Deploying Azure Service Fabric

The ARM template servicefabricdeploy.json and its parameter file (servicefabricdeploy.parameters.json) are used to create a service fabric cluster environment.

Editing servicefabricdeploy.parameters.json file

You can edit the servicefabricdeploy.parameters.parameters.json file to set your values, but is not needed.

Deploy the template

Once parameter file is edited you can deploy it using create-resources script.

i. e. if you are in windows, to deploy sql databases in a new resourcegroup located in westus, go to deploy\az folder and type:

create-resources.cmd servicefabric\servicefabricdeploy newResourceGroup -c westus

Deploy eShopOnServiceFabric with Visual Studio.

Alternatively, instead of using ARM templates, you can deploy eShop on service fabric directly by publishing the project eShopOnServiceFabric in eShopOnContainers-ServicesAndWebApps.sln with Visual Studio publish tool.