# Load Testing settings This folder contains files needed to run load tests locally or on a Kubernetes / Service Fabric cluster.
## Set a local environment
Modify the **app.config** file and set the following service urls.
Deploy the SF services. **PLEASE** Read our [SF deployment guide for Linux](./../../../deploy/az/servicefabric/LinuxContainers/readme.md) And [SF deployment guide for Windows](./../../../deploy/az/servicefabric/WindowsContainers/readme.md) to know about how to deploy eshop on SF.
## Set a Kubernetes environment
Modify the **app.config** file and set the following service urls.
Deploy the kubernetes services. **PLEASE** Read our [k8s deployment guide](./../../../k8s/README.k8s.md) to know about how to deploy eshop on Kubernetes. ## Run Load Tests Open the load test you want to perform ***.loadtest** files and click the Run Load test button.