You can install the version "Recommended For Most Users" of Node which at the moment of this writing was v6.9.3 LTS and comes with a newer version of NPM.
You can install the version "Recommended For Most Users" of Node which at the moment of this writing was v6.9.3 LTS and comes with a newer version of NPM.
You can see your initial NPM version and the installed NPM version with the command
You can see your initial NPM version and the installed NPM version with the command
Finally, you need to build the SPA app (TypeScript and Angular based client app) with NPM.
Finally, you need to build the SPA app (TypeScript and Angular based client app) with NPM.
* Open a command-prompt window and move to the root of the SPA application (src\Web\WebSPA\eShopOnContainers.WebSPA)
* Open a command-prompt window and move to the root of the SPA application (src\Web\WebSPA\eShopOnContainers.WebSPA)
* Run the command <b>npm run build:prod</b> as shown below:
* Run the command <b>npm run build:prod</b> as shown below:
If you get an error like <b>"Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Node.js 6.x"</b>, then run the command <b>npm rebuild node-sass</b> as in the following screenshot:
If you get an error like <b>"Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Node.js 6.x"</b>, then run the command <b>npm rebuild node-sass</b> as in the following screenshot: