28 lines
998 B
28 lines
998 B
@ui @owner=kritsha @web @testplan= @testsuite=
Feature: Login_EShopApplication
As a user, I want to be able to login to the EShop application
@bvt @priority=1
Scenario: Verify that a registered user is able to login into EShop application
Given the user is registered to EShop application
When user launches EShop application
And user clicks on "Login" button
And user enters "email" and "password"
When user clicks on "Log in"
Then the user should be able to login to the application
Scenario Outline: Verify that the user is unable to login to EShop Application if user is not registered already
Given the user is no registered to EShop application
When user launches EShop application
And user clicks on "Login" button
And user enters "email" and "password"
When user clicks on "Log in"
Then the user should not be able to login to the application
| username | password |
| user1 | password1 |
| user2 | password2 |
| user3 | password3 |