Merge pull request #219 from SychevIgor/healthcheckcleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,8 +39,6 @@
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index">Home</a></li>
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index">Home</a></li>
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="About">About</a></li>
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Contact">Contact</a></li>
@ -72,9 +70,6 @@
<script src="~/js/site.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>
@RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
<environment names="Development">
<script src="~/lib/jquery-validation/dist/jquery.validate.js"></script>
<script src="~/lib/jquery-validation-unobtrusive/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js"></script>
<environment names="Staging,Production">
<script src=""
asp-fallback-test="window.jQuery && window.jQuery.validator"
<script src=""
asp-fallback-test="window.jQuery && window.jQuery.validator && window.jQuery.validator.unobtrusive"
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
"private": true,
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"dependencies": {
"bootstrap": "3.3.7",
"bootstrap": "3.3.7",
"jquery": "2.2.0",
"jquery": "2.2.0"
"jquery-validation": "1.14.0",
"jquery-validation-unobtrusive": "3.2.6"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 9.5 KiB |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 8.2 KiB |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
@ -1 +0,0 @@
// Write your Javascript code.
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
"name": "jquery-validation-unobtrusive",
"version": "3.2.6",
"homepage": "",
"description": "Add-on to jQuery Validation to enable unobtrusive validation options in data-* attributes.",
"main": [
"ignore": [
"keywords": [
"authors": [
"license": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"dependencies": {
"jquery-validation": ">=1.8",
"jquery": ">=1.8"
"_release": "3.2.6",
"_resolution": {
"type": "version",
"tag": "v3.2.6",
"commit": "13386cd1b5947d8a5d23a12b531ce3960be1eba7"
"_source": "git://",
"_target": "3.2.6",
"_originalSource": "jquery-validation-unobtrusive"
@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
** Unobtrusive validation support library for jQuery and jQuery Validate
** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
/*jslint white: true, browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, strict: false */
/*global document: false, jQuery: false */
(function ($) {
var $jQval = $.validator,
data_validation = "unobtrusiveValidation";
function setValidationValues(options, ruleName, value) {
options.rules[ruleName] = value;
if (options.message) {
options.messages[ruleName] = options.message;
function splitAndTrim(value) {
return value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(/\s*,\s*/g);
function escapeAttributeValue(value) {
// As mentioned on
return value.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~])/g, "\\$1");
function getModelPrefix(fieldName) {
return fieldName.substr(0, fieldName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
function appendModelPrefix(value, prefix) {
if (value.indexOf("*.") === 0) {
value = value.replace("*.", prefix);
return value;
function onError(error, inputElement) { // 'this' is the form element
var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-for='" + escapeAttributeValue(inputElement[0].name) + "']"),
replaceAttrValue = container.attr("data-valmsg-replace"),
replace = replaceAttrValue ? $.parseJSON(replaceAttrValue) !== false : null;
||||||"unobtrusiveContainer", container);
if (replace) {
else {
function onErrors(event, validator) { // 'this' is the form element
var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-summary=true]"),
list = container.find("ul");
if (list && list.length && validator.errorList.length) {
$.each(validator.errorList, function () {
$("<li />").html(this.message).appendTo(list);
function onSuccess(error) { // 'this' is the form element
var container ="unobtrusiveContainer");
if (container) {
var replaceAttrValue = container.attr("data-valmsg-replace"),
replace = replaceAttrValue ? $.parseJSON(replaceAttrValue) : null;
if (replace) {
function onReset(event) { // 'this' is the form element
var $form = $(this),
key = '__jquery_unobtrusive_validation_form_reset';
if ($ {
// Set a flag that indicates we're currently resetting the form.
$, true);
try {
} finally {
.find(">*") // If we were using valmsg-replace, get the underlying error
function validationInfo(form) {
var $form = $(form),
result = $,
onResetProxy = $.proxy(onReset, form),
defaultOptions = $jQval.unobtrusive.options || {},
execInContext = function (name, args) {
var func = defaultOptions[name];
func && $.isFunction(func) && func.apply(form, args);
if (!result) {
result = {
options: { // options structure passed to jQuery Validate's validate() method
errorClass: defaultOptions.errorClass || "input-validation-error",
errorElement: defaultOptions.errorElement || "span",
errorPlacement: function () {
onError.apply(form, arguments);
execInContext("errorPlacement", arguments);
invalidHandler: function () {
onErrors.apply(form, arguments);
execInContext("invalidHandler", arguments);
messages: {},
rules: {},
success: function () {
onSuccess.apply(form, arguments);
execInContext("success", arguments);
attachValidation: function () {
.off("reset." + data_validation, onResetProxy)
.on("reset." + data_validation, onResetProxy)
validate: function () { // a validation function that is called by unobtrusive Ajax
return $form.valid();
$, result);
return result;
$jQval.unobtrusive = {
adapters: [],
parseElement: function (element, skipAttach) {
/// <summary>
/// Parses a single HTML element for unobtrusive validation attributes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" domElement="true">The HTML element to be parsed.</param>
/// <param name="skipAttach" type="Boolean">[Optional] true to skip attaching the
/// validation to the form. If parsing just this single element, you should specify true.
