Ramón Tomás dea392ccfa Created Azure function deployment readme
Created Storage account deployment readme
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2017-08-15 21:22:43 +02:00

Deploying Marketing Storage

The ARM template deploystorage.json and its parameter file (deploystorage.parameters.json) are used to deploy following resources:

  1. One Storage Account
  2. One CDN profile
  3. One Endpoint

Editing deploystorage.parameters.json file

You can edit the deploystorage.parameters.json file to set your values, but is not needed. The only parameters that can be set are:

  1. marketingstorage is a string that is used to create the storage account name. ARM script creates unique values by appending a unique string to this parameter value, so you can leave the default value.

  2. profileName is a string that is used to create the CDN profile name.

  3. endpointName is a string that is used to create the storage endpoint name. ARM script creates unique values by appending a unique string to this parameter value, so you can leave the default value.

Deploy the template

Once parameter file is edited you can deploy it using create-resources script.

i. e. if you are in windows, to deploy a Storage account in a new resourcegroup located in westus, go to deploy\az folder and type:

create-resources.cmd marketing\deploystorage newResourceGroup -c westus