-controller_nginx-ingress-controller-f88c75bc6-5xs2n_ingress-nginx_f1cc7094-e68f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
76485867f032 eshop/payment.api "dotnet Payment.API.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_payment-api_eshop-payment-api-75d5f9bdf6-6zx2v_default_4a3cdab4-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_1
c2c4640ed610 eshop/marketing.api "dotnet Marketing.AP…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_marketing-api_eshop-marketing-api-6b8c5989fd-jpxqv_default_45780626-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_1
85301d538574 eshop/ordering.signalrhub "dotnet Ordering.Sig…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_ordering-signalrhub_eshop-ordering-signalrhub-58cf5ff6-cnlm8_default_4932c344-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_1
7a408a98000e eshop/ordering.backgroundtasks "dotnet Ordering.Bac…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_ordering-backgroundtasks_eshop-ordering-backgroundtasks-cc8f6d4d8-ztfk7_default_47f9cf10-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_1
12c64b3a13e0 eshop/basket.api "dotnet Basket.API.d…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_basket-api_eshop-basket-api-658546684d-6hlvd_default_4262d022-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_1
133fccfeeff3 eshop/webstatus "dotnet WebStatus.dll" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_webstatus_eshop-webstatus-7f46479dc4-bqnq7_default_4dc13eb2-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
00c6e4c52135 eshop/webspa "dotnet WebSPA.dll" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_webspa_eshop-webspa-64cb8df9cb-dcbwg_default_4cd47376-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
d4507f1f6b1a eshop/webshoppingagg "dotnet Web.Shopping…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_webshoppingagg_eshop-webshoppingagg-cc94fc86-sxd2v_default_4be6cdb9-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
9178e26703da eshop/webmvc "dotnet WebMVC.dll" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_webmvc_eshop-webmvc-985779684-4br5z_default_4addd4d6-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
1088c281c710 eshop/ordering.api "dotnet Ordering.API…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_ordering-api_eshop-ordering-api-fb8c548cb-k68x9_default_4740958a-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
12424156d5c9 eshop/mobileshoppingagg "dotnet Mobile.Shopp…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_mobileshoppingagg_eshop-mobileshoppingagg-b54645d7b-rlrgh_default_46c00017-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
65463ffd437d eshop/locations.api "dotnet Locations.AP…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_locations-api_eshop-locations-api-577fc94696-dfhq8_default_44929c4b-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
5b3431873763 eshop/identity.api "dotnet Identity.API…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_identity-api_eshop-identity-api-85d9b79f4-s5ks7_default_43d6eb7c-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
7c8e77252459 eshop/catalog.api "dotnet Catalog.API.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_catalog-api_eshop-catalog-api-59fd444fb-ztvhz_default_4356705a-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
94d95d0d3653 eshop/ocelotapigw "dotnet OcelotApiGw.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_apigwws_eshop-apigwws-65474b979d-n99jw_default_41395473-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
bc4bbce71d5f eshop/ocelotapigw "dotnet OcelotApiGw.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_apigwwm_eshop-apigwwm-857c549dd8-8w5gv_default_4098d770-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
840aabcceaa9 eshop/ocelotapigw "dotnet OcelotApiGw.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_apigwms_eshop-apigwms-5b94dfb54b-dnmr9_default_401fc611-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
aabed7646f5b eshop/ocelotapigw "dotnet OcelotApiGw.…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_apigwmm_eshop-apigwmm-85f96cbdb4-dhfwr_default_3ed7967a-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
49c5700def5a f06a5773f01e "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_basket-data_eshop-basket-data-66fbc788cc-csnlw_default_3e0c45fe-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
a5db4c521807 f06a5773f01e "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_keystore-data_eshop-keystore-data-5c9c85cb99-8k56s_default_3ce1a273-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
aae88fd2d810 d69a5113ceae "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_rabbitmq_eshop-rabbitmq-6b68647bc4-gr565_default_3c37ee6a-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
65d49ca9589d bbed8d0e01c1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_nosql-data_eshop-nosql-data-579c9d89f8-mtt95_default_3b9c1f89-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
090e0dde2ec4 bbe2822dfe38 "/opt/mssql/bin/sqls…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours k8s_sql-data_eshop-sql-data-5c4fdcccf4-bscdb_default_3afd29b8-e67f-11e8-b4b6-00155d016146_0
## Known issues
Login from the webmvc results in following error: HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).
The reason is because MVC needs to access the Identity Server from both outside the container (browser) and inside the container (C# code). Thus, the configuration uses always the *external url* of the Identity Server, which in this case is just `http://localhost/identity-api`. But this external url is incorrect when used from C# code, and the web mvc can't access the identity api. This is the only case when this issue happens (and is the reason why we use for local address in web mvc in local development mode)
Solving this requires some manual steps:
Update the configmap of Web MVC by typing (**line breaks are mandatory**) and your cluster dns name has to be the same of your environment:
kubectl patch cm cfg-eshop-webmvc --type strategic --patch @'