/// If parsing several elements, you should specify false, and manually attach the validation
/// to the form when you are finished. The default is false.</param>
var $element = $(element),
form = $element.parents("form")[0],
valInfo, rules, messages;
if (!form) { // Cannot do client-side validation without a form
valInfo = validationInfo(form);
valInfo.options.rules[] = rules = {};
valInfo.options.messages[] = messages = {};
$.each(this.adapters, function () {
var prefix = "data-val-" +,
message = $element.attr(prefix),
paramValues = {};
if (message !== undefined) { // Compare against undefined, because an empty message is legal (and falsy)
prefix += "-";
$.each(this.params, function () {
paramValues[this] = $element.attr(prefix + this);
element: element,
form: form,
message: message,
params: paramValues,
rules: rules,
messages: messages
$.extend(rules, { "__dummy__": true });
if (!skipAttach) {
parse: function (selector) {
/// <summary>
/// Parses all the HTML elements in the specified selector. It looks for input elements decorated
/// with the [data-val=true] attribute value and enables validation according to the data-val-*
/// attribute values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selector" type="String">Any valid jQuery selector.</param>
// $forms includes all forms in selector's DOM hierarchy (parent, children and self) that have at least one
// element with data-val=true
var $selector = $(selector),
$forms = $selector.parents()
$selector.find("[data-val=true]").each(function () {
$jQval.unobtrusive.parseElement(this, true);
$forms.each(function () {
var info = validationInfo(this);
if (info) {
adapters = $jQval.unobtrusive.adapters;
adapters.add = function (adapterName, params, fn) {
/// <summary>Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation.</summary>
/// <param name="adapterName" type="String">The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
/// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute (where nnnn is the adapter name).</param>
/// <param name="params" type="Array" optional="true">[Optional] An array of parameter names (strings) that will
/// be extracted from the data-val-nnnn-mmmm HTML attributes (where nnnn is the adapter name, and
/// mmmm is the parameter name).</param>
/// <param name="fn" type="Function">The function to call, which adapts the values from the HTML
/// attributes into jQuery Validate rules and/or messages.</param>
/// <returns type="jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters" />
if (!fn) { // Called with no params, just a function
fn = params;
params = [];
this.push({ name: adapterName, params: params, adapt: fn });
return this;
adapters.addBool = function (adapterName, ruleName) {
/// <summary>Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation, where
/// the jQuery Validate validation rule has no parameter values.</summary>
/// <param name="adapterName" type="String">The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
/// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute (where nnnn is the adapter name).</param>
/// <param name="ruleName" type="String" optional="true">[Optional] The name of the jQuery Validate rule. If not provided, the value
/// of adapterName will be used instead.</param>
/// <returns type="jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters" />
return this.add(adapterName, function (options) {
setValidationValues(options, ruleName || adapterName, true);
adapters.addMinMax = function (adapterName, minRuleName, maxRuleName, minMaxRuleName, minAttribute, maxAttribute) {
/// <summary>Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation, where
/// the jQuery Validate validation has three potential rules (one for min-only, one for max-only, and
/// one for min-and-max). The HTML parameters are expected to be named -min and -max.</summary>
/// <param name="adapterName" type="String">The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
/// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute (where nnnn is the adapter name).</param>
/// <param name="minRuleName" type="String">The name of the jQuery Validate rule to be used when you only
/// have a minimum value.</param>
/// <param name="maxRuleName" type="String">The name of the jQuery Validate rule to be used when you only
/// have a maximum value.</param>
/// <param name="minMaxRuleName" type="String">The name of the jQuery Validate rule to be used when you
/// have both a minimum and maximum value.</param>
/// <param name="minAttribute" type="String" optional="true">[Optional] The name of the HTML attribute that
/// contains the minimum value. The default is "min".</param>
/// <param name="maxAttribute" type="String" optional="true">[Optional] The name of the HTML attribute that
/// contains the maximum value. The default is "max".</param>
/// <returns type="jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters" />
return this.add(adapterName, [minAttribute || "min", maxAttribute || "max"], function (options) {
var min = options.params.min,
max = options.params.max;
if (min && max) {
setValidationValues(options, minMaxRuleName, [min, max]);
else if (min) {
setValidationValues(options, minRuleName, min);
else if (max) {
setValidationValues(options, maxRuleName, max);
adapters.addSingleVal = function (adapterName, attribute, ruleName) {
/// <summary>Adds a new adapter to convert unobtrusive HTML into a jQuery Validate validation, where
/// the jQuery Validate validation rule has a single value.</summary>
/// <param name="adapterName" type="String">The name of the adapter to be added. This matches the name used
/// in the data-val-nnnn HTML attribute(where nnnn is the adapter name).</param>
/// <param name="attribute" type="String">[Optional] The name of the HTML attribute that contains the value.
/// The default is "val".</param>
/// <param name="ruleName" type="String" optional="true">[Optional] The name of the jQuery Validate rule. If not provided, the value
/// of adapterName will be used instead.</param>
/// <returns type="jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters" />
return this.add(adapterName, [attribute || "val"], function (options) {
setValidationValues(options, ruleName || adapterName, options.params[attribute]);
$jQval.addMethod("__dummy__", function (value, element, params) {
return true;
$jQval.addMethod("regex", function (value, element, params) {
var match;
if (this.optional(element)) {
return true;
match = new RegExp(params).exec(value);
return (match && (match.index === 0) && (match[0].length === value.length));
$jQval.addMethod("nonalphamin", function (value, element, nonalphamin) {
var match;
if (nonalphamin) {
match = value.match(/\W/g);
match = match && match.length >= nonalphamin;
return match;
if ($jQval.methods.extension) {
adapters.addSingleVal("accept", "mimtype");
adapters.addSingleVal("extension", "extension");
} else {
// for backward compatibility, when the 'extension' validation method does not exist, such as with versions
// of JQuery Validation plugin prior to 1.10, we should use the 'accept' method for
// validating the extension, and ignore mime-type validations as they are not supported.
