require 'azure_mgmt_resources'
class Deployer
# Initialize the deployer class with subscription, resource group and resource group location. The class will raise an
# ArgumentError if there are empty values for Tenant Id, Client Id or Client Secret environment variables.
# @param [String] subscription_id the subscription to deploy the template
# @param [String] resource_group the resource group to create or update and then deploy the template
# @param [String] resource_group_location the location of the resource group
def initialize(subscription_id, resource_group, resource_group_location)
raise ArgumentError.new("Missing template file 'template.json' in current directory.") unless File.exist?('mesh_rp.linux.json')
raise ArgumentError.new("Missing parameters file 'parameters.json' in current directory.") unless File.exist?('parameters.json')
@resource_group = resource_group
@subscription_id = subscription_id
@resource_group_location = resource_group_location
provider = MsRestAzure::ApplicationTokenProvider.new(
credentials = MsRest::TokenCredentials.new(provider)
@client = Azure::ARM::Resources::ResourceManagementClient.new(credentials)
@client.subscription_id = @subscription_id
# Deploy the template to a resource group
def deploy
# ensure the resource group is created
params = Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::ResourceGroup.new.tap do |rg|
rg.location = @resource_group_location
@client.resource_groups.create_or_update(@resource_group, params).value!
# build the deployment from a json file template from parameters
template = File.read(File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, 'mesh_rp.linux.json')))
deployment = Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::Deployment.new
deployment.properties = Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::DeploymentProperties.new
deployment.properties.template = JSON.parse(template)
deployment.properties.mode = Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::DeploymentMode::Incremental
# build the deployment template parameters from Hash to {key: {value: value}} format
deploy_params = File.read(File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, 'parameters.json')))
deployment.properties.parameters = JSON.parse(deploy_params)["parameters"]
# put the deployment to the resource group
@client.deployments.create_or_update(@resource_group, 'azure-sample', deployment)
# Get user inputs and execute the script
puts "Please specify subscriptionId resourceGroupName resourceGroupLocation as command line arguments"
subscription_id = ARGV[0] # Azure Subscription Id
resource_group = ARGV[1] # The resource group for deployment
resource_group_location = ARGV[2] # The resource group location
msg = "\nInitializing the Deployer class with subscription id: #{subscription_id}, resource group: #{resource_group}"
msg += "\nand resource group location: #{resource_group_location}...\n\n"
puts msg
# Initialize the deployer class
deployer = Deployer.new(subscription_id, resource_group, resource_group_location)
puts "Beginning the deployment... \n\n"
# Deploy the template
deployment = deployer.deploy
puts "Done deploying!!"