Created k8s CI/CD deployment documentation

Modify k8s deployment script to support CD/CI deployment
Fix issue bootstrap lib not deployed to container in windows cli
This commit is contained in:
Ramón Tomás 2017-05-09 13:21:38 +02:00
parent 44ac659e32
commit fb9838a041
8 changed files with 130 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Kubernetes CI/CD VSTS
For k8s CI/CD pipeline delivery a series of tasks must be created in VSTS to deploy k8s in Azure
## Prerequisites
* A Kubernetes cluster. Follow Azure Container Service's [walkthrough]( to create one.
* A private Docker registry. Follow Azure Container Registry's [guide]( to create one.
* Optionally, previous steps can be skipped if you run gen-k8s-env.ps1 script to automatically create the azure environment needed for kubernetes deployment. Azure cli 2.0 must be previously installed [installation guide]( For example:
>./gen-k8s-env -resourceGroupName k8sGroup -location westeurope -registryName k8sregistry -orchestratorName k8s-cluster -dnsName k8s-dns
* An `Azure Blob storage`. It is needed for storing the kubernetes config file used by the hosted agent to access to Kubernetes cluster. Example:
<img src="img/k8s/blob_creation.png">
* Upload the `kubernetes config file` to the blob storage previously created. Execute the following command which will download the config file into the directory `c:\Users\<User>\.kube\` and then, upload it to your blob storage:
## Create the VSTS tasks
1. Create a `Download File` task to download the kubernetes binary `kubectl` to the hosted agent. For example:
<img src="img/k8s/get_kubectlbin_task.png">
2. Create a Download File task to download the kubernetes config file to the hosted agent. For example:
<img src="img/k8s/get_kubectlconfig_task.png">
3. Create a powershell task to execute the k8s deployment script. For example:
* Deployment script path
>$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/All Microservices/docker-compose/deploy.ps1
* Deployment script path arguments. Where:
- userDockerHub: indicates if Docker Hub is used instead of ACR
- deployCI: indicates that it is a CI/CD deployment
- execPath: path where the k8s binary is stored
- kubeconfigPath: path where the k8s config file is stored
>-deployCI $true -useDockerHub $true -execPath '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/' -kubeconfigPath '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/'
<img src="img/k8s/deploy_script_task.png">

img/k8s/blob_creation.png Normal file

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@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
function ExecKube($cmd) {
if($deployCI) {
$kubeconfig = $kubeconfigPath + 'config';
$exp = $execPath + 'kubectl ' + $cmd + ' --kubeconfig=' + $kubeconfig
Invoke-Expression $exp
$exp = $execPath + 'kubectl ' + $cmd
Invoke-Expression $exp
# Not used when deploying through CI VSTS
if(-not $deployCI) {
$requiredCommands = ("docker", "docker-compose", "kubectl")
foreach ($command in $requiredCommands) {
if ((Get-Command $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
@ -11,7 +29,10 @@ foreach ($command in $requiredCommands) {
# Use ACR instead of DockerHub as image repository
if(-not $useDockerHub) {
Write-Host "Logging in to $registry" -ForegroundColor Yellow
docker login -u $dockerUser -p $dockerPassword $registry
if (-not $LastExitCode -eq 0) {
@ -20,17 +41,27 @@ if (-not $LastExitCode -eq 0) {
# create registry key secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-key `
ExecKube -cmd 'create secret docker-registry registry-key `
--docker-server=$registry `
--docker-username=$dockerUser `
--docker-password=$dockerPassword `'
# start sql, rabbitmq, frontend deployments
kubectl create configmap config-files --from-file=nginx-conf=nginx.conf
kubectl label configmap config-files app=eshop
kubectl create -f sql-data.yaml -f rabbitmq.yaml -f services.yaml -f frontend.yaml
# Removing previous services & deployments
Write-Host "Removing existing services & deployments.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
ExecKube -cmd 'delete -f sql-data.yaml -f rabbitmq.yaml'
ExecKube -cmd 'delete -f services.yaml -f frontend.yaml -f deployments.yaml'
ExecKube -cmd 'delete configmap config-files'
ExecKube -cmd 'delete configmap urls'
# start sql, rabbitmq, frontend deploymentsExecKube -cmd 'delete configmap config-files'
ExecKube -cmd 'create configmap config-files --from-file=nginx-conf=nginx.conf'
ExecKube -cmd 'label configmap config-files app=eshop'
ExecKube -cmd 'create -f sql-data.yaml -f rabbitmq.yaml -f services.yaml -f frontend.yaml'
# building and publishing docker images not necessary when deploying through CI VSTS
if(-not $deployCI) {
Write-Host "Building and publishing eShopOnContainers..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
dotnet restore ../eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln
dotnet publish -c Release -o obj/Docker/publish ../eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln
@ -44,37 +75,43 @@ foreach ($service in $services) {
docker tag eshop/$service $registry/eshop/$service
docker push $registry/eshop/$service
Write-Host "Waiting for frontend's external ip..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
while ($true) {
$frontendUrl = kubectl get svc frontend -o=jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
$frontendUrl = & ExecKube -cmd 'get svc frontend -o=jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"'
if ([bool]($frontendUrl -as [ipaddress])) {
Start-Sleep -s 15
kubectl create configmap urls `
ExecKube -cmd 'create configmap urls `
--from-literal=BasketUrl=http://$($frontendUrl)/basket-api `
--from-literal=CatalogUrl=http://$($frontendUrl)/catalog-api `
--from-literal=IdentityUrl=http://$($frontendUrl)/identity `
--from-literal=OrderingUrl=http://$($frontendUrl)/ordering-api `
--from-literal=MvcClient=http://$($frontendUrl)/webmvc `
kubectl label configmap urls app=eshop
ExecKube -cmd 'label configmap urls app=eshop'
Write-Host "Creating deployments..."
kubectl apply -f deployments.yaml
ExecKube -cmd 'create -f deployments.yaml'
# not using ACR for pulling images when deploying through CI VSTS
if(-not $deployCI) {
# update deployments with the private registry before k8s tries to pull images
# (deployment templating, or Helm, would obviate this)
kubectl set image -f deployments.yaml `
ExecKube -cmd 'set image -f deployments.yaml `
basket=$registry/eshop/basket.api `
catalog=$registry/eshop/catalog.api `
identity=$registry/eshop/identity.api `
ordering=$registry/eshop/ordering.api `
webmvc=$registry/eshop/webmvc `
kubectl rollout resume -f deployments.yaml
ExecKube -cmd 'rollout resume -f deployments.yaml'
Write-Host "WebSPA is exposed at http://$frontendUrl, WebMVC at http://$frontendUrl/webmvc" -ForegroundColor Yellow

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@ -72,13 +72,6 @@
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