adapters.addSingleVal("extension", "extension", "accept");
adapters.addSingleVal("regex", "pattern");
adapters.addMinMax("length", "minlength", "maxlength", "rangelength").addMinMax("range", "min", "max", "range");
adapters.addMinMax("minlength", "minlength").addMinMax("maxlength", "minlength", "maxlength");
adapters.add("equalto", ["other"], function (options) {
var prefix = getModelPrefix(,
other = options.params.other,
fullOtherName = appendModelPrefix(other, prefix),
element = $(options.form).find(":input").filter("[name='" + escapeAttributeValue(fullOtherName) + "']")[0];
setValidationValues(options, "equalTo", element);
adapters.add("required", function (options) {
// jQuery Validate equates "required" with "mandatory" for checkbox elements
if (options.element.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "INPUT" || options.element.type.toUpperCase() !== "CHECKBOX") {
setValidationValues(options, "required", true);
adapters.add("remote", ["url", "type", "additionalfields"], function (options) {
var value = {
url: options.params.url,
type: options.params.type || "GET",
data: {}
prefix = getModelPrefix(;
$.each(splitAndTrim(options.params.additionalfields ||, function (i, fieldName) {
var paramName = appendModelPrefix(fieldName, prefix);
||||||[paramName] = function () {
var field = $(options.form).find(":input").filter("[name='" + escapeAttributeValue(paramName) + "']");
// For checkboxes and radio buttons, only pick up values from checked fields.
if (":checkbox")) {
return field.filter(":checked").val() || field.filter(":hidden").val() || '';
else if (":radio")) {
return field.filter(":checked").val() || '';
return field.val();
setValidationValues(options, "remote", value);
adapters.add("password", ["min", "nonalphamin", "regex"], function (options) {
if (options.params.min) {
setValidationValues(options, "minlength", options.params.min);
if (options.params.nonalphamin) {
setValidationValues(options, "nonalphamin", options.params.nonalphamin);
if (options.params.regex) {
setValidationValues(options, "regex", options.params.regex);
$(function () {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
"name": "jquery-validation",
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"authors": [
"Jörn Zaefferer <>"
"description": "Form validation made easy",
"main": "dist/jquery.validate.js",
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"ignore": [
"dependencies": {
"jquery": ">= 1.7.2"
"version": "1.14.0",
"_release": "1.14.0",
"_resolution": {
"type": "version",
"tag": "1.14.0",
"commit": "c1343fb9823392aa9acbe1c3ffd337b8c92fed48"
"_source": "git://",
"_target": ">=1.8",
"_originalSource": "jquery-validation"
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright Jörn Zaefferer
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
* jQuery Validation Plugin v1.14.0
* Copyright (c) 2015 Jörn Zaefferer
* Released under the MIT license
(function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
define( ["jquery", "./jquery.validate"], factory );
} else {
factory( jQuery );
}(function( $ ) {
(function() {
function stripHtml(value) {
// remove html tags and space chars
return value.replace(/<.[^<>]*?>/g, " ").replace(/ | /gi, " ")
// remove punctuation
.replace(/[.(),;:!?%#$'\"_+=\/\-“”’]*/g, "");
$.validator.addMethod("maxWords", function(value, element, params) {
return this.optional(element) || stripHtml(value).match(/\b\w+\b/g).length <= params;
}, $.validator.format("Please enter {0} words or less."));
$.validator.addMethod("minWords", function(value, element, params) {
return this.optional(element) || stripHtml(value).match(/\b\w+\b/g).length >= params;
}, $.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} words."));
$.validator.addMethod("rangeWords", function(value, element, params) {
var valueStripped = stripHtml(value),
regex = /\b\w+\b/g;
return this.optional(element) || valueStripped.match(regex).length >= params[0] && valueStripped.match(regex).length <= params[1];
}, $.validator.format("Please enter between {0} and {1} words."));
// Accept a value from a file input based on a required mimetype
$.validator.addMethod("accept", function(value, element, param) {
// Split mime on commas in case we have multiple types we can accept
var typeParam = typeof param === "string" ? param.replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/,/g, "|") : "image/*",
optionalValue = this.optional(element),
i, file;
// Element is optional
if (optionalValue) {
return optionalValue;
if ($(element).attr("type") === "file") {
// If we are using a wildcard, make it regex friendly
typeParam = typeParam.replace(/\*/g, ".*");
// Check if the element has a FileList before checking each file
if (element.files && element.files.length) {
for (i = 0; i < element.files.length; i++) {
file = element.files[i];
// Grab the mimetype from the loaded file, verify it matches
if (!file.type.match(new RegExp( "\\.?(" + typeParam + ")$", "i"))) {
return false;
// Either return true because we've validated each file, or because the
// browser does not support element.files and the FileList feature
return true;
}, $.validator.format("Please enter a value with a valid mimetype."));
$.validator.addMethod("alphanumeric", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^\w+$/i.test(value);
}, "Letters, numbers, and underscores only please");
* Dutch bank account numbers (not 'giro' numbers) have 9 digits
* and pass the '11 check'.
* We accept the notation with spaces, as that is common.
* acceptable: 123456789 or 12 34 56 789
$.validator.addMethod("bankaccountNL", function(value, element) {
if (this.optional(element)) {
return true;
if (!(/^[0-9]{9}|([0-9]{2} ){3}[0-9]{3}$/.test(value))) {
return false;
// now '11 check'
var account = value.replace(/ /g, ""), // remove spaces
sum = 0,
len = account.length,
pos, factor, digit;
for ( pos = 0; pos < len; pos++ ) {
factor = len - pos;
digit = account.substring(pos, pos + 1);
sum = sum + factor * digit;
return sum % 11 === 0;
}, "Please specify a valid bank account number");
$.validator.addMethod("bankorgiroaccountNL", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) ||
($, value, element)) ||
($, value, element));
}, "Please specify a valid bank or giro account number");
* BIC is the business identifier code (ISO 9362). This BIC check is not a guarantee for authenticity.
