# Deploying Azure Service Fabric The ARM template `servicefabricdeploy.json` and its parameter file (`servicefabricdeploy.parameters.json`) are used to create a service fabric cluster environment for windows containers. ## Editing servicefabricdeploy.parameters.json file Edit the following params in `servicefabricdeploy.parameters.json` file to set your values: - clusterName: Name of your SF cluster - dnsName: Name assigned to your SF dns - adminUserName: user name for administration - adminPassword: user password for administration Optionally, you can modify which ports are opened in the LoadBalancer for accessing externally to the apps: - webMvcHttpPort: port externally exposed for the WebMVC app - webSpaHttpPort: port externally exposed for the WebSPA app - webStatusHttpPort: port externally exposed for the WebStatus app - IdSrvHttpRule: port externally exposed for the Identity app ## Deploy the template Once parameter file is edited you can deploy it using [create-resources script](../readme.md). i. e. if you are in windows, to deploy sql databases in a new resourcegroup located in westus, go to `deploy\az` folder and type: ``` create-resources.cmd servicefabric\WindowsContainers\servicefabricdeploy newResourceGroup -c westus ``` ## Deploy eShopOnServiceFabric with Visual Studio. Alternatively, instead of using ARM templates, you can deploy eShop on service fabric directly by publishing the project eShopOnServiceFabric in eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln with Visual Studio publish tool.