replicaCount: 1 clusterName: eshop-aks pathBase: /basket-api image: repository: eshop/basket.api tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 ingress: enabled: false annotations: {} hosts: - chart-example.local tls: [] inf: # inf - see comments in ../inf.yaml file for info redis: basket: constr: basket-data eventbus: constr: rabbitmq useAzure: false appinsights: key: "" k8s: dns: "" misc: useLoadTest: false resources: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} # env defines the environment variables that will be declared in the pod env: urls: # configmap declares variables which value is taken from the config map defined in template configmap.yaml (name is name of var and key the key in configmap). configmap: - name: ConnectionString key: basket__ConnectionString - name: EventBusConnection key: all__EventBusConnection - name: ApplicationInsights__InstrumentationKey key: all__InstrumentationKey - name: AzureServiceBusEnabled key: all__UseAzureServiceBus - name: IdentityUrl key: urls__IdentityUrl - name: UseLoadTest key: basket__EnableLoadTest # values define environment variables with a fixed value (no configmap involved) (name is name of var, and value is its value) values: - name: OrchestratorType value: 'K8S'