Deploying Resources On Azure


  1. Azure CLI 2.0 Installed
  2. Azure subscription created

Login into your azure subscription by typing az login (note that you maybe need to use az account set to set the subscription to use). Refer to this article for more details

Deploying using CLI

Deploying Virtual machines to host the services

  1. Deploying a Linux VM to run single-server development environment using docker-machine (Recommended for development environments)
  2. Deploying a Linux VM or Windows Server 2016 to run a single-server development environment using ARM template (Recommended for creating testing environments)

Using docker-machine is the recommended way to create a VM with docker installed. But it is limited to Linux based VMs.

Deploying Azure resources used by the services

  1. Deploying SQL Server and databases
  2. Deploying Azure Service Bus
  3. Deploying Redis Cache
  4. Deploying Cosmosdb
  5. Deploying Catalog Storage