@echo off if %1.==. GOTO error if %2.==. GOTO error if NOT %3.==-c. GOTO deployresources if %4.==. GOTO error echo Creating resource group %2 in '%4' call az group create --name %2 --location %4 :deployresources echo Deploying ARM template '%1.json' in resource group %2 call az group deployment create --resource-group %2 --parameters @%1.parameters.json --template-file %1.json GOTO end :error echo. echo Usage: echo create-resources arm-file resource-group-name [-c location] echo arm-file: Path to ARM template WITHOUT .json extension. An parameter file with same name plus '.parameters' MUST exist in same folde echo resource-grop-name: Name of the resource group to use or create echo -c: If appears means that resource group must be created. If -c is specified, must use enter location echo. echo Examples: echo create-resources path_and_filename testgroup (Deploys path_and_filename.json with parameters specified in path_and_filename.parameters.json file). echo create-resources path_and_filename newgroup -c westus (Deploys path_and_filename.json (with parameters specified in path_and_filename.parameters.json file) in a NEW resource group named newgroup in the westus location) :end