Cesar De la Torre
- Consuming Ordering.API microservice from WebMVC app
- SQL DB updated with EF Migrations
- build-images.ps1 updated
2016-10-10 21:52:57 -07:00 |
Cesar De la Torre
Oordering.API migrated to the latest version of VS Tools for Docker
2016-10-07 14:15:03 -07:00 |
Cesar De la Torre
Minor changes in docker-compose and related for debugging with VS aligned to the latest version of it from VS Tools for Docker
2016-10-06 20:09:44 -07:00 |
Cesar De la Torre
OrderingDb ConnectionString in Environment Variable and docker-compose.yml file
2016-10-06 12:21:18 -07:00 |
Cesar De la Torre
Ordering.API integrated and working now on the solutions's docker-compose.yml. Also created an independent docker-compose.yml for the Ordering.API microservice to deploy and test in isolation.
2016-09-14 21:37:48 -07:00 |
Cesar De la Torre
Changes in Ordering microservice
2016-09-14 11:39:29 -07:00 |
Cesar De la Torre
Working Ordering microservice on Docker with Docker-compose deployment
2016-09-14 00:44:13 -07:00 |