* BIC pattern: BBBBCCLLbbb (8 or 11 characters long; bbb is optional)
* BIC definition in detail:
* - First 4 characters - bank code (only letters)
* - Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters)
* - Next 2 characters - location code (letters and digits)
* a. shall not start with '0' or '1'
* b. second character must be a letter ('O' is not allowed) or one of the following digits ('0' for test (therefore not allowed), '1' for passive participant and '2' for active participant)
* - Last 3 characters - branch code, optional (shall not start with 'X' except in case of 'XXX' for primary office) (letters and digits)
$.validator.addMethod("bic", function(value, element) {
return this.optional( element ) || /^([A-Z]{6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z1-2])(X{3}|[A-WY-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]{2})?$/.test( value );
}, "Please specify a valid BIC code");
* Código de identificación fiscal ( CIF ) is the tax identification code for Spanish legal entities
* Further rules can be found in Spanish on
$.validator.addMethod( "cifES", function( value ) {
"use strict";
var num = [],
controlDigit, sum, i, count, tmp, secondDigit;
value = value.toUpperCase();
// Quick format test
if ( !value.match( "((^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{1}$|^[T]{1}[A-Z0-9]{8}$)|^[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}$)" ) ) {
return false;
for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
num[ i ] = parseInt( value.charAt( i ), 10 );
// Algorithm for checking CIF codes
sum = num[ 2 ] + num[ 4 ] + num[ 6 ];
for ( count = 1; count < 8; count += 2 ) {
tmp = ( 2 * num[ count ] ).toString();
secondDigit = tmp.charAt( 1 );
sum += parseInt( tmp.charAt( 0 ), 10 ) + ( secondDigit === "" ? 0 : parseInt( secondDigit, 10 ) );
/* The first (position 1) is a letter following the following criteria:
* A. Corporations
* B. LLCs
* C. General partnerships
* D. Companies limited partnerships
* E. Communities of goods
* F. Cooperative Societies
* G. Associations
* H. Communities of homeowners in horizontal property regime
* J. Civil Societies
* K. Old format
* L. Old format
* M. Old format
* N. Nonresident entities
* P. Local authorities
* Q. Autonomous bodies, state or not, and the like, and congregations and religious institutions
* R. Congregations and religious institutions (since 2008 ORDER EHA/451/2008)
* S. Organs of State Administration and regions
* V. Agrarian Transformation
* W. Permanent establishments of non-resident in Spain
if ( /^[ABCDEFGHJNPQRSUVW]{1}/.test( value ) ) {
sum += "";
controlDigit = 10 - parseInt( sum.charAt( sum.length - 1 ), 10 );
value += controlDigit;
return ( num[ 8 ].toString() === String.fromCharCode( 64 + controlDigit ) || num[ 8 ].toString() === value.charAt( value.length - 1 ) );
return false;
}, "Please specify a valid CIF number." );
* Brazillian CPF number (Cadastrado de Pessoas Físicas) is the equivalent of a Brazilian tax registration number.
* CPF numbers have 11 digits in total: 9 numbers followed by 2 check numbers that are being used for validation.
$.validator.addMethod("cpfBR", function(value) {
// Removing special characters from value
value = value.replace(/([~!@#$%^&*()_+=`{}\[\]\-|\\:;'<>,.\/? ])+/g, "");
// Checking value to have 11 digits only
if (value.length !== 11) {
return false;
var sum = 0,
firstCN, secondCN, checkResult, i;
firstCN = parseInt(value.substring(9, 10), 10);
secondCN = parseInt(value.substring(10, 11), 10);
checkResult = function(sum, cn) {
var result = (sum * 10) % 11;
if ((result === 10) || (result === 11)) {result = 0;}
return (result === cn);
// Checking for dump data
if (value === "" ||
value === "00000000000" ||
value === "11111111111" ||
value === "22222222222" ||
value === "33333333333" ||
value === "44444444444" ||
value === "55555555555" ||
value === "66666666666" ||
value === "77777777777" ||
value === "88888888888" ||
value === "99999999999"
) {
return false;
// Step 1 - using first Check Number:
for ( i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
sum = sum + parseInt(value.substring(i - 1, i), 10) * (11 - i);
// If first Check Number (CN) is valid, move to Step 2 - using second Check Number:
if ( checkResult(sum, firstCN) ) {
sum = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) {
sum = sum + parseInt(value.substring(i - 1, i), 10) * (12 - i);
return checkResult(sum, secondCN);
return false;
}, "Please specify a valid CPF number");
/* NOTICE: Modified version of Castle.Components.Validator.CreditCardValidator
* Redistributed under the the Apache License 2.0 at
* Valid Types: mastercard, visa, amex, dinersclub, enroute, discover, jcb, unknown, all (overrides all other settings)
$.validator.addMethod("creditcardtypes", function(value, element, param) {
if (/[^0-9\-]+/.test(value)) {
return false;
value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
var validTypes = 0x0000;
if (param.mastercard) {
validTypes |= 0x0001;
if ( {
validTypes |= 0x0002;
if ( {
validTypes |= 0x0004;
if (param.dinersclub) {
validTypes |= 0x0008;
if (param.enroute) {
