# login in Ubuntu az login az login --use-device-code / az login --tenant 429950a6-2916-4b6f-8bd1-09b5071951d4 #Create a resource group resourceGroup=DL-LEARNING-RG az group create --name $resourceGroup --location southeastasia #/////canadacentral #delete resouce group az group delete --name $resourceGroup # Vnet #resourceGroup='DL-LEARNING-RG' subscription='909efc0a-aa87-4bd2-884c-c93b75692357' vnetName='aks-vnet-eshop' az network vnet create -g $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription -n $vnetName -l southeastasia --address-prefix --subnet-name eshopsubnet --subnet-prefix subnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription --vnet-name $vnetName --name eshopsubnet --query id -o tsv) # Create a private container registry ####################################################################################### # Create a resource group for acr acrrg=DL-PRIVATE-RG az group create --name $acrrg --location southeastasia ///eastus # Create a container registry az acr create --resource-group $acrrg \ --name heigoo --sku Basic ###// Standard Premium #Log in to registry az acr login --name heigoo #geCqSifODg7Zs8KCni//P/f295oI8uUr #Push image to registry docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/hello-world docker tag mcr.microsoft.com/hello-world heigoo.azurecr.io/hello-world:v1 docker push heigoo.azurecr.io/hello-world:v1 docker rmi heigoo.azurecr.io/hello-world:v1 #List container images az acr repository list --name heigoo --output table az acr repository show-tags --name heigoo --repository hello-world --output table #Run image from registry docker run heigoo.azurecr.io/hello-world:v1 #Clean up resources az group delete --name DL-PRIVATE-RG # crete aks Cluster clusterName='eShop' acr=$(az acr show --name heigoo --resource-group $acrrg --query "id" --output tsv) az aks create -n $clusterName --resource-group $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription --kubernetes-version 1.21.1 --network-plugin azure --enable-managed-identity --generate-ssh-keys --attach-acr $acr --node-count 2 --vnet-subnet-id $subnetId ## if acr already created az aks update --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --subscription mySubscription --attach-acr az acr show --name acrName --resource-group myResourceGroup --subscription mySubscription --query "id" ## deploy az account set --subscription 909efc0a-aa87-4bd2-884c-c93b75692357 az aks get-credentials --resource-group DL-LEARNING-RG --name eShop kubectl get all -n cert-manager -o wide # install ingress-nginx #cd D:\temp\microservice\eShopOnContainers\deploy\k8s\nginx-ingress kubectl apply -f mandatory.yaml kubectl apply -f local-cm.yaml #(add large-client-header-buffers: "4 16k") kubectl apply -f local-svc.yaml #cd D:\temp\microservice\eShopOnContainers\deploy\k8s\helm #.\deploy-all.ps1 -externalDns aks -aksName eShop -aksRg DL-LEARNING-RG -imageTag linux-latest -registry heigoo.azurecr.io -dockerUser heigoo -dockerPassword tuQbbDDaFxYPV6NMBpEylhw -useMesh $false .\deploy-all.ps1 -externalDns eshop.anniedesign.xyz -imageTag linux-latest -registry heigoo.azurecr.io -dockerUser heigoo -dockerPassword geCqSifODg7Zs8KCni//P/f295oI8uUr -useMesh $false -sslSupport staging .\deploy-all.ps1 -externalDns eshop.anniedesign.xyz -imageTag linux-latest -registry heigoo.azurecr.io -dockerUser heigoo -dockerPassword geCqSifODg7Zs8KCni//P/f295oI8uUr -useMesh $false -sslSupport prod #.\deploy-all.ps1 -externalDns eshop.anniedesign.xyz -aksName eShop -aksRg DL-LEARNING-RG -imageTag linux-dev -useMesh $false # enable tls-support # https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/wiki/AKS-TLS # cd D:\temp\microservice\eShopOnContainers\deploy\k8s #run .\enable-tls.ps1 # rename values-staging.yaml(values-prod.yaml) to values.yaml() and ingressClass to nginx # cd D:\temp\microservice\eShopOnContainers\deploy\k8s\helm #kubectl apply -f cert-manager.yaml(if no running .