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using Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Services.Ordering.Domain.AggregatesModel.OrderAggregate;
using System;
using Xunit;
public class OrderAggregateTest
public OrderAggregateTest()
{ }
public void Create_order_item_success()
var productId = 1;
var productName = "FakeProductName";
var unitPrice = 12;
var discount = 15;
var pictureUrl = "FakeUrl";
var units = 5;
var fakeOrderItem = new OrderItem(productId, productName, unitPrice, discount, pictureUrl, units);
public void Invalid_number_of_units()
var productId = 1;
var productName = "FakeProductName";
var unitPrice = 12;
var discount = 15;
var pictureUrl = "FakeUrl";
var units = -1;
//Act - Assert
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new OrderItem(productId, productName, unitPrice, discount, pictureUrl, units));
public void Invalid_total_of_order_item_lower_than_discount_applied()
var productId = 1;
var productName = "FakeProductName";
var unitPrice = 12;
var discount = 15;
var pictureUrl = "FakeUrl";
var units = 1;
//Act - Assert
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => new OrderItem(productId, productName, unitPrice, discount, pictureUrl, units));
public void Invalid_discount_setting()
var productId = 1;
var productName = "FakeProductName";
var unitPrice = 12;
var discount = 15;
var pictureUrl = "FakeUrl";
var units = 5;
var fakeOrderItem = new OrderItem(productId, productName, unitPrice, discount, pictureUrl, units);
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => fakeOrderItem.SetNewDiscount(-1));
public void Invalid_units_setting()
var productId = 1;
var productName = "FakeProductName";
var unitPrice = 12;
var discount = 15;
var pictureUrl = "FakeUrl";
var units = 5;
var fakeOrderItem = new OrderItem(productId, productName, unitPrice, discount, pictureUrl, units);
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => fakeOrderItem.AddUnits(-1));