Unai Zorrilla Castro
Refactoring all dbcontext seed using new MigrateDbContext extension method on IWebHost. This prevent errors when using dotnet ef cli and seeders in Startup
2017-09-13 14:53:06 +02:00 |
Shaun Walker
data and UI customization enhancements
2017-06-20 12:54:32 -07:00 |
Ramón Tomás
Fix bug antiforgery decryption issue when deploying in a k8s cluster
Changed in-memory grant store in idsrv to persist in db
2017-06-08 17:45:07 +02:00 |
Ramón Tomás
Persist identity grant store to db
Persist machine Keys to Redis
2017-06-05 21:54:03 +02:00 |