validTypes |= 0x0010;
if ( {
validTypes |= 0x0020;
if ( {
validTypes |= 0x0040;
if (param.unknown) {
validTypes |= 0x0080;
if (param.all) {
validTypes = 0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0004 | 0x0008 | 0x0010 | 0x0020 | 0x0040 | 0x0080;
if (validTypes & 0x0001 && /^(5[12345])/.test(value)) { //mastercard
return value.length === 16;
if (validTypes & 0x0002 && /^(4)/.test(value)) { //visa
return value.length === 16;
if (validTypes & 0x0004 && /^(3[47])/.test(value)) { //amex
return value.length === 15;
if (validTypes & 0x0008 && /^(3(0[012345]|[68]))/.test(value)) { //dinersclub
return value.length === 14;
if (validTypes & 0x0010 && /^(2(014|149))/.test(value)) { //enroute
return value.length === 15;
if (validTypes & 0x0020 && /^(6011)/.test(value)) { //discover
return value.length === 16;
if (validTypes & 0x0040 && /^(3)/.test(value)) { //jcb
return value.length === 16;
if (validTypes & 0x0040 && /^(2131|1800)/.test(value)) { //jcb
return value.length === 15;
if (validTypes & 0x0080) { //unknown
return true;
return false;
}, "Please enter a valid credit card number.");
* Validates currencies with any given symbols by @jameslouiz
* Symbols can be optional or required. Symbols required by default
* Usage examples:
* currency: ["£", false] - Use false for soft currency validation
* currency: ["$", false]
* currency: ["RM", false] - also works with text based symbols such as "RM" - Malaysia Ringgit etc
* <input class="currencyInput" name="currencyInput">
* Soft symbol checking
* currencyInput: {
* currency: ["$", false]
* }
* Strict symbol checking (default)
* currencyInput: {
* currency: "$"
* //OR
* currency: ["$", true]
* }
* Multiple Symbols
* currencyInput: {
* currency: "$,£,¢"
* }
$.validator.addMethod("currency", function(value, element, param) {
var isParamString = typeof param === "string",
symbol = isParamString ? param : param[0],
soft = isParamString ? true : param[1],
symbol = symbol.replace(/,/g, "");
symbol = soft ? symbol + "]" : symbol + "]?";
regex = "^[" + symbol + "([1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}(\\,[0-9]{3})*(\\.[0-9]{0,2})?|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,}(\\.[0-9]{0,2})?|0(\\.[0-9]{0,2})?|(\\.[0-9]{1,2})?)$";
regex = new RegExp(regex);
return this.optional(element) || regex.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid currency");
$.validator.addMethod("dateFA", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[1-4]\d{3}\/((0?[1-6]\/((3[0-1])|([1-2][0-9])|(0?[1-9])))|((1[0-2]|(0?[7-9]))\/(30|([1-2][0-9])|(0?[1-9]))))$/.test(value);
}, $;
* Return true, if the value is a valid date, also making this formal check dd/mm/yyyy.
* @example $"01/01/1900")
* @result true
* @example $"01/13/1990")
* @result false
* @example $"01.01.1900")
* @result false
* @example <input name="pippo" class="{dateITA:true}" />
* @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid date.
* @name $.validator.methods.dateITA
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
$.validator.addMethod("dateITA", function(value, element) {
var check = false,
re = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/,
adata, gg, mm, aaaa, xdata;
if ( re.test(value)) {
adata = value.split("/");
gg = parseInt(adata[0], 10);
mm = parseInt(adata[1], 10);
aaaa = parseInt(adata[2], 10);
xdata = new Date(Date.UTC(aaaa, mm - 1, gg, 12, 0, 0, 0));
if ( ( xdata.getUTCFullYear() === aaaa ) && ( xdata.getUTCMonth () === mm - 1 ) && ( xdata.getUTCDate() === gg ) ) {
check = true;
} else {
check = false;
} else {
check = false;
return this.optional(element) || check;
}, $;
$.validator.addMethod("dateNL", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])[\.\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\.\/\-]([12]\d)?(\d\d)$/.test(value);
}, $;
// Older "accept" file extension method. Old docs:
$.validator.addMethod("extension", function(value, element, param) {
param = typeof param === "string" ? param.replace(/,/g, "|") : "png|jpe?g|gif";
return this.optional(element) || value.match(new RegExp("\\.(" + param + ")$", "i"));
}, $.validator.format("Please enter a value with a valid extension."));
* Dutch giro account numbers (not bank numbers) have max 7 digits
$.validator.addMethod("giroaccountNL", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[0-9]{1,7}$/.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid giro account number");
* IBAN is the international bank account number.
* It has a country - specific format, that is checked here too
$.validator.addMethod("iban", function(value, element) {
// some quick simple tests to prevent needless work
if (this.optional(element)) {
return true;
// remove spaces and to upper case
var iban = value.replace(/ /g, "").toUpperCase(),
ibancheckdigits = "",
leadingZeroes = true,
cRest = "",
cOperator = "",
countrycode, ibancheck, charAt, cChar, bbanpattern, bbancountrypatterns, ibanregexp, i, p;
// check the country code and find the country specific format
countrycode = iban.substring(0, 2);
bbancountrypatterns = {
"AL": "\\d{8}[\\dA-Z]{16}",
"AD": "\\d{8}[\\dA-Z]{12}",
"AT": "\\d{16}",
