Sumit Ghosh bbccef7466
Fix/1370 - Updated script related changes for helm 3.x and k8s 1.16.x (#1378)
* Fix for helm 3 and k8s 1.16

* Inclusion of archived directory under k8s

* separate deploy-all powershell script for local Mac OS deployment.
2020-07-28 17:36:43 +05:30

39 lines
2.1 KiB

{{- $name := include "identity-api.fullname" . -}}
{{- $sqlsrv := include "sql-name" . -}}
{{- $mvc_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $spa_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $locations_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $marketing_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $basket_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $ordering_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $mobileshoppingagg := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $webhoppingagg := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $xamarincallback := include "url-of" (list "xamarincallback" .) -}}
{{- $webhooks_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
{{- $webhooksweb_url := include "url-of" (list .) -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: "cfg-{{ $name }}"
app: {{ template "" . }}
chart: {{ template "identity-api.chart" .}}
release: {{ .Release.Name }}
heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
identity__ConnectionString: Server={{ $sqlsrv }};Initial Catalog={{ .Values.inf.sql.identity.db }};User Id={{ .Values.inf.sql.common.user }};Password={{ .Values.inf.sql.common.pwd }};
identity__keystore: {{ .Values.inf.redis.keystore.constr }}
all__InstrumentationKey: "{{ .Values.inf.appinsights.key }}"
mvc_e: http://{{ $mvc_url }}
spa_e: http://{{ $spa_url }}
locations_e: http://{{ $locations_url }}
marketing_e: http://{{ $marketing_url }}
basket_e: http://{{ $basket_url }}
ordering_e: http://{{ $ordering_url }}
mobileshoppingagg_e: http://{{ $mobileshoppingagg }}
webshoppingagg_e: http://{{ $webhoppingagg }}
xamarin_callback_e: http://{{ $xamarincallback }}
webhooksapi_e: http://{{ $webhooks_url }}
webhooksweb_e: http://{{ $webhooksweb_url }}
enableDevspaces: "{{ .Values.enableDevspaces }}"