using FunctionalTests.Services.Basket; using FunctionalTests.Services.Catalog; using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Basket.API.Model; using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Catalog.API.Model; using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Catalog.API.ViewModel; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xunit; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; namespace FunctionalTests.Services { public class IntegrationEventsScenarios { [Fact] public async Task Post_update_product_price_and_catalog_and_basket_list_modified() { decimal priceModification = 0.15M; string userId = "JohnId"; using (var catalogServer = new CatalogScenariosBase().CreateServer()) using (var basketServer = new BasketScenariosBase().CreateServer()) { var catalogClient = catalogServer.CreateClient(); var basketClient = basketServer.CreateClient(); // GIVEN a product catalog list var originalCatalogProducts = await GetCatalogAsync(catalogClient); // AND a user basket filled with products var basket = ComposeBasket(userId, originalCatalogProducts.Data.Take(3)); var res = await basketClient.PostAsync( BasketScenariosBase.Post.CreateBasket, new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(basket), UTF8Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") ); // WHEN the price of one product is modified in the catalog var itemToModify = basket.Items[2]; var oldPrice = itemToModify.UnitPrice; var newPrice = oldPrice + priceModification; var pRes = await catalogClient.PutAsync(CatalogScenariosBase.Put.UpdateCatalogProduct, new StringContent(ChangePrice(itemToModify, newPrice, originalCatalogProducts), UTF8Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); var modifiedCatalogProducts = await GetCatalogAsync(catalogClient); var itemUpdated = await GetUpdatedBasketItem(newPrice, itemToModify.ProductId, userId, basketClient); if (itemUpdated == null) { Assert.False(true, $"The basket service has not been updated."); } else { //THEN the product price changes in the catalog Assert.Equal(newPrice, modifiedCatalogProducts.Data.Single(it => it.Id == int.Parse(itemToModify.ProductId)).Price); // AND the products in the basket reflects the changed priced and the original price Assert.Equal(newPrice, itemUpdated.UnitPrice); Assert.Equal(oldPrice, itemUpdated.OldUnitPrice); } } } private async Task<BasketItem> GetUpdatedBasketItem(decimal newPrice, string productId, string userId, HttpClient basketClient) { bool continueLoop = true; var counter = 0; BasketItem itemUpdated = null; while (continueLoop && counter < 20) { //get the basket and verify that the price of the modified product is updated var basketGetResponse = await basketClient.GetAsync(BasketScenariosBase.Get.GetBasketByCustomer(userId)); var basketUpdated = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomerBasket>(await basketGetResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); itemUpdated = basketUpdated.Items.Single(pr => pr.ProductId == productId); if (itemUpdated.UnitPrice == newPrice) { continueLoop = false; } else { counter++; await Task.Delay(100); } } return itemUpdated; } private async Task<PaginatedItemsViewModel<CatalogItem>> GetCatalogAsync(HttpClient catalogClient) { var response = await catalogClient.GetAsync(CatalogScenariosBase.Get.Items); var items = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PaginatedItemsViewModel<CatalogItem>>(items); } private string ChangePrice(BasketItem itemToModify, decimal newPrice, PaginatedItemsViewModel<CatalogItem> catalogProducts) { var catalogProduct = catalogProducts.Data.Single(pr => pr.Id == int.Parse(itemToModify.ProductId)); catalogProduct.Price = newPrice; return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(catalogProduct); } private CustomerBasket ComposeBasket(string customerId, IEnumerable<CatalogItem> items) { var basket = new CustomerBasket(customerId); foreach (var item in items) { basket.Items.Add(new BasketItem() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), UnitPrice = item.Price, PictureUrl = item.PictureUri, ProductId = item.Id.ToString(), OldUnitPrice = 0, ProductName = item.Name, Quantity = 1 }); } return basket; } } }