"AZ": "[\\dA-Z]{4}\\d{20}",
"BE": "\\d{12}",
"BH": "[A-Z]{4}[\\dA-Z]{14}",
"BA": "\\d{16}",
"BR": "\\d{23}[A-Z][\\dA-Z]",
"BG": "[A-Z]{4}\\d{6}[\\dA-Z]{8}",
"CR": "\\d{17}",
"HR": "\\d{17}",
"CY": "\\d{8}[\\dA-Z]{16}",
"CZ": "\\d{20}",
"DK": "\\d{14}",
"DO": "[A-Z]{4}\\d{20}",
"EE": "\\d{16}",
"FO": "\\d{14}",
"FI": "\\d{14}",
"FR": "\\d{10}[\\dA-Z]{11}\\d{2}",
"GE": "[\\dA-Z]{2}\\d{16}",
"DE": "\\d{18}",
"GI": "[A-Z]{4}[\\dA-Z]{15}",
"GR": "\\d{7}[\\dA-Z]{16}",
"GL": "\\d{14}",
"GT": "[\\dA-Z]{4}[\\dA-Z]{20}",
"HU": "\\d{24}",
"IS": "\\d{22}",
"IE": "[\\dA-Z]{4}\\d{14}",
"IL": "\\d{19}",
"IT": "[A-Z]\\d{10}[\\dA-Z]{12}",
"KZ": "\\d{3}[\\dA-Z]{13}",
"KW": "[A-Z]{4}[\\dA-Z]{22}",
"LV": "[A-Z]{4}[\\dA-Z]{13}",
"LB": "\\d{4}[\\dA-Z]{20}",
"LI": "\\d{5}[\\dA-Z]{12}",
"LT": "\\d{16}",
"LU": "\\d{3}[\\dA-Z]{13}",
"MK": "\\d{3}[\\dA-Z]{10}\\d{2}",
"MT": "[A-Z]{4}\\d{5}[\\dA-Z]{18}",
"MR": "\\d{23}",
"MU": "[A-Z]{4}\\d{19}[A-Z]{3}",
"MC": "\\d{10}[\\dA-Z]{11}\\d{2}",
"MD": "[\\dA-Z]{2}\\d{18}",
"ME": "\\d{18}",
"NL": "[A-Z]{4}\\d{10}",
"NO": "\\d{11}",
"PK": "[\\dA-Z]{4}\\d{16}",
"PS": "[\\dA-Z]{4}\\d{21}",
"PL": "\\d{24}",
"PT": "\\d{21}",
"RO": "[A-Z]{4}[\\dA-Z]{16}",
"SM": "[A-Z]\\d{10}[\\dA-Z]{12}",
"SA": "\\d{2}[\\dA-Z]{18}",
"RS": "\\d{18}",
"SK": "\\d{20}",
"SI": "\\d{15}",
"ES": "\\d{20}",
"SE": "\\d{20}",
"CH": "\\d{5}[\\dA-Z]{12}",
"TN": "\\d{20}",
"TR": "\\d{5}[\\dA-Z]{17}",
"AE": "\\d{3}\\d{16}",
"GB": "[A-Z]{4}\\d{14}",
"VG": "[\\dA-Z]{4}\\d{16}"
bbanpattern = bbancountrypatterns[countrycode];
// As new countries will start using IBAN in the
// future, we only check if the countrycode is known.
// This prevents false negatives, while almost all
// false positives introduced by this, will be caught
// by the checksum validation below anyway.
// Strict checking should return FALSE for unknown
// countries.
if (typeof bbanpattern !== "undefined") {
ibanregexp = new RegExp("^[A-Z]{2}\\d{2}" + bbanpattern + "$", "");
if (!(ibanregexp.test(iban))) {
return false; // invalid country specific format
// now check the checksum, first convert to digits
ibancheck = iban.substring(4, iban.length) + iban.substring(0, 4);
for (i = 0; i < ibancheck.length; i++) {
charAt = ibancheck.charAt(i);
if (charAt !== "0") {
leadingZeroes = false;
if (!leadingZeroes) {
ibancheckdigits += "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(charAt);
// calculate the result of: ibancheckdigits % 97
for (p = 0; p < ibancheckdigits.length; p++) {
cChar = ibancheckdigits.charAt(p);
cOperator = "" + cRest + "" + cChar;
cRest = cOperator % 97;
return cRest === 1;
}, "Please specify a valid IBAN");
$.validator.addMethod("integer", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^-?\d+$/.test(value);
}, "A positive or negative non-decimal number please");
$.validator.addMethod("ipv4", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter a valid IP v4 address.");
$.validator.addMethod("ipv6", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}:([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)?[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}:([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,2}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}:([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}:([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,4}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}((\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b)\.){3}(\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,5}:((\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b)\.){3}(\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b))|(::([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,5}((\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b)\.){3}(\b((25[0-5])|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(\d{1,2}))\b))|([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}::([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(::([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,6}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1,7}:))$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter a valid IP v6 address.");
$.validator.addMethod("lettersonly", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z]+$/i.test(value);
}, "Letters only please");
$.validator.addMethod("letterswithbasicpunc", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z\-.,()'"\s]+$/i.test(value);
}, "Letters or punctuation only please");
$.validator.addMethod("mobileNL", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^((\+|00(\s|\s?\-\s?)?)31(\s|\s?\-\s?)?(\(0\)[\-\s]?)?|0)6((\s|\s?\-\s?)?[0-9]){8}$/.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid mobile number");
/* For UK phone functions, do the following server side processing:
* Compare original input with this RegEx pattern:
* ^\(?(?:(?:00\)?[\s\-]?\(?|\+)(44)\)?[\s\-]?\(?(?:0\)?[\s\-]?\(?)?|0)([1-9]\d{1,4}\)?[\s\d\-]+)$
* Extract $1 and set $prefix to '+44<space>' if $1 is '44', otherwise set $prefix to '0'
* Extract $2 and remove hyphens, spaces and parentheses. Phone number is combined $prefix and $2.
