namespace EventBusKafka;
/// Class for making sure we do not open new producer context (expensive)
/// everytime a service publishes an event.
/// On startup each service creates an singleton instance of this class,
/// which is then used when publishing any events.
/// based on
public class DefaultKafkaPersistentConnection
: IKafkaPersistentConnection
IProducer _kafkaProducer;
public DefaultKafkaPersistentConnection(String brokerList)
// TODO: fix configuration passing for producer
// for now just assume we give "localhost:9092" as argument
var conf = new ProducerConfig { BootstrapServers = brokerList };
_kafkaProducer = new ProducerBuilder(conf).Build();
public Handle Handle => _kafkaProducer.Handle;
public void Dispose()
// Block until all outstanding produce requests have completed (with or
// without error).