eShop Web SPA (Single Page Application)
Requirements and set up
Install NPM
The SPA application is using a newer version of NPM than the one provided by Visual Studio 2015 (npm 2.7.4 currently), so you need to install the latest stable version of NPM.
NPM is bundled with NODE.JS. Installing NPM and NODE is pretty straightforward by using the installer package available at

Set NPM path into Visual Studio
NPM will be usually installed under this path: C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs. You need to update that path in Visual Studio 2015 under the "External Web Tools" location paths, as shown below:
Build the SPA app with NPM
Finally, you need to build the SPA app (TypeScript and Angular based client app) with NPM.
- Open a command-prompt window and move to the root of the SPA application (src\Web\WebSPA\eShopOnContainers.WebSPA)
- Run the command npm run build:prod as shown below:
If you get an error like "Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Node.js 6.x", then run the command npm rebuild node-sass as in the following screenshot:
Then, run again the npm run build:prod command that should finish with no errors.
Build/create the Docker images
Create the Docker images with the build-images.ps1 PowerShell script in Windows (or the bash script in a Mac) as explained in the main instructions at
Deploy/run the Docker containers
Deploy/run the Docker containers with "docker-compose up" as explained in the main instructions at
Test the SPA web application
Test the SPA app by running the following URL in a browser: http://TBD