* A number of very detailed GB telephone number RegEx patterns can also be found at:
$.validator.addMethod("mobileUK", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\(|\)|\s+|-/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid mobile number");
* The número de identidad de extranjero ( NIE )is a code used to identify the non-nationals in Spain
$.validator.addMethod( "nieES", function( value ) {
"use strict";
value = value.toUpperCase();
// Basic format test
if ( !value.match( "((^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{1}$|^[T]{1}[A-Z0-9]{8}$)|^[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}$)" ) ) {
return false;
// Test NIE
if ( /^[T]{1}/.test( value ) ) {
return ( value[ 8 ] === /^[T]{1}[A-Z0-9]{8}$/.test( value ) );
if ( /^[XYZ]{1}/.test( value ) ) {
return (
value[ 8 ] === "TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE".charAt(
value.replace( "X", "0" )
.replace( "Y", "1" )
.replace( "Z", "2" )
.substring( 0, 8 ) % 23
return false;
}, "Please specify a valid NIE number." );
* The Número de Identificación Fiscal ( NIF ) is the way tax identification used in Spain for individuals
$.validator.addMethod( "nifES", function( value ) {
"use strict";
value = value.toUpperCase();
// Basic format test
if ( !value.match("((^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{7}[A-Z0-9]{1}$|^[T]{1}[A-Z0-9]{8}$)|^[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}$)") ) {
return false;
// Test NIF
if ( /^[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}$/.test( value ) ) {
return ( "TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE".charAt( value.substring( 8, 0 ) % 23 ) === value.charAt( 8 ) );
// Test specials NIF (starts with K, L or M)
if ( /^[KLM]{1}/.test( value ) ) {
return ( value[ 8 ] === String.fromCharCode( 64 ) );
return false;
}, "Please specify a valid NIF number." );
jQuery.validator.addMethod( "notEqualTo", function( value, element, param ) {
return this.optional(element) || !$ this, value, element, param );
}, "Please enter a different value, values must not be the same." );
$.validator.addMethod("nowhitespace", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^\S+$/i.test(value);
}, "No white space please");
* Return true if the field value matches the given format RegExp
* @example $.validator.methods.pattern("AR1004",element,/^AR\d{4}$/)
* @result true
* @example $.validator.methods.pattern("BR1004",element,/^AR\d{4}$/)
* @result false
* @name $.validator.methods.pattern
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
$.validator.addMethod("pattern", function(value, element, param) {
if (this.optional(element)) {
return true;
if (typeof param === "string") {
param = new RegExp("^(?:" + param + ")$");
return param.test(value);
}, "Invalid format.");
* Dutch phone numbers have 10 digits (or 11 and start with +31).
$.validator.addMethod("phoneNL", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^((\+|00(\s|\s?\-\s?)?)31(\s|\s?\-\s?)?(\(0\)[\-\s]?)?|0)[1-9]((\s|\s?\-\s?)?[0-9]){8}$/.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid phone number.");
/* For UK phone functions, do the following server side processing:
* Compare original input with this RegEx pattern:
* ^\(?(?:(?:00\)?[\s\-]?\(?|\+)(44)\)?[\s\-]?\(?(?:0\)?[\s\-]?\(?)?|0)([1-9]\d{1,4}\)?[\s\d\-]+)$
* Extract $1 and set $prefix to '+44<space>' if $1 is '44', otherwise set $prefix to '0'
* Extract $2 and remove hyphens, spaces and parentheses. Phone number is combined $prefix and $2.
* A number of very detailed GB telephone number RegEx patterns can also be found at:
$.validator.addMethod("phoneUK", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\(|\)|\s+|-/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid phone number");
* matches US phone number format
* where the area code may not start with 1 and the prefix may not start with 1
* allows '-' or ' ' as a separator and allows parens around area code
* some people may want to put a '1' in front of their number
* 1(212)-999-2345 or
* 212 999 2344 or
* 212-999-0983
* but not
* 111-123-5434
* and not
* 212 123 4567
$.validator.addMethod("phoneUS", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\s+/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid phone number");
/* For UK phone functions, do the following server side processing:
* Compare original input with this RegEx pattern:
* ^\(?(?:(?:00\)?[\s\-]?\(?|\+)(44)\)?[\s\-]?\(?(?:0\)?[\s\-]?\(?)?|0)([1-9]\d{1,4}\)?[\s\d\-]+)$
* Extract $1 and set $prefix to '+44<space>' if $1 is '44', otherwise set $prefix to '0'
* Extract $2 and remove hyphens, spaces and parentheses. Phone number is combined $prefix and $2.
* A number of very detailed GB telephone number RegEx patterns can also be found at:
//Matches UK landline + mobile, accepting only 01-3 for landline or 07 for mobile to exclude many premium numbers
$.validator.addMethod("phonesUK", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\(|\)|\s+|-/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid uk phone number");
* Matches a valid Canadian Postal Code
* @example jQuery.validator.methods.postalCodeCA( "H0H 0H0", element )
* @result true
* @example jQuery.validator.methods.postalCodeCA( "H0H0H0", element )
* @result false
* @name jQuery.validator.methods.postalCodeCA
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
$.validator.addMethod( "postalCodeCA", function( value, element ) {
return this.optional( element ) || /^[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXY]\d[A-Z] \d[A-Z]\d$/.test( value );
}, "Please specify a valid postal code" );
* Valida CEPs do brasileiros:
* Formatos aceitos:
* 99999-999
* 99.999-999
* 99999999
$.validator.addMethod("postalcodeBR", function(cep_value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^\d{2}.\d{3}-\d{3}?$|^\d{5}-?\d{3}?$/.test( cep_value );
}, "Informe um CEP válido.");
/* Matches Italian postcode (CAP) */
$.validator.addMethod("postalcodeIT", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^\d{5}$/.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid postal code");
$.validator.addMethod("postalcodeNL", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[1-9][0-9]{3}\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}$/.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid postal code");
// Matches UK postcode. Does not match to UK Channel Islands that have their own postcodes (non standard UK)
$.validator.addMethod("postcodeUK", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^((([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9])|([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9][0-9])|([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9])|([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9][0-9])|([A-PR-UWYZ][0-9][A-HJKSTUW])|([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY]))\s?([0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})|(GIR)\s?(0AA))$/i.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid UK postcode");
* Lets you say "at least X inputs that match selector Y must be filled."
* The end result is that neither of these inputs:
* <input class="productinfo" name="partnumber">
* <input class="productinfo" name="description">
* ...will validate unless at least one of them is filled.
