- PicBaseUrl=${ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_CATALOG_URL:-http://localhost:5101/api/v1/catalog/items/[0]/pic/} #Local: You need to open your local dev-machine firewall at range 5100-5110.
- XamarinCallback=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5105/xamarincallback #localhost do not work for UWP login, so we have to use "external" IP always
- IdentityUrlHC=http://identity.api/hc #Local:Use ${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}, if using external IP or DNS name from browser.
- IdentityUrlHC=http://identity.api/hc
- BasketUrlHC=http://basket.api/hc
- MarketingUrlHC=http://marketing.api/hc
- PaymentUrlHC=http://payment.api/hc
@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ services:
- CatalogUrl=http://catalog.api
- OrderingUrl=http://ordering.api
- BasketUrl=http://basket.api
- LocationsUrl=http://locations.api
- IdentityUrl=
- MarketingUrl=http://marketing.api #Local:Use in a "Docker for Windows" environment, if using "localhost" from browser. #Remote: Use ${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP} if using external IP or DNS name from browser.
- IdentityUrl=http://${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}:5105 #Local: Use in a "Docker for Windows" environment, if using "localhost" from browser. #Remote: Use ${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP} if using external IP or DNS name from browser.
- MarketingUrl=http://marketing.api
- CatalogUrlHC=http://catalog.api/hc
- OrderingUrlHC=http://ordering.api/hc
- IdentityUrlHC=http://identity.api/hc #Local:Use ${ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP}, if using external IP or DNS name from browser.
returnawaitconnection.QueryAsync<dynamic>(@"SELECT o.[Id] as ordernumber,o.[OrderDate] as [date],os.[Name] as [status],SUM(oi.units*oi.unitprice) as total
returnawaitconnection.QueryAsync<OrderSummary>(@"SELECT o.[Id] as ordernumber,o.[OrderDate] as [date],os.[Name] as [status],SUM(oi.units*oi.unitprice) as total
//TODO: when migrating to ef core 1.1.1 change Add by AddAsync-. A bug in ef core 1.1.0 does not allow to do it https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/7298
<FormPostParameter Name="action" Value="[ Place Order ]" RecordedValue="[ Place Order ]" CorrelationBinding="{{FormPostParam9.action}}" UrlEncode="True" />
Modify the **ServiceManifest.xml** files of the eShop SF Services and set the **UseLoadTest** environment variable to True. This setting enables the load tests to bypass authorization in api services.
Deploy the SF services. **PLEASE** Read our [SF deployment guide for Linux](./../../../deploy/az/servicefabric/LinuxContainers/readme.md) And [SF deployment guide for Windows](./../../../deploy/az/servicefabric/WindowsContainers/readme.md) to know about how to deploy eshop on SF.
## Set a Kubernetes environment
Modify the **app.config** file in the LoadTest project directory and set the following service urls.
Modify the **conf_local.yml** file in the K8s directory and set the **EnableLoadTest** environment variable to True. This setting enables the load tests to bypass authorization in api services.
Deploy the kubernetes services. **PLEASE** Read our [k8s deployment guide](./../../../k8s/README.k8s.md) to know about how to deploy eshop on Kubernetes.
## Run Load Tests
Open the load test you want to perform ***.loadtest** files and click the Run Load test button.