Edit the parameters in `servicefabricdeploysecured.parameters.json` in a similar way you can do with tthe unsecured .json file shown above (clusterName, dnsName, etc.), plus edit the following values:
Edit the parameters in `servicefabricdeploysecured.parameters.json` in a similar way you can do with the unsecured .json file shown above (clusterName, dnsName, etc.), plus edit the following values:
- sourceVaultValue: Your Azure Keyvault's RESOURCE ID (check Azure keyvault properties, similar to: /subscriptions/e1234ac1-c09c-3jaf-6767-98b3c5f1f246/resourceGroups/eshop-global-resgrp/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/eshopkeyvault")
- certificateUrlValue: Your certificate Secret Identifier (check Azure Keyvault secret certificate properties, should be in the format of https://<nameofthevault>.vault.azure.net:443/secrets/<exactlocation>, similar to:
Once the cluster is created you can explore it with Azure's portal, like in the following image:
## Deploy eShopOnServiceFabric with Visual Studio.
Modify the cloud.xml file of each Service Fabric application in PublishProfile directory and set your certificate settings to be able to deploy eshopOnContainers in the secured cluster: