@ -101,18 +101,12 @@ namespace Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Basket.API |
services.Configure<BasketSettings>(Configuration); |
//By connecting here we are making sure that our service
//cannot start until redis is ready. This might slow down startup,
//but given that there is a delay on resolving the ip address
//and then creating the connection it seems reasonable to move
//that cost to startup instead of having the first request pay the
//cannot start until redis is ready.
services.AddSingleton<ConnectionMultiplexer>(sp => |
{ |
var settings = sp.GetRequiredService<IOptions<BasketSettings>>().Value; |
var configuration = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(settings.ConnectionString, true); |
configuration.ResolveDns = true; |
return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration); |
}); |