Param([string] $rootPath) $scriptPath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Write-Host "Current script directory is $scriptPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rootPath)) { $rootPath = "$scriptPath\.." } Write-Host "Root path used is $rootPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow # *** WebMVC paths *** $webMVCPath = $rootPath + "\src\Web\WebMVC" $webMVCPathToProject = $webMVCPath + "\WebMVC.csproj" Write-Host "webMVCPathToProject is $webMVCPathToProject" -ForegroundColor Yellow $webMVCPathToPub = $webMVCPath + "\obj\Docker\publish" Write-Host "webMVCPathToPub is $webMVCPathToPub" -ForegroundColor Yellow # *** WebSPA paths *** $webSPAPath = $rootPath + "\src\Web\WebSPA" $webSPAPathToProject = $webSPAPath + "\WebSPA.csproj" Write-Host "webSPAPathToProject is $webSPAPathToProject" -ForegroundColor Yellow $webSPAPathToPub = $webSPAPath + "\obj\Docker\publish" Write-Host "webSPAPathToPub is $webSPAPathToPub" -ForegroundColor Yellow # *** IdentitySvc paths *** $identitySvcPath = $rootPath + "\src\Services\Identity\Identity.API" $identitySvcToProject = $identitySvcPath + "\Identity.API.csproj" Write-Host "identitySvcToProject is $identitySvcToProject" -ForegroundColor Yellow $identitySvcPathToPub = $identitySvcPath + "\obj\Docker\publish" Write-Host "identitySvcPathToPub is $identitySvcPathToPub" -ForegroundColor Yellow # *** Catalog paths *** $catalogPath = $rootPath + "\src\Services\Catalog\Catalog.API" $catalogPathToProject = $catalogPath + "\Catalog.API.csproj" Write-Host "catalogPathToProject is $catalogPathToProject" -ForegroundColor Yellow $catalogPathToPub = $catalogPath + "\obj\Docker\publish" Write-Host "catalogPathToPub is $catalogPathToPub" -ForegroundColor Yellow # *** Ordering paths *** $orderingPath = $rootPath + "\src\Services\Ordering\Ordering.API" $orderingPathToProject = $orderingPath + "\Ordering.API.csproj" Write-Host "orderingPathToProject is $orderingPathToProject" -ForegroundColor Yellow $orderingPathToPub = $orderingPath + "\obj\Docker\publish" Write-Host "orderingPathToPub is $orderingPathToPub" -ForegroundColor Yellow # *** Basket paths *** $basketPath = $rootPath + "\src\Services\Basket\Basket.API" $basketPathToProject = $basketPath + "\Basket.API.csproj" Write-Host "basketPathToProject is $basketPathToProject" -ForegroundColor Yellow $basketPathToPub = $basketPath + "\obj\Docker\publish" Write-Host "basketPathToPub is $basketPathToPub" -ForegroundColor Yellow ######################################################################################## # Delete old eShop dotnet publish bits ######################################################################################## # Write-Host "Deleting previous dotnet publish bits from all projects" -ForegroundColor Blue remove-item -path $WebMVCPathToPub -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue remove-item -path $webSPAPathToPub -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue remove-item -path $identitySvcPathToPub -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue remove-item -path $catalogPathToPub -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue remove-item -path $orderingPathToPub -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue remove-item -path $basketPathToPub -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ######################################################################################## # Building DotNet bits ######################################################################################## # WebMVC: Build dotnet bits Write-Host "WebMVC: Restore Dependencies, dotnet build and dotnet publish" -ForegroundColor Blue dotnet restore $WebMVCPathToProject dotnet build $WebMVCPathToProject dotnet publish $WebMVCPathToProject -o $WebMVCPathToPub # WebSPA: Build dotnet bits Write-Host "WebSPA: Installing npm dependencies" #TEMP COMMENT--- Start-Process -WorkingDirectory $webSPAPath -NoNewWindow -Wait npm i Write-Host "WebSPA: Restore Dependencies, dotnet build and dotnet publish" -ForegroundColor Blue dotnet restore $webSPAPathToProject dotnet build $webSPAPathToProject dotnet publish $webSPAPathToProject -o $webSPAPathToPub # Identity Service: Build dotnet bits Write-Host "Identity Service: Restore Dependencies, dotnet build and dotnet publish" -ForegroundColor Blue dotnet restore $identitySvcToProject dotnet build $identitySvcToProject dotnet publish $identitySvcToProject -o $identitySvcPathToPub # Catalog Service: Build dotnet bits Write-Host "Catalog Service: Restore Dependencies, dotnet build and dotnet publish" -ForegroundColor Blue dotnet restore $catalogPathToProject dotnet build $catalogPathToProject dotnet publish $catalogPathToProject -o $catalogPathToPub # Ordering Service: Build dotnet bits Write-Host "Ordering Service: Restore Dependencies, dotnet build and dotnet publish" -ForegroundColor Blue dotnet restore $orderingPathToProject dotnet build $orderingPathToProject dotnet publish $orderingPathToProject -o $orderingPathToPub # Basket Service: Build dotnet bits Write-Host "Basket Service: Restore Dependencies, dotnet build and dotnet publish" -ForegroundColor Blue dotnet restore $basketPathToProject dotnet build $basketPathToProject dotnet publish $basketPathToProject -o $basketPathToPub ######################################################################################## # Delete old eShop Docker images ######################################################################################## $imagesToDelete = docker images --filter=reference="eshop/*" -q If (-Not $imagesToDelete) {Write-Host "Not deleting eShop images as there are no eShop images in the current local Docker repo."} Else { # Delete all containers Write-Host "Deleting all containers in local Docker Host" docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f # Delete all eshop images Write-Host "Deleting eShop images in local Docker repo" Write-Host $imagesToDelete docker rmi $(docker images --filter=reference="eshop/*" -q) -f } ######################################################################################## # Build new eShop images ######################################################################################## # WE DON'T NEED DOCKER BUILD AS WE CAN RUN "DOCKER-COMPOSE BUILD" OR "DOCKER-COMPOSE UP" AND IT WILL BUILD ALL THE IMAGES IN THE .YML FOR US #*** build docker images *** # docker build -t eshop/web $webPathToPub # docker build -t eshop/catalog.api $catalogPathToPub # docker build -t eshop/ordering.api $orderingApiPathToPub # docker build -t eshop/basket.api $basketPathToPub # docker build -t eshop/webspa $webSPAPathToPub # docker build -t eshop/identity $identitySvcPathToPub