using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.WebMVC.Models; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; namespace Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.WebMVC.Services { public class OrderingService : IOrderingService { private List _orders; private int _itemsInCart; private IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor; public int ItemsInCart { get { return _itemsInCart; } } //var ordersUrl = _settings.OrderingUrl + "/api/ordering/orders"; //var dataString = await _http.GetStringAsync(ordersUrl); //var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(dataString); public OrderingService(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) { _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor; _orders = new List() { new Order() { BuyerId = new Guid("ebcbcb4c-b032-4baa-834b-7fd66d37bc95").ToString(), OrderDate = DateTime.Now, State = OrderState.Active, OrderItems = new List() { new OrderItem() { UnitPrice = 12, PicsUrl = "", Quantity = 1, ProductName="Roslyn Red T-Shirt" } } }, new Order() { BuyerId = new Guid("ebcbcb4c-b032-4baa-834b-7fd66d37bc95").ToString(), OrderDate = DateTime.Now, State = OrderState.InProcess, OrderItems = new List() { new OrderItem() { UnitPrice = 12, PicsUrl = "", Quantity = 1, ProductName="Roslyn Red T-Shirt" } } }, new Order() { BuyerId = new Guid("ebcbcb4c-b032-4baa-834b-7fd66d37bc95").ToString(), OrderDate = DateTime.Now, State = OrderState.InProcess, OrderItems = new List() { new OrderItem() { UnitPrice = 12, PicsUrl = "", Quantity = 1, ProductName="Roslyn Red T-Shirt" } } } }; } public Order GetActiveOrder(ApplicationUser user) { //I think could be a good aproach to work with session to store the active order. //.... Order activeOrder; activeOrder = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.GetObject("MyActiveOrder"); if (activeOrder == null) activeOrder = _orders.Where(x => x.BuyerId.Equals(user.Id) && x.State == OrderState.Active).FirstOrDefault(); _itemsInCart = (activeOrder != null) ? activeOrder.OrderItems.Count() : 0; return activeOrder; } public Order GetOrder(ApplicationUser user, Guid Id) { return _orders.Where(x => x.BuyerId.Equals(user.Id) && x.Id.Equals(Id)).FirstOrDefault(); } public List GetMyOrders(ApplicationUser user) { return _orders.Where(x => x.BuyerId.Equals(user.Id)).ToList(); } public void AddToCart(ApplicationUser user, OrderItem product) { var activeOrder = GetActiveOrder(user); activeOrder.OrderItems.Add(product); //CCE: lacks and httpcall to persist in the real back.end service. _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.SetObject("MyActiveOrder", activeOrder); } } }