Edit the following params in `servicefabricdeploysecured.parameters.json`file to set your values:
Edit the parameters in `servicefabricdeploysecured.parameters.json`in a similar way you can do with tthe unsecured .json file shown above (clusterName, dnsName, etc.), plus edit the following values:
- clusterName: Name of your SF cluster
- dnsName: Name assigned to your SF dns
- adminUserName: user name for administration
- adminPassword: user password for administration
- sourceVaultValue: keyvault resource id (check azure keyvault properties)
Optionally, you can modify which ports are opened in the LoadBalancer for accessing externally to the apps:
- webMvcHttpPort: port externally exposed for the WebMVC app
- webSpaHttpPort: port externally exposed for the WebSPA app
- webStatusHttpPort: port externally exposed for the WebStatus app
- IdSrvHttpRule: port externally exposed for the Identity app
- sourceVaultValue: Your Azure Keyvault's RESOURCE ID (check Azure keyvault properties, similar to: /subscriptions/e1234ac1-c09c-3jaf-6767-98b3c5f1f246/resourceGroups/eshop-global-resgrp/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/eshopkeyvault")
- certificateUrlValue: Your certificate Secret Identifier (check Azure Keyvault secret certificate properties, should be in the format of https://<nameofthevault>.vault.azure.net:443/secrets/<exactlocation>, similar to: https://eshopkeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/pro-eshop-sfwin-cluster-cert/4d087088df974e869f1c0978cb100e47)