\enable-tls.ps1) helm install eshop-tls-support tls-support kubectl get issuer kubectl get cert -o wide helm uninstall eshop-tls-support #(change server and environment to pord server ) redeploy # check deploy status kubectl get deployment kubectl get ingress #check external IP to bind it on Godaddy (or other DNS provider) with the DNS name kubectl get cert # check certificate kubectl get certificaterequest kubectl get order kubectl get challenges kubectl get Issuers,ClusterIssuers,Certificates,CertificateRequests,Orders,Challenges --all-namespaces # CD D:\temp\microservice\eShopOnContainers\deploy\k8s\nodeports to change sql-service.yaml from NodePort to LoadBalancer kubectl apply -f sql-service1.yaml #get db external IP(lb) to connect to DB to change all http to https (eg. sa/Pass@word) # update clients set ClientUri= replace(clientUri,'http://eshop.','https://eshop.') # update ClientRedirectUris set RedirectUri = replace(RedirectUri,'http://eshop.','https://eshop.') where clientid <>3 # update ClientPostLogoutRedirectUris set PostLogoutRedirectUri = replace(PostLogoutRedirectUri,'http://eshop.','https://eshop.') where clientid <>3 # webmvc unauthorized client issue (change back RedirectUri to http for temporary usage) ##uninstall helm uninstall $(helm ls --filter eshop -q) --dry-run #azure devops pipeline # https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/tree/main/build/azure-devops ############################################################################################# ## This creates a working single node Azure Kubernetes Cluster ## and with an Azure Container Registry. Note, the ACR is in ## the same resource group as the AKS for demo purposes. For ## dev you should have ACR in separate resource group. echo "Beginning AKS Setup for Demo" date AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP=aks-rg1 AKS_CLUSTER_NAME=aks-c1 ACR_RESOURCE_GROUP=MC_aks-rg1_aks-c1_centralus ACR_NAME=aksacr122 SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME=aks-sp-user RG_LOCATION=CentralUS DOCKER_USERNAME=$ACR_NAME DOCKER_EMAIL={provide email address here} #does not have to be an account with docker hub #DOCKER_PASSWORD is applied a value later az group create --location $RG_LOCATION --name $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP az aks create -g $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP -n $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --generate-ssh-keys --node-count 1 --node-vm-size Standard_F1s az acr create --resource-group $ACR_RESOURCE_GROUP --name $ACR_NAME --sku Basic --admin-enabled true CLIENT_ID=$(az aks show --resource-group $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --query "servicePrincipalProfile.clientId" --output tsv) # Get the ACR registry resource id ACR_ID=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --resource-group $ACR_RESOURCE_GROUP --query "id" --output tsv) # Create role assignment az role assignment create --assignee $CLIENT_ID --role Reader --scope $ACR_ID # Populate the ACR login server and resource id. ACR_LOGIN_SERVER=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query loginServer --output tsv) ACR_REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query id --output tsv) # Create a contributor role assignment with a scope of the ACR resource. SP_PASSWD=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --role Reader --scopes $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --query password --output tsv) # Get the service principle client id. CLIENT_ID=$(az ad sp show --id http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query appId --output tsv) # Output used when creating Kubernetes secret. echo "Service principal ID: $CLIENT_ID" echo "Service principal password: $SP_PASSWD" #connect to the aks environment az aks get-credentials --resource-group $AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME ACR_HTTPS_LOGIN_SERVER="https://$ACR_LOGIN_SERVER" ### get password from ACR DOCKER_PASSWORD=$(az acr credential show -n $ACR_NAME --query passwords[0].value -o tsv) kubectl create secret docker-registry acrconnection --docker-server=$ACR_HTTPS_LOGIN_SERVER --docker-username=$DOCKER_USERNAME --docker-password=$DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=$DOCKER_EMAIL az acr login --name $ACR_NAME echo "Completed AKS Setup" date ####################### # Post the following JSON payload to the endpoint, sending a valid Basic Access Token # https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints?api-version=5.1-preview.2 { "authorization": { "scheme": "ServicePrincipal", "parameters": { "loginServer": ".azurecr.io", "servicePrincipalId": "", "tenantId": "", "serviceprincipalkey": "" } }, "description": "", "name": "Name of Connection", "type": "dockerregistry", "url": "https://.azurecr.io", "isShared": false, "owner": "library", "data": { "registryId": "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/", "registrytype": "ACR", "spnObjectId": "", "subscriptionId": "", "subscriptionName": "" } }