Execute the gen-keyvaultcert.ps1 script to generate and download a certificate from Keyvault.
In a POWER-SHELL window, move to the folder [..\deploy\az\servicefabric\WindowsContainers](https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/tree/dev/deploy/az/servicefabric/WindowsContainers).
**Select your Azure subscription** You might have [several Azure subscriptions](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/account#set) as shown if you type the following.
>az account list
If you have multiple subscription accounts, you first need to select the Azure subscription account you want to target. Type the following:
>az account set --subscription "Your Azure Subscription Name or ID"
**Execute the gen-keyvaultcert.ps1 script** to generate and download a certificate from Keyvault.
Make sure you're going to run it against the Azure subscription you mean it.
You might need to authenticate from the browser when running this PowerShell script.