* partnumber: {require_from_group: [1,".productinfo"]},
* description: {require_from_group: [1,".productinfo"]}
* options[0]: number of fields that must be filled in the group
* options[1]: CSS selector that defines the group of conditionally required fields
$.validator.addMethod("require_from_group", function(value, element, options) {
var $fields = $(options[1], element.form),
$fieldsFirst = $fields.eq(0),
validator = $"valid_req_grp") ? $"valid_req_grp") : $.extend({}, this),
isValid = $fields.filter(function() {
return validator.elementValue(this);
}).length >= options[0];
// Store the cloned validator for future validation
$"valid_req_grp", validator);
// If element isn't being validated, run each require_from_group field's validation rules
if (!$(element).data("being_validated")) {
$"being_validated", true);
$fields.each(function() {
$"being_validated", false);
return isValid;
}, $.validator.format("Please fill at least {0} of these fields."));
* Lets you say "either at least X inputs that match selector Y must be filled,
* OR they must all be skipped (left blank)."
* The end result, is that none of these inputs:
* <input class="productinfo" name="partnumber">
* <input class="productinfo" name="description">
* <input class="productinfo" name="color">
* ...will validate unless either at least two of them are filled,
* OR none of them are.
* partnumber: {skip_or_fill_minimum: [2,".productinfo"]},
* description: {skip_or_fill_minimum: [2,".productinfo"]},
* color: {skip_or_fill_minimum: [2,".productinfo"]}
* options[0]: number of fields that must be filled in the group
* options[1]: CSS selector that defines the group of conditionally required fields
$.validator.addMethod("skip_or_fill_minimum", function(value, element, options) {
var $fields = $(options[1], element.form),
$fieldsFirst = $fields.eq(0),
validator = $"valid_skip") ? $"valid_skip") : $.extend({}, this),
numberFilled = $fields.filter(function() {
return validator.elementValue(this);
isValid = numberFilled === 0 || numberFilled >= options[0];
// Store the cloned validator for future validation
$"valid_skip", validator);
// If element isn't being validated, run each skip_or_fill_minimum field's validation rules
if (!$(element).data("being_validated")) {
$"being_validated", true);
$fields.each(function() {
$"being_validated", false);
return isValid;
}, $.validator.format("Please either skip these fields or fill at least {0} of them."));
/* Validates US States and/or Territories by @jdforsythe
* Can be case insensitive or require capitalization - default is case insensitive
* Can include US Territories or not - default does not
* Can include US Military postal abbreviations (AA, AE, AP) - default does not
* Note: "States" always includes DC (District of Colombia)
* Usage examples:
* This is the default - case insensitive, no territories, no military zones
* stateInput: {
* caseSensitive: false,
* includeTerritories: false,
* includeMilitary: false
* }
* Only allow capital letters, no territories, no military zones
* stateInput: {
* caseSensitive: false
* }
* Case insensitive, include territories but not military zones
* stateInput: {
* includeTerritories: true
* }
* Only allow capital letters, include territories and military zones
* stateInput: {
* caseSensitive: true,
* includeTerritories: true,
* includeMilitary: true
* }
$.validator.addMethod("stateUS", function(value, element, options) {
var isDefault = typeof options === "undefined",
caseSensitive = ( isDefault || typeof options.caseSensitive === "undefined" ) ? false : options.caseSensitive,
includeTerritories = ( isDefault || typeof options.includeTerritories === "undefined" ) ? false : options.includeTerritories,
includeMilitary = ( isDefault || typeof options.includeMilitary === "undefined" ) ? false : options.includeMilitary,
if (!includeTerritories && !includeMilitary) {
} else if (includeTerritories && includeMilitary) {
} else if (includeTerritories) {
} else {
regex = caseSensitive ? new RegExp(regex) : new RegExp(regex, "i");
return this.optional(element) || regex.test(value);
"Please specify a valid state");
// TODO check if value starts with <, otherwise don't try stripping anything
$.validator.addMethod("strippedminlength", function(value, element, param) {
return $(value).text().length >= param;
}, $.validator.format("Please enter at least {0} characters"));
$.validator.addMethod("time", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^([01]\d|2[0-3]|[0-9])(:[0-5]\d){1,2}$/.test(value);
}, "Please enter a valid time, between 00:00 and 23:59");
$.validator.addMethod("time12h", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^((0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5]\d){1,2}(\ ?[AP]M))$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter a valid time in 12-hour am/pm format");
// same as url, but TLD is optional
$.validator.addMethod("url2", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^(https?|ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)*(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i.test(value);
}, $.validator.messages.url);
* Return true, if the value is a valid vehicle identification number (VIN).
* Works with all kind of text inputs.
* @example <input type="text" size="20" name="VehicleID" class="{required:true,vinUS:true}" />
* @desc Declares a required input element whose value must be a valid vehicle identification number.
* @name $.validator.methods.vinUS
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
$.validator.addMethod("vinUS", function(v) {
if (v.length !== 17) {
return false;
var LL = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" ],
VL = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ],
FL = [ 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 10, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ],
rs = 0,
i, n, d, f, cd, cdv;
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
f = FL[i];
d = v.slice(i, i + 1);
if (i === 8) {
cdv = d;
if (!isNaN(d)) {
d *= f;
} else {
for (n = 0; n < LL.length; n++) {
if (d.toUpperCase() === LL[n]) {
d = VL[n];
d *= f;
if (isNaN(cdv) && n === 8) {
cdv = LL[n];
rs += d;
cd = rs % 11;
if (cd === 10) {
cd = "X";
if (cd === cdv) {
return true;
return false;
}, "The specified vehicle identification number (VIN) is invalid.");
$.validator.addMethod("zipcodeUS", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/.test(value);
}, "The specified US ZIP Code is invalid");
$.validator.addMethod("ziprange", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^90[2-5]\d\{2\}-\d{4}$/.test(value);
}, "Your ZIP-code must be in the range 902xx-xxxx to 905xx-xxxx");